Blind Date

860 21 139

Tbh I hate writing dating one-shots cuz they seem so blah and weak. like "oh yeah, yn? that's my girlfriend" vs "yn? that's my wife," What sounds better? Sure, you could say "yn? that's my girl " but it doesn't sound the same...


guys I'm so bad at writing middles.

Thanks @SebbyBuckyBarnes for the help

Words: 1536


After a very long time of dancing around each other, the Avengers Team finally broke and pushed you and Bucky together.

They've seen the flirting, the gifts, hell even the heart eyes. But you both have got zero game. Bucky has tried, numerous times and all have failed.

A deep red rose was placed on the ground right outside your door. A small piece of paper was rolled around the stem. You picked the rose up and took off the paper, reading "Love, B." with a heart circling the words. You smiled and closed the door. The rose was kept in your grasp as thoughts swarmed your mind of reasons as to why Bucky would give you a rose. Your first conclusion was it was a gift of romance, that he was trying to ask you out. You immediately shut down that thought. This was Bucky Barnes, if he were to confess, he would do it verbally.

You landed on the conclusion of an apology rose. Bucky dislocated your shoulder in sparring two days ago, and this was his continuation of the apology. With your mind settled on that answer, you sat down the flower and left your room for the kitchen to grab a cup of water. You ran into Clint as you made your way back to your room and he seemed to know about the rose.

He leaned slumped against the wall and smiled at you. "A little birdie told me that you received a rose from someone," he raised an eyebrow. "Is that true?" You looked down at the glass of water in your hands, tiny ripples flowing across the surface.

"Yes, Bucky placed one outside my door," you smiled down at the cup.

Clint's face beamed and he stood up from the wall. "So when's the da-"

"I need to find him so I can thank him. The apology rose was a sweet gesture," you cut him off. Clint looked at you with a puzzled expression.

"A- apology? Apology for what?" You rolled your eyes and started walking away.

"From sparring the other day! It's the only logical explanation," you called as you walked down the hall. Clint stood there, rooted to the spot as he tried to process what you just said. You thought the love rose was a damn apology. A grin erupted on his face as he made his way back to Bucky and Sam.

They were acting like children on the playground with this.

"So?" Bucky asked, an inch away from being a nervous wreck. Clint burst into laughter and shook his head. Sam and Bucky looked at him confused, and Bucky assumed the worst. "This was a huge mistake," he thought.

"You guys aren't gonna believe this," Clint managed to get out. "She thought it was an apology rose. From when you dislocated her shoulder the other day."

Bucky's tense shoulders sagged and he sighed. "You're kidding."

"Nope!" Clint exclaimed, grinning ear to ear. "I remember trying to ask Laura out. Took me forever to work up the guts to do it, never the less get her to understand that I wanted to go out with her. A bit of advice," he said as he left the room, "you just need to find the right way and words to use. Good luck, Barnes."

Sam looked at Bucky and clapped a hand on his shoulder. "That was so helpful. But luckily you got me! So, like Clint said, we just gotta keep going."

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