Wait for me, daddy - Part 1

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Prompt: (1940s) Reader and Bucky are married, have a son and Bucky is shipped off to war. Based on photo above.

"Wait for me, Daddy" by Claude P. Settlor on October 1, 1940

This was a weird prompt and I feel a little bad for using this picture as a prompt but I hope you enjoy.

Words: 1709

August, 1943

"I'm home!" Rang the voice throughout the apartment, and soon the sound of running feet sounded down the hall.

"Papa! You're home!" Laughed the little boy, who was scooped up in the man's arms. The man, Bucky, smiled and hugged him close. You walked out of the kitchen, wiping your hands on your apron and heading towards the two by the door. Bucky looked at you and smiled, opening his arm and bringing you into a hug.

"Hello, doll," Bucky spoke, pressing a kiss to your lips. You smiled as you returned the kiss and pulled away.

"Hello, love. How was work?" You pulled your 3 year old son, William-Liam for short-into your arms and sat him down. He took off down the hallway and towards his room, no doubt grabbing something to show his father.

Bucky  placed his stuff in a chair by the door and turned towards you. He wrapped you in his arms again and held you close. "It was alright. As usual the docks are busy shipping a lot of supplies out for the war, so I'm surprised I got home at this time. Danny has to stay until 7, poor guy."

You nodded and left the hug, walking towards the kitchen. How could you forget, the war. The evil that was tearing families apart and destroying homes. Fathers from kids, husbands from wives, sons from mothers, brothers from sisters, and boyfriends from girlfriends. That dreaded letter from the government would come in any day, tearing your family apart.

Bucky tried to show a proud and strong appearance for your son, but you knew that Bucky was terrified of going to war and leaving you behind, and possibly never returning. Every night as you got ready for bed and crawled under the covers, the two of you would hold each other close, trying not to cry but some nights that didn't work. You would hold each other as you cried, never wanting to leave.

But why worry about it when no letter had arrived...yet.

"Papa! Look!" called out Liam, running down the hall and towards Bucky. He handed a paper to his father who looked at it. "Momma taught me how to draw fishies today!" Bucky looked at the 17 sloppy and colorful circles and triangles that covered the paper, smiling.

Bucky crouched down to his son and handed the paper to him. "Good job bud! They look awesome," he spoke, ruffling the boy's hair.

Liam grinned and his bright blue eyes lit up. He ran back to his room to put the paper down and came back, sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Dinner's ready," you said, pulling the dish out of the oven and onto the table. Bucky grabbed cups and filled them, placing them on the table and sitting in his chair.

"Looks and smells amazing, doll."

You smiled and sat down, helping Liam with his food and dishing some to Bucky, the three of you talking and enjoying the peace for once.

After dinner the 3 of you cleaned up, Liam making more of a mess with the bubbles than actually cleaning, and headed to the living room, tuning into the radio. The station played the St. Louis Cardinals verses the New York Yankees, a very intense game as it sounded. Bucky and Liam listened with wide eyes and smiles, both equally amazed at technology. Sure the radio had been around for about 50 years, but it still managed to amaze the two, at how far technology had come along.

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