HI :)

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Author note

Hi you, yeah you, I just want to say that thank you for taking your time to read this book it means the world to me to see you have picked this book and I just want to clarify that English is not my first language so there going to be some mistakes and I'm sorry if it confuses you. you might want to say stick with me and let your imagination go while when reading this book.

Warning!!!(things you need to know)
1 there is no mature contant becuase there will be young reader.

2 please do not copy this story unless you have my premission.

3 everything in this story is ficional even though I wish it was real.

4 I worte this all by my self everything is all make up by me.

5 if there is anything that Disturbed you or thing you don't like you can you can leave a coment or DM me and I will try my best to clarified it for you.

6 please vote and comment

7 I'm open to any advice so if you have any you can leave a comment.

This is my IG I don't post much but yeah If you need anythink I'm happy to help
My IG : crystal_harrison_22

And I hope you like this book. I don't have much to say so let get you on to reading this book :) <3.

you can read this or not if you don't want to it ok I just want to give you a little info about the character personality and appearances.


Crystal Harrison is a strong and good woman she like helping people and she don't like seeing people get hurt cuz it hurt her to even get involved in that she likes to relax a lot.

Sebastian William is a cruel man who would kill anyone who gets into his way he doesn't like smiling, smiling is for weak people he only smirks or chuckles that the only expression he has ever show.


Holan Harrison, 25 y/o the main hacker of the empire and the oldest of his sibling. He doesn't like to show his emotions he always feels numb and empty. He believes in true love even tho he never has one.

Leon Harrison, 24 y/o the right hand of Sebastian William. he is funny and kind but usually, he doesn't show any emotion cuz has to maintain his reputation as one of the boss.

Azul Harrison, 22 y/o the weapon boss, has amazing aim and fasts at what he do. he will never disappoint you at shooting and throwing knives.

Kol Harrison, 21 y/o the assassin of the group, usually goes on a secret mission. He plays a different character on every secret mission not to mention he is a good actor.

And that is some of the characters you will encounter throughout the book there will be more but for now and let get you to read this story. :)<3

Before you go I want to say a big thank you to my bestie, Pich Panhvatey, who has been helping me with this book she is amazing and I love this girl so much, she encourages me to do all of this and has been by my side for so long and I'm grateful to have her in my life. And I know you are reading this and I love you so so much girl <3


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