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~Crystal Harrison POV~

     I have no clue on what had happened for the pass week there a lot.

     First Haze was kill and guess what I did that than my family had really bad mood swings than Seb bought me a puppy than he kiss me and now I'm sitting in my room looking out the window rethinking about my life as a mafia member.

    What would my parents say if They know the girl that I am now what will happen to me and what will my dad say to the child who use to be the most sweetest and nicest girl he met turn into a serial killer who killed in cold blood.

    I'm sure I'm supposed to be dead by now but I didn't die which is a relief, my brother has all gone to work and Leanna and Amella is also gone and there is Seb he's in his office and little storm in in my lap playing with his toy.

      I want to do something cuz I feel useless but at the same time I'm to lazy to do something.

      I get up and storm follow me out my door to the kitchen, I open the cupboard to fine random thing, I goes to the fridge and there is nothing I sigh and pick up storm.

      I walk around the house until I end up in front of Seb office, I open the door and enter he was on the phone with some one "I going to call you back" he say and place his phone down looking at me "what are you doing here?" He ask picking up his pen and scribble something on the paper.

      "I'm bored" I say and walk to the front of his desk "what do you want to do?" He ask putting the paper away "Idk" I said and put storm down "come here" he say Motion me to walk towards him, I obey and walk toward him, he pull me on to his lap and I gasp.

    "you'll get use to it" he said I can feel butterflies all over my stomach "do you have anything to do?" I ask "no" he say "but you were in a call" I said making my point "for you nothing come in my way" He say and I blush, he smirk at me.

     I please my head on his chest and he hug me storm just one the sofa sleeping peacefully, I yawn his warm feel my body and it's relax I feel butterflies and when his skin touch mine it's give me chill and sparkle.

      He continue his work with me in his lap watching, we stay silent and just enjoy the comfortable silent.

I eventually fall asleep in his lap.

I open my eyes to see that it dark outside but I'm not in Seb office but in his bed room in the comfy bed that I love very much, I try to sit up until I noticed a strong, tattoo, veiny arm wrap it self around my waist.

I turn to see the sleeping beast on my side sleeping peacefully I smile at the side of him, I love to watch him sleep it's so peaceful and nice to not have his glare all the time at everyone.

I finally noticed what I was doing i try to pull my self out of his hand but he tightened his grip making me stay not to mention I'm not facing him.

"5 more minutes" he say and snuggle his face in the crock of my neck, I giggle.

"But it evening" I say, smiling like a crazy bitch "sleep" he say, in his grumpy voice, I can't help but laugh.

He pull his face back and open his eyes to look at me I stop laughing but smiling cheekily at him, his expression soften and he just stare at me.

"Hungry?" He ask "hmm" I say and he finally pull his hand off me and I get up to the bathroom, I can feel his gaze on my back and it send shiver down my spine 'what is this man doing to us?' Idk but I like it.

I came out and he was leaning on the bed frame and a phone that has his attention with no shirt on which I didn't even notice but he look hot.

"What do you want to eat?" He ask, now looking at me I jump on the bed next to him "aren't we supposed to have dinner?" I ask, confused "it's 7 in the evening" he say earning a "oh" from me "Chinese food" I say.

"Wait have you ever had Chinese" I say and he shock his head "than Chinese it is" I say and he growl "fine" he say and goes back to his phone I take a peak and he was ordering food.

Not a bad idea to have but now I'm waiting I want something to do, I suddenly remember he usually have book that he keep pacifically for me since he don't read.

I open the drawer and there it is just like how I remember, I pick up the book I left and start reading.

I was so invoke in my reading until I hear a knock planted on the door I look up and see a maid walk in with a food tray I smile and put my book down I walk up to her "thank you" I say taking the tray from her she smile and walk out at the side of Seb.

I set the food on the floor, he get up from the bed "your eating?" I ask picking up my chopsticks "hmm" he say and put on a shirt and sit next to me, he order some dim sum my favorite.

'how does this man know everything?' Cuz he's a mafia boss

He try carrying the chopsticks like I do and fail miserably "how the fuck!?" He say furious, Seb is not the most patient "here just use a fork" I shrug, he grab the from out my hand "here" I pick up one and hold it to his mouth and he roll his eyes but take it anyway "so, what do you think?" I ask, "not bad" he say shrug and take another one.

We eat and I laugh cuz of the faces he make when he don't like it and when he's mad at the chopsticks that clearly he has no clue it exist and I can't blame him the man like an underground life plus the public know him as a business man.

His phone ring while I enter the room after cleaning up "hello" Seb rarely say that "what!?" He say loudly as I sit on the bed "come home" he say and throw the phone on the bed and rub his face "what happen?" I ask, scared for some reason.

He finally removed his hand and look at me "A women just shot Elijah" he say, my heart stop and I was stun "who the person?" I ask "we didn't know yet but Holan and Azul is finding that out" he say and I get off the bed walking to the door "where are you going?" He ask tuning after me, I didn't say anything just walk to my office.

We got there I turn on my computer, putting my ear piece and start hacking into Haze system, I did a couple of thing and there it was all the clue I need to figure who done this.

Seb standing behind my chair starring at the computer confuse since there only code a hacker would know "what are you doing?" He ask again I stay quiet "none of-" he try to say I cut him off "shut up" I say and continue.

I put the pieces together which reveal something that was not supposed to happen, we didn't say anything cuz of the shock and what was planted on my computer.

End of chapter
Do you thing they official cuz I thing so😏

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