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~Crystal Harrison~

     In the morning I get up and take a shower after I showered, I used to up the map on my phone to go to the kitchen. 

I walk in to see that there is only Sebastian in here that strange where everyone else I don't see any of my brother around so I just went into the kitchen take out a waffle mix then put it into the waffle fryer I wait a few minutes then put the waffle on the plate and walked over to sit.

    Sebastian was looking at every single move I make, I decided to ask him 

''hey, where is everyone?'' he looked at me

 ''today you're going with me'' I shrug, I already know that he will not answer any of my questions I started eating after a couple of awkward moment.

    Sebastian stand-up and walked out of the door, I quickly follow him leaving the plate on the table we walk out into the hallway.

    I saw him taking a couple of glances at me just to make sure that I was behind him I didn't mind but he made me feel things that I don't want to feel.

 I know he's attractive and he's my brother's boss and my boss too, after a long walk I decided to break the silence ''where are we going?'' I ask, 

he stopped and turned to me ''do you need to know everything'' he says, I stay silent, he turned back and kept on walking until we reach a room. 

He opened the door and walks inside it look like a very big office. 

I saw a table set up at the corner of that room he take a seat at the chair. I stand awkwardly there and I don't know what to do 

''sit down Crystal'' he tells me and glances at the chair that was set up in the corner of the room I do as he said I was confused and doesn't know where is everyone? I turn to see, he was looking at me the whole time it gives me chills when he does that

   He pulls out some sort of paper and hands it to me I look at it and gasp ''what is this?'' I asked in concern and Confused the paper says that I have to sign it to be able to be a part of the Gambino Empire and I need to sign it and it has every information about me on it

 ''if you don't you're not welcome here'' he says looking very serious I look at the paper it has a lot of rules for me to follow and everything ends up with death if you don't complete the rules you die is that even a rule he looked at me very seriously and walk back and sit down.

   Sebastian start to open this laptop and it look like he doing something on it I don't know what I'm supposed to do or maybe after I sign this.

   After 10 minutes I'm still reading it I'm so focusing on even notices that He was looking at me. ''Are you going to read it all day or you are going to sign for me'' He says I can feel that he's calmer

 ''not yet I'm just want to make sure what I'm getting myself into'' I said not even care about anything anymore 

''oh really'' he says and look back at his computer I was confused at the same time I feel butterflies in my stomach the fact that he looked at me and the way he says things to me just give me butterflies and I feel flattered wait why do I feel that way he's a cruel man I'm not supposed to like this man.

  Sebastian continue to do his thing while I stare at the paper after about 30 minutes of staring and deep be in my thought ''signed it or get out'' Sebastian said Furious I don't know what he's Furious about but I take a pen and signed it he came over to my table take the paper from me and go back and sit down then he signs it.

  He places the paper neatly into the drawer. now I'm officially have nothing to do ''do you know why I brought you here'' Sebastian says 

''no'' I answer ''where are my brothers?'' I ask nicely

 ''why do you need them?'' he asked me 

''I just want to know where they are'' I shrug

 ''they're doing their job'' he says and silence took over again.

End of chapter

    Hi lady&gentalmen and boy&girl. I hope you like this chapter, First of all, I wanted to say that before I actually write this book and posted it I was I thought that no one's going to read my book but you guys did and you guys have changed my perspective of looking out into the world so thank you so much for doing that all I want to say that I appreciate every single one of you and I hope you like this chapter and see you tomorrow for my next chapter have a great day and night, everyone. <3


LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now