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Hi lady and gentlemen
I have officially ran out of word to say but I will be giving some update to some chapter so stay turn
Anyway, Enjoy🤗
~Crystal Harrison POV~

  "No" she said and huff, walking back to the changing room.

   We are currently in a shop that Leanna know, the owner and her are friends, we are trying to fine a dress and also some present for Leo as well but the present has already been bought and now we are trying on dresses which I found hard cuz we can't decide.

   "We've been here for 3 fucking hours just chose a dress!!" Amella complain I look at her and see she is very annoy "yeah just fucking chose one, Leanna!!!" I say "I don't know" she yell back, she came out with a very beautiful dress "so.." she ask me and Amella look at each other and said "that the one" we say annoy at her, she look at herself in the mirror and tilt her head "ok, I like it" she finally say "ok, now go change so we can pay" I say standing up.

   Me and Amella have already chose our dresses since we came here so we were really annoy, "that will be it" Leanna say ro the cashier she nod and get her credit card.

   We walk out of the store and I was driving cuz they don't want to and I don't really mind "what next?" I ask pulling out onto the highway "the boy say to grab pizza" Amella said "oh, ok"
I say turning to the pizza shop.

   Tomorrow is the ball day that why we are dress shopping. The boy finally let us go to the store but they have our location cuz something might happen and Leo birthday is coming after the ball around 2 days so we have plan a supersize party for him.

   "We are here" I say stopping the car, we are park in front of Domino pizza, I get out the girl follow we walk in and like always the eye were on us I kinda get us to it now "hi, welcome to domino what can I get you?" The cashier ask "can we get 2 pepperoni pizza 2 Seafood pizza and two cheese pizza with five boxes of French fries and 20 chicken wings" I order reading from my phone cuz the guy text us on what to get and also I don't know. He nod and tell us to wait we take our seat.

   "so what times are we going to get ready tomorrow?" Amella ask "umm, may be around 4 or 5 in the evening" she nod "how your Italian going?" Leanna ask me "not bad though" I say she smirk at me "what?" I ask "I remember you talking to Sebastian in Italian look like you know a lot" she said wiggling her brow at me, Amella laugh at Leanna expression.

    "were you listening to our conversation" I say cuz that private "maybe" she say "how many language do you guy speak?" Amella ask us "I speak 2 only English, Italian" Leanna answer "me if you count Italian it 4 language English, Spanish, Italian and French" I say proud of myself "wow, I can never" Amella said "how about you?" I question her "2, Spanish and English" she say I nod.

   The waiter came and give us our food which is a lot we put it in the car and drove home. On the way I play music and we sing and dance until we get home.

   My brothers came and help with the food, but not the dress they are not aloud to see that nor the present for Leo we sneak the dress and present to Amella room since no one came to her room and the boys can't get there hand on it.

   We take a shower and goes to the dinning room in our PJ which is just big shirt and short pant and we have this thing since I came we have a Friday night where we would get take out and eat together like a normal family and the carter don't really like but they have to follow since it a thing now.

    "Hey, guy" I walk in everyone greet me, I take a plate put some Fry's two chicken wings and a piece of pizza with a bottle of water and we all headed to the movie theater.

    "What should we watch?" Elijah ask "oh I know, how about Pretty Little Liar" Xavier say and wink "I hate that show" Leanna make a disguting face at him "yeah, that a horrible idea" I say not everyone agree cuz only me, Leanna and Amella watch movie, Xavier pout "how about the vampire diary" Amella say I nod "that sound way better" Kayden say while jumping a piece of fries into his mouth "give me the remote" I grab the remote from Kol who was playing with it typing random stuff.

  I put on the show and we start watching. Sebastian was on my right than Leanna on my left, Holan was next to Leanna and Azul next to Holan on the arm chair is Elijah and the other arm chair is Mr. Carter, in the back is Angelica next to Christina and Leo is siting next to Amella, Kol and Xavier on the grown front of me, at the last sofa was Dominico, Kayden and Enzo. We sit watching like there is no care in the world we eat and watch.

   I have never thought that one day I would have a very loving family like this I never thought that by my father dead could bring me into a family that I have never have I'm just so grateful for all of this.

   I lean my head on Sebastian shoulder I can feel Angelica burning glare on my back but I don't care. Kol and Xavier was nock out on the floor with blanket and pillow everyone was quiet and I feel myself sleeping comtablely on Sebastian chest he wrap his arm around me and I feel safe in them.

*The next morning*

   I wake up on the couch last night rubbing my eye and I'm now fully a wake I look around and see no sign of Sebastian, Elijah, Christina and Mr. Carter. But everyone else was a sleep I look back and see Dominico and Kayden on there phone.

   I don't bother to say anything and try to stand but can't cuz Azul was on my lap I didn't even notice him. I slowly remove him placing his head gently on the couch and slowly walk out before I can exit, "where are you going?" I hear Azul say sitting up the boys look up from there phone "sorry I wake you" I say with a embarrasses smile "it ok" he say standing up "I'm going to make breakfast you coming?" I ask him he nod and we walk out and weirdly Dominico and Kayden follow after we walk to the kitchen and I smell bacon, but to my supersize the person who is cooking the food was not who I expected.

   Standing in front of me is Sebastian William in the kitchen cooking the mafia boss who was know to have no skill at anything but killing.

   I gasp he hear me and Azul look shock as well as the boys behind us. "What?" He ask "your cooking?" Azul say in confusion "am I seeing this right?" I ask they all nod "yep, it exactly right" Kol came out of nowhere with Xavier, Holan and Leanna, we all look stund like we have seen a ghost "your eating or not?" Sebastian ask "dude, your really cooking?" Elijah said he look like he has never been more proud we all take our seat and everyone wake up and they all stop as soon as they saw who was wearing a apron cooking like a chef.

   I just give them nod to let them know it ok we are just as stund as you were, and Angelica is drooling all over the place when she saw him, we eat in silent cuz we are do not know what to say.

  "Are we not talking about..." Xavier ask we nod "okay" he finish his sentence "you guy seem quiet?" Sebastian sit down "you know in my life time I have never witness a mafia boss cooking and not to mention the food is amazing" Elijah say with a very straight and stund face, Kol burst out laughing Xavier join, everyone giggle and chuckle "that was history create" Holan say between his laugh.

  After a good 10 to 15 mins of can't stop laughing "you guy need to chill out" Sebastian said and give an unimpressed look "man, I need that" Leo say "you did great I'm proud of you" Mr. Carter say and patting Sebastian back.

   We finish breakfast and goes our separate way cuz today is ball day and the guy are not aloud to see us it a rule for ball day.

   "Guy, what should we do?" Leanna say laying on the bed looking up at the ceiling "you guy are just no fun" Angelica scoff I glare at her and yes the guy make het come with us they were basally begging us to take her we have nothing to do but say yes "food" Amella say go to the secret draw that was fill with snack in her room, I jump and run to her garbing a bunch and put it on the floor, I grab a remote play the vampire diary we share snack and start watching no one say anything.

End of chapter
So if you were wondering how tall are they? here it is
Crystal: 5.3
Leanna: 5.4
Sebastian: 6.4
Holan: 6.3
Leo: 6.3
Xavier: 6.2
Elijah: 6.3
Yeah that all
Update: this chapter is one of my favorite 🤩

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now