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I'm excited for this one
Ok, Enjoy 😊

~Crystal Harrison POV~

Second turn to minute, minute turn in to hours, hour turn into days, days turn into weeks and week turn into months.

It's been 1 month and 15days since the incident that Elijah had, it's hard living without him.

Everyone had been on mission and in there office all day losing hope little by little everyday.

My routine is the same everyday, wake up get breakfast goes to my office and do some meetings or killing and goes to the hospital and sit next to Elijah for hours until I feel tired enough to go home and cry myself to sleep.

"Hey" I heard a voice behind me, I turn to see Leanna standing there with a small smile on her face "what?" I ask, she hand me a bag of cookie "I'm not hungry" I say, turning back "take it, you haven't eat breakfast" she say pulling my wrist and turn me to face her, I sigh and take it she put her hand out for a hug I walk in and hug her "I love you" she say "I love you too" I reply, we pull apart "now put a smile on your face and go slay the day" she say making me give her a smile "that more like it" she say and walk back in the house.

"Come on" Seb motion me to get in the car "can we go see Elijah?" I ask "we have a meeting" he say and I sigh getting in the car he close the door and got in the driver seat "wanna get ice cream afterward" he suggest "hmm" I hum and look out the window as the car starts driving to the street.

I relax and just sit back looking out the window we eventually arrived at the tower we call Gambino Estate, Seb park the car and I was about to open my door he reach and slam shut making me turn to him in confusion.

"what?" I ask, he look at me and say "do me a favor don't hurt your self" he say cubbing my face I nod "I want you hear you say it" he say more like a demand "I won't hurt myself" I say "wait" he say and get out the car I watch as he come to my side and open the door for me "thank you" I whisper giving him a kiss on the cheek "your welcome" he say closing the door and walking after me.

We walk in as usual we have to scan hand, face eyes and put in code which change every week, we walk to the lounge area until I stop dead in my track, standing there was Christina and her family, I sigh and hug her "I'm sorry" she say as we pull away "don't be " I say and smile at her family and yet Angela still have her bitch face.

"hello, Mr Carter" I say to her husband "good to see you too" he shake my hand "you look better" Kayden say and his brother agree "hmm" I hum, I turn to Seb and give him a smile "are you okay? I heard you got kidnapped" Dominco ask, Seb tenace at the sentence I put my hand on his arm and rub it a bit to help him calm down "yeah, I'm fine" I say smiling at them.

We sit down and talk about why they are here, they say Seb has make them come and they were planing already they heard about what had happened and they decided to come and give us a visit since we are family after all.

"hello" I heard Kol voice coming down the hall way and he stop in front of us "we got one" he say I shot up from my seat "is it her?" I ask he shake his head, I sit back down and cross my arm "if it not her I don't want it" I say.

"come on" Seb stand up "we can't find her if your not doing your job" he say putting his hand out "but I am" I say won't take his hand "sweetheart hurry up" he demand and I take his hand standing up "gun" I say and Kol hand it over to me I release Seb hand and walk down the hall way with Kol follow.

We take the elevator down to the basement and walk down the cell "which one?" I ask Kol standing in front of two door he point to my right and I enter "hello" my voice boom in the cell and the men who look nothing more than 40 "let get this over with" I say and he flinch Kol stand on the corner watching me I grab the gun and slide down his beaten up face "you answers I won't hurt you" I say now smiling with quiet a joy looking at him I look at him right in the eyes "hmm?" I say making him nod "who do you work for?" I ask pulling the blade from my shoes.

"Answer me" I demand dragging the blade down his arm and stab in him hand, he scream and I pull it out "answer me" it came out softer than I expected "no" his voice shaky I roll my eyes and stab the blade back in his hand "give me her last name" I demand death staring this guy with a dagger in my hand "please don't hurt me" he cry out "that not what I want" I say and walking toward him lifting his face up and met my eyes, I drag the blade down his cheek making blood flow out from his face, he hiss "name" I say louder.

"This is gross" I say wiping my hand with a cloth that is now stain with the blood of a bastard, I throw it in the trash "well he surely deserves it" Kol reply cleaning his hand "thank" I say and he smile I walk out now my clothes is stain with blood, but I don't care, I walk to Seb office that where Kol say he were.

I open the door and see everyone there just waiting "how does it go?" Mr Carter ask, Christina gag see me cover in blood and Angelica give me a gross face the boy look at me widen eyes "I was right" I say and Seb till his head, I sit in the chair in front of him "the missing sister of Haze" I say and Seb slam his hand on the table "how?!" He ask anger "how am I supposed to know?" I say "the fuck I kill her!" He say angry "what!?" I ask standing up "I know!" He say rubbing his face angrily "wow..." I say not amused at all.

He sit down and throw the lamp at the wall "fuck" he say angrily, everyone was scared by now but not me, a knock on the door "come in" I say and Holan and Azul walk in stopping in there track "what going on?" Holan ask.

"it's her" I say "how? I burry her" Azul say "what did you say?" I ask raising from my seat "I burry her" he repeat.

"that mean you kill the wrong girl" I say and Seb look at me "I didn't mention there can be doppelgänger or a twin" I say "twin?" Holan ask "yeah" I say, I walk to Seb computer and start hacking to the website I found her on.

"look" I say ask Azul come and look "they look the same to me" he say "hmm" Seb hum "now what?" Holan ask "we kill her" Mr Carter suggest.

"we can't even find the girl" Holan exclaim "who say we can't" I say as they all turn to me "we haven't even try" I say "we did for over a month" Sebastian say like a smart ass.

"yes but we didn't went to a place" I say and they all look at me "a place?" Mr Carter "the hideout of Haze" I say and Holan eyes widen "your right" he say "but not yet we can't attack" I say walking around the place.

"how are you doing this your a girl?" Christina say making me stop and look straight at her "a girl?" I chuckle "not a men can match me how can a girl match me?" I ask, she keep quiet "nothing? Well it's a women not a girl, like your daughter" I say and turn back to thinking.

"I found it" I say making everyone turn "we don't attack we replace" I say and walk out the room.

Going straight to my office and start planning a plan that I had in mind.

End a of chapter
She on to something 😌
I love this girl

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now