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hey love

how has your day been?

mine: I not normal

ok I know sometimes I'm annoying 😅

bye now👋

~Sebastian William~

I walk out and into the living room to see the guy around her brother look scared and worry I walk in and everyone goes silent I hand the note to Holan and he hands it to the other they all read it and look at me for an answer ''what did you say?'' I hear Xavier say looking up at me

''What do you think'' I ask him ''you say yes right'' Leo say ''hmm'' I hum as a response ''now what are we going to do?'' ask Elijah ''she says she has a plan so what is the plan?'' Holan looked at me ''she didn't say anything about that but she did say she will tell us, for now, go rest we have a long road ahead of us'' I finish and walk out feeling tired but I don't like sleeping.

Crystal always makes me feel tired so Idk what I would do if she wasn't here I walk in and saw her crying on the bed I don't want to disturb her I walk out but before I can get out of the room ''can you come here'' she says to make me stop dead in my track I turn around and saw her sitting on the bed ''Why?'' I ask she looks down at her hand like she just does something wrong I just stare at her.

I feel bad cuz I just hate seeing her hurt but why get a grip Sebastian ''I just want you to stay'' she said looking up at me I walk to the closet and change in sweatpants and a T-shirt I walk back into the room she still sitting there but she's not crying anymore I sigh and get into bed ''are you ok?'' I say to her she looked up with her beautiful grey eye that kills me inside ''if I say I'm fine I would be lying'' she said

~Crystal harrison~

I just sat there with Sebastian next to me I kinda let my feeling back in I hate myself for scaring everyone I feel bad but I didn't say anything ''are you sure you want to kill her?'' I hear Sebastian say out of nowhere I look at him confuse he turn and look at me then I realize how close our face is I don't even notice but I like it tho the fact he is just so hot what? Did I just say he's hot get a grip Crystal your Durling ugh ''yeah'' I say as calmly as possible but I can see that he notices I get embarrassed and blush a little bit he gives me a smirk and turn around a small smile appear on my face wait am I smiling?

I turn and see Sebastian looking at me the hold times ''you see that didn't you?'' I asked him, he chuckled at me and my smile got bigger and yeah the blush got redder ''why don't you smile more I like your smile'' he says I was shocked by what he just said he liked my smile my stomach fill with butterfly what No never *ughhh don't you get it you like him* the voice in my head says ignore it ''now go to bed'' Sebastian said he looks at me ''how about you'' I ask feeling nervous ''I don't like sleeping'' I hear him realize

I was shocked by what he says what kind of person doesn't like sleeping don't he just sleep with me last night there was no way but I don't question him and I get under the cover and turn to the side I can feel his stare at me I get comfortable and slowly falling asleep and suddenly I feel a warm hand wrap around my waist and pull me back into a hard chest I don't mind I feel warm ''night amore'' (love) that the last thing I hear and drift off asleep feeling warm as ever.

*the next day*

I wake and feel happier than yesterday. I slowly remember what happened yesterday and rub my eyes. I turn around and see that there is only me. I'm not surprised that Sebastian has gone. I get out the bed and head to the bathroom I brush my teeth wash my face and do my business and grab my phone before walk out into the hall I hear some chatter coming from the Dining room.

I walk in and I saw everyone was there and there were some new faces I see my brothers and Sebastian stuff he's faces in the food they all goes quiet I feel insecure cuz I don't like attention Azul stand up and look at me ''you alright?'' he asks me ''yeah'' I walk to the kitchen and someone grab my hand I look and see Sebastian ''what?'' I ask and I hear some gasp at me ''sit down'' he says but not letting my hand go I look up and down at his hand that grabs me he knows what he was doing and let go.

I sit at the only empty seat next to Sebastian a plate was placed in front of me their waffle and some fruit I grab a fork and knife start to eat ''everyone this is our sister make her feel welcome'' I hear Leo shout and everyone give me a smile I return it with a smile but there one girl whose give me a glare as she hates me but I don't even know her. Sebastian hand me a note I open and it said

When do you want the plan to be Announce? And come to my office when you're done with the food.

I look at him ''can I tell you first?'' I ask he look at me confuse ''we can talk in your office'' I add and he nods going back to his food I feel a hand on my shoulder I turn to see Holan he hand me a pack of gummy he lean in and whisper ''when you're done with whatever you and Sebastian doing come to my office ok?'' he asks I look up to see his reinsurance smile ''okay'' I say and he walks back to where he was sitting I see Kol looking at me and I give him a smile I finish my food and stand up I saw Sebastian stand too I look and see that everyone looking at us I farrow my eyebrow.

''Where are you going'' he asks ''my room'' he looks at me I can tell he kinda confuse '' I will but I have to change first'' I say feeling embarrass ''ok, go on'' he says still standing there I turn around and I saw Elijah give me a wink *eww he's to old * the voice in my head say.

I take my phone and follow it to my room as soon as I open the door I sigh and jump on the bed I stay there for quite a while I sit up and walk to the closet and open it I pick an outfit and grab a towel when to the bathroom and take a shower. After that, I went to Sebastian office and knock I hear him said to come in and I walk in and there he was sitting on his chair I sit down in front of him.

her outfit

End of chapter

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End of chapter

Hello, ladies and gentlemen & boys and girls.

here is a daily reminder or daily questions whatever you want to call it

How are you?

you need to know that you are love so now the only thing left is for you to love your self

ok thank you for your time see you in my next chapter have a great day/night everyone.

Update: I have nothing to say about this chapter🤷‍♀️ Neath...

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now