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I'm back but not in a good way
Warning!!! this chapter contain
Abuse, violence, and disrespect
So if you aren't comfortable with this type of content please just skip
Ok, Enjoy 😊

~Sebastian William POV~

    "Shh, shh, shh" I rub her back up and down trying to calm her down "everything okay" I say, the unexpected happen.

    Her eyes shot open and she sit up from her bed and she was breathing heavily with sweat all over her body, I can see she is scared but I didn't dare to touch her until she turn around and hug me tightly.

    I put my arm around her "everything will be okay" I reinsurance her, as she let her tear out, we stay hugging each other for long time until she calm down completely but she doesn't fall asleep she just stun and stay there while I hold her in my arm.

    I have decided to kill Haze today and make him suffer for hurting my family showing him who I really was and why you shouldn't mess with The Gambino Empire.

    "Can you stay?" Crystal ask now looking at me, I turn to her big grey eyes that is puffy and red "yes, yes I will, amore" I reply.

*next day*

    "Ready?" I ask her as we about to enter the cell Haze is in, I make Kol check if it's safe and we are now ready to go in, she nod and I open the door gesture her to walk in.

"Look who decided to show up" The most annoying voice I have ever heard, we stand in front of him and he smirk.

His body don't look clean and he smell like his own blood, his face were beating up real well he has black eyes and his body were bruises and cut he has his rip clothes and blood everywhere, I smirk at the scene as Crystal examine while walking around him with my gun in her hand she look hot, her face were straight and no emotion.

"Are you going to stand there?" Haze ask me as I'm in the front and Crystal behind him she hold the gun up and put it up to his head with a finger on the trigger and that look of murderous in her eyes is distracting "sweetheart, I have been holding at gun point to many time you thing it's going to scare me" Haze say as soon and the word Sweetheart come out of his mouth my blood boil and my flash is in flame.

"Should I kill him?" Crystal sweet, innocent voice hit my ear as her eyes still on the gun "no" I managed to say "well than we are going to have some fun aren't we"she say taking the gun in her hand and walk to the tray of my favorite toy.

"What your favorite toy, Haze?" She ask, check every thing on the tray from gun to knife to sword checking each and every one of them carefully, Haze turn in to anger "you won't fucking do it" he shout at her I shot him dagger "I'm not going to do it, just trying to have some fun" she smile sweetly, with that smile can get anyone in her trap.

"what your favorite, Seb?" she ask, now I have a nick name, I walk to the tray and pick up a dagger small look harmless but you will never know what it can do "this, small, sharp, beautiful the perfect killing weapon" I say handing it to her she smile as soon as she saw it.

She take it walking up to Haze and stab him thigh "that for the shot" she say and pull it out, he growl trying to hold his scream, she stab his other thigh "that for harassing me" she say and pull it out, she stab it on his arm "that for the stab you plated" she say, and pull it out now Haze finally let out a scream "you bitch!" He shout at her, I tense at his word "call her that one more time" I warn, glaring at him.

She punch him in his cheek his blood splash on her shirt "you never disrespect a women" she say in anger with quickly change in to a smirk "well you can't anymore cuz you will be dead by the end of the day" she say smirking wildly at him "you can go to hell!!!" He shout in anger and pain it was amusing to see.

"I can't go to where I came from" she say in a duh tone, she walk back to the tray and take her gun in her hand aiming at the side of his stomach and shot it he scream in pain "that more like it" she say and smile at me "what can I do next?" She ask set the gun down and lean on the wall "my turn" I say I grab my knife and goes to Him with a smirk "which hand did you touch her with?" I ask and he didn't answer "okay" I say.

I cut one by one of his finger off I earn a scream after each one and Crystal laugh at him and he keep screaming until I'm done I smirk at him and he glare dagger at Crystal.

"You two are the worse!!!" He shout as I draw on his skin like it was paper with blood coming out of it that make me happy "we're just getting started" I say and smirk turn to Crystal smiling with her hand cross and lean against the wall looking at us like she's watching a cartoon.

I cut of his toe one by one but than there the last one "wanna try?" I offer her the knife, she nod and walk toward me grab the knife from my hand and her hand brush mine making me want more but I'm able to control my self she cut of him toe and smile.

I grab the dagger from her hand and she goes back to her old position.

I walk to the tray and grab a dagger, putting the fireplace on and put the metal in it until it's read and hot way to hot to touch.

I take it our and put it on Haze mouth and watch it sizzle and burn until he has no lip, he scream after ai take it out now he look not the greatest "MOTHERFUCKER!!!" He scream in pain making Crystal look in disgust "YOUR GOING TO PAY" he scream and tear come out of his eyes " pathetic crybaby" I say and put the dagger back in the fire bring it up to his arm and draw all over him.

Now his blood is all over me but I don't care "Cry—" Holan voice enter the cell, his eyes widen and he hide it quickly, he was with Azul and Kol, they look terrified "hi" she say sweetly "you two are worse together" Kol say and gag " Jesus Christ" Azul say and I removed my self walk toward the brother "what up?" I ask "just coming to check on her" Holan say "oh, I'm fine" she smile "I'm out of here" Kol say and walk out "you two need to remind me not to get any of you angry ever" Azul say and walk out "sure" Holan say and they all left.

I turn to Crystal who laughing her butt off at her brother reaction "tried?" I ask and. She controls her self "nope" she say shaking her head "should we continue?" I ask and she nod.

We turn to Haze and he was crying in pain "let me go" he sob, I sigh "why? We not done yet" I say and walk to him with a knife in my hand Crystal have a sword.

*later that day*

"This is good" Crystal say while eating her food while her brother look at her with no appetite at all from what happen earlier "yum" Leanna say "come on it wasn't that bad" she say I can't help but chuckle and she giggle "guy" Holan say "you two are perfect" Elijah say with a smile "just like your father" Elijah add "my father?" Crystal ask "yeah he was ruthless like you" Elijah say "oh" Crystal say.

We are at Dinner, we spend 6 hours in the cell torture Haze and after we have enough we kill him with a bullet in his skull and each hours he beg us to let him go and stop which is fun.

Crystal and I were soaked in blood after so we take a shower and have dinner with other and I'm pretty sure everyone see what happen and how Haze body look, unremarkable.

End of chapter
That was brutal and I like it
Have a great rest of your day

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