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Hi girl and guy
So this is getting interesting
But I like it so let me know after you finish
Ok, Enjoy😋

~Crystal Harrison POV~

   We walk into the dining room and everyone stands up it's just the usual Show respect to Your boss as Sebastian say I don't really follow we take our seat and the food was put in front of us we pray and start eating "so who are you?" Holan says to Amella I glare at him, he sounds like a jerk.

   "I-I'm A-Amella" say in a shaky voice I can tell she is scared "can you guy stop with the new person will need to be a scared thing?" I ask "yeah I agree" Enzo "me too" Kol and Xavier answer at the same time and they high-five "so do you go today?" Sebastian asks looking at me "we want to meet her and go shopping, get food that it" I say putting a piece of chicken in my mouth "so nothing interesting?" Kaydan asks I shake my head.

    "hey that mine" Xavier wince "the fuck I put it there" Kol yell at him "you didn't say you you would drink it" they are so dramatic "so who will be going with who?" Christina ask Everyone to look up at each other "Crystal with me" Sebastian exclaim "I'm with Leanna" Holan say with confidence "Leo?" I ask him he look hesitant "will you go with me to a ball?" He ask Amella "sure" she say "who am I with?" Angelica winces "you can go with Kol" her father say Kol wink at her and she looks disappointing.

   I use my elbow to push Azul by the arm He looks at me "no one" he says "on coming you got to bring someone" I say "there is no one but It there is would" he explain and give me a reassuring smile I nod and finish my food "Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom" I say earning a nod from Sebastian.

   I stand up and walk to the bathroom which is just at the corner I have done my business and go back out I see everyone talking and laughing. Christina was looking a bit sad so I walk to her "hey why the sad face?" I ask she look at me and smile "I'm fine" I nod understanding "so when are you going back?" I question "umm, after the ball" I get it "hmm" I hum ask a response.

   "Dinner dismiss" Sebastian shot out and I see the girl talking "can I go now? if that ok with you?" I ask Christina she nod and I walk to the girl "hey, bitch" Leanna exclaim "so you and my brother huh?" I ask she smile "it just a date needed so I help nothing more" she said "so you don't know anyone yet let me tell you" I turn to Amella she smiles "sure" she says.

    "ok that Sebastian as you know he the boss here" "and the scary here" Leanna add, Amella nod "that Holan, Leo, Azul and Kol they are my brothers" I say proudly "a big family" Amella say "that the carter they are just staying with us for a little while" I point to all the carter.

   "that's Elijah he is the father of the group but not the boss he also has to listen to Sebastian" she nods "I can tell he looks old" Leanna laugh at Amella "true" "that Xavier one of our best mate" I say pointing at Xavier "cool" she says. "You should stay here for a couple of days" I say to her, her face become sad "yeah you should we don't mind" Leo walk up to us "you guy has done, enough" she said "I will ask Sebastian if you decide to stay, ok?" I say holding her hand she nods "okay that would be great" I hug her Leanna hug her too "so glad" Leanna said.

   "Ok now wait" I say walk to where Sebastian was standing "hi, Mr Carter can I talk to Sebastian for a bit?" I ask Mr Carter we don't talk much so I don't anything about him "yes, you can" he say and nod walking away "can I talk to you" I say looking up at him "yeah" he said looking straight at me.

    "so, Amella has nowhere to stay can she stay here with us?" I ask "why should I trust her?" He asks Sebastian have a hard time with trusting people "you don't have to trust her you have to trust me" I say trying to avoid the tense "can run a background test first?" He asks "yeah, just let her stay please?" I exclaim now looking up at him "ok and your room is almost done" he says with a smirk.

    "really?" I ask I have been waiting for months "yes" he says "so I can sleep in my own bed now" I say he nodded "thank you" I hug his torso cuz I'm short compare to him "your welcome" he hugs me back. I walk back to where they were at and no one was there just me 'such a snitch leave me behind' your right snitch I take my phone and open it

*Text from the bitch Leanna*
Hoe(Leanna): in room number 29
Bitch(Crystal): okay I'll be there
Hoe(Leanna): see you bitch😉

  I pull the map on my phone and start following it until was in front of a room I knock and I hear come in "I open and see Leanna and Amella giggling and they turn to me "hey come sit" Amella say patting a spot in the middle of the bed I jump on and grab a gummy from the tray of snack they have.

    "so what are you guys talking about?" I ask "first of all this is going to be Amella room and second have you seen Angelica whenever you talk to Sebastian she would get jealous like real angry at you for no reason" Leanna said "thinking about it true she did get jealous and last morning she comes to Sebastian room to bring him breakfast but he rejects her and when to his office until I've done my workout which makes me happy seeing her angry" I chuckle at her reaction they both laugh.

   "wait, I have something so when I was younger I use to go to my brother room whenever I want and one night I want and I saw him doing think with his girlfriend I was disgusted by that" Amella say giving a disgusting face I giggle "it must be supper natty" I say she nods "it good to have another girl here" Leanna says "I agree" I nod "thank again for helping me" Amella say we hug and we talk for a bit more and say our goodbye, I went to Sebastian room.

   I walk in and see he was there on his phone shirtless with sweatpants and I can see his ap fully and the tattooed slave he has leaned on the bed frame I was brassily drooling.

   "See anything you like?" He teases I slowly walk to the closet "you haven't answered my question" he says looking right at my back 'or butt' hey not funny "I don't have too" I say he standing up and putting his phone to charge.

   I walk to the bathroom shower do my business and wash my face put on my PJ. Go back to the room and sit down on the bed Sebastian hand me a laptop "for what?" I say confused "you owe me a background check" he says smirking as our face is so close I back away, I open the laptop and check.

   After 30mins I found it, Sebastian and I make small talk but he wasn't good at it so you can say I did all the talking "here this one" I point at a file that has her picture and info He took the computer from my hand and save the file "how long will she stay?" Sebastian asks putting the laptop away "how about you ask the boy who is in love with her?" I say looking at him 'his ab to be Pacific' can you stop doing the exposing thing "who?" He looms confused "Leo" I say shrugging "so, that what you want to tell me" I nod sliding under the cover.

   "I'm tired now, good night Sebastian" I say turning to the side "he lay near but not too near "good night, love" as soon as the word love come out of his mouth my heart was felt with warmth and drift of asleep with a smile on my face.

End of chapter
Hi elegant people
So the girl is gossiping in a lot of ways
But it is all good
And we have a new couple not official but still in love you know

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now