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Roses are red
Violets are blue
If you say Hi, I love you too💜(that my response)
Maybe that weird
Ok, Enjoy😊

~Crystal Harrison POV~

I have been in here for ten minutes after Haze goes out, I feel disgusting, hurt and sad, but I have to keep up because Sebastian here and I will get out of here in no time I just to hang on to the hope left.

A man walk in and I can't believe who is it, Kol, "shh" he make me confused "you have to act like you don't know me, ok?" He whispers into my ear I nod.

he pull me out of the cell and we walk through the hall way into a big room where I see him, he was standing there with all his glory with a gun in his hand.

Kol push me harshly on the floor make my leg bleed even more, I was disappointed by his actions but don't say a word because the pain is way too unbearable so I look down on the floor.

"Hey, mate, look like we come to save the princess" Haze say and put my head up by my hair and now my face is looking up straight at them, "let her go" Sebastian said with rage that about to break loose "not that easy, mate" Haze say dropping my head, I growl.

"One of you can live the feast die in my hand, choose" Haze say, smirking at me but turn back to Sebastian way "pick" Haze say annoy.

    "Kill me and let the rest go" Sebastian reply, my eyes widen so as the rest of my family, "hmm, never thought Sebastian William would do such a harsh thing for a girl" Haze say now put the gun toward Sebastian head "any last word" Haze say putting his finger on the trigger "yeah, Kol grab Crystal and leave" He say Kol come to my side but I back away "come" He put him hand out with a face that show he will never hurt me.

     while almost all of the guard gun go toward Haze, and his confuse face, Kol pull me up and we walk out.

~Sebastian William POV~

     Crystal and Kol walk out the back door, Haze was confused and I can tell he not ready for any of the things I had prepared for him, "I knew I can trust that guy" he say looking back and I take that time to switch with one of my guard, that when I hear Haze shot and my guy fall down "Fuck!!" Haze say and now the shoting start.

    I make sure everyone one in there place and attack "I want him un touch and in the cell by tomorrow" I shout and now everyone one start shoting while I walk to Haze office, shorting every guard that come my way, one of the bullet make it's way and hit my shoulder, I ignore my pain and keep making my way to the office, I got there in no time.

    Start searching for anything I can find, a lot of file that relate to breaking down his entire mafia I took every single one of them.

       Rushing out the room, their body on the grown with blood pouring everywhere, I goes to the back entrance and got into my cars and we all drove off to my mansion that I have here in Russia just in case something like this happen.

    "Is everyone one okay?" I say walking into the living room, they nod and there clothe were cover with blood and all kind of weapon in there hand.

     "Where Crystal?" I ask "she resting" Holan say, I walk through the hall way to the room I had prepare for her, I walk inside, she was sleeping peacefully on the bed, I walk and sit one the side of the bed examined her face I can see all the cut on her face, I use my hand to pull the hair out of her face, I just want to murder the person who put her in this position and kill everyone of his family, which I will gladly do for her.

     I was about to stand up until a hand pull me back down I look and my eyes caught on to the brown orb that I love to look at, "Are you okay?" I ask now holding her hand "now? Yeah" she say on a low voice "what did he do to you?" I ask, her eyes start tearing a little but she managed to calm her self down "h-he a-almost r-r-rape m-me" she say almost in the verge of tears.

    I walk to the other side and got in with no second thought I pull her in and let her cry on my chest, I had never have this feeling before but I can tell I do enjoy it and it's a treat that if everyone know Crystal is my weaknesses she will be taken from me but I can't control my body when ever she around, she make me feel thing I have never felt before, and I know I need to pull my self out of it before it's get out of hand.

    We stay like this until she fall asleep again now on my chest, I make sure not to wake her up and head to the bathroom, take my shower and put on a sweatpants and got into bed next to her, I pull her back on my chest and I found myself sleeping in a while, and as much as I hate to admits it, I like it.

End of chapter
I know it's short
Bare with me

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now