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hey beautiful people😊 

do you guys like anime🧝‍♀️🧝‍♂️ 

me: tbh I don't really like it sorry to the anime lover😅

ok bye, enjoy👋


~Crystal Harrison POV~

   I wake up feeling no one on the bed beside me the sunshine in my eye I need a shower I drag my sleepy body out of bed and head to the bathroom I feel like taking a cold shower today cuz I'm still tried I brush my teeth wash my face I strip my clothes and go in the shower as soon as the water hit my body it relax and it fully wakes me and I can feel my energy.

   After a while of cleaning my self I hop put on a robe and head out and I'm surprised to see Sebastian standing in front of the mirror trying to get his tie right he looks like he is struggling ''do you need help?'' he turns around and looks at me and his tie than he nods and sits on the bed so I can fix his tie I walk over and stand in between his leg and fix his tie while he stares at my face I don't mind he does this a lot after I finish I walk to my phone and text Azul

Little sis: Hey can you train me for 2 hours rn?

Teddy bear(Azul): yeah sure

Little sis: ok see you in a bit

Teddy bear: okay

   I put my phone down and head to the closet to pick an outfit, I found legging and a top that match. I quickly put it on and go outside but I saw Sebastian sitting at the same place his head in his phone as soon as I walk out he looked up from his phone ''ready?'' he asks scanning me from head to toe ''yeah'' I run and grab my phone and we walk out together.

    We walk to the gym we walk in and everyone turns to us and nod at Sebastian way and he nods back and everyone keeps doing what they were doing I walk past Sebastian to where Azul was at the shooting rag he saw me and put the gun down and hug me ''here'' he hands me a gun ''what is this for?'' narrowing my eyebrow at him ''you deserve it and beside it for safety'' he smiles at me and keeps shooting I did as well we practice about 30mins and stop for a 5 mins break.

   ''you ready for your first defend class?'' he asks I turn to look at him ''it not my first'' I say ''oh so you have done this before'' he said with a disappointed look ''not really but I use to take defend class for fun and also dad makes me do it'' I shrug it off ''cool'' he said taking a sip of his water we start training and we didn't stop until about an hour and a half we were hungry so we took a break and walk to the kitchen.

   Not many people were there cuz most of us have a thing to do there was only me, Azul, Kol and Leanna. ''Hey girl you look hot'' she says I was shock and the boy look at us like we are weirdos ''Thank..'' I say nervously this girl doesn't really keep her mouth shut that often so I understand ''Are you hungry? There waffle mix in the fridge and a waffle maker over there'' she asks nicely leaning on the counter eating her apple.

   ''Yeah, thank'' I say opening the fridge and make some waffles for me and Azul he was talking to Kol about something I hand him a plate ''thank, sis'' he asks digging in ''your welcome'' I say sitting on the stool ''so what the plan?'' Kol question me ''Idk yet but I will talk to Sebastian soon'' I answer and he raises an eyebrow at me ''what are you and Sebastian?'' Leanna asks as soon as she says it the boy shoot daggers at her she looks a bit frighten ''umm... Idk He really ignores me most of the time so I guess nothing'' she looks at me and shut her mouth before anything happen.

~Holan Harrison POV~

    Crystal has been sleeping in Sebastian room for a week now though she is my sister so I feel protected over her I'm not allowed to go in there but she is which kinda piss me off cuz I don't know what going to happen in there I hope He doesn't take her for advantage but she seems happy and that all that matter. even though we just found out she our sister it still feels like she has been missing and she makes everyone feels happy you want to know the best part is there no more weekly killing spree but movie night I thing this past 21 years of our life there a hole in our chest but she also brings danger, Sebastian doesn't seem to mind and everyone loves her but I'm scared for her since she's so new to this whole mafia thing I still feel she need training but for now we have to protect her.

   Enough of this crap I have a better thing to do. I take the elevator down to the basement and put on my murderous look and walk to the cell ''capo questo ragazzo ha hackerato il nostro sistema superiore senza permesso''( translate: boss this guy has been hacking in our upper system without permission) one of my men say walking in behind me ''mmm what should I do with you?'' I ask the helpless man scanning the man face he looks terrified but trying to hide it I smirk at his fear I never enjoy but it makes me feel powerful so I think it is worth it.

  ''so, tell me everything you know?'' I question him ''I-I know n-nothing'' he stutters and turns away from me ''really? Do I have to force it out of you?'' I ask smirking he lean back I wave my hand to signal my man to bring the equipment. I pick the knife and start torturing him after cutting all his fingers off he still says nothing and also I lose my patience and shoot him in the head I walk out all bloody I take the elevator up to my room and take a shower and change. When I finish It was dinner time so I walk to the dining room to see everyone happy and chattering.

   Crystal and Leanna were cooking and laughing the brother are talking and laugh at each other Sebastian is talking business as always I sit down on the right-hand side of Sebastian ''what happen?'' Leo ask me I look up at him ''he didn't say anything so I kill him'' I shrug he nods the girl came and hand us our food ''thank sis'' ''thank'' ''thank sis'' my say after one another.

   We finish our dinner and we talk and we all decide to watch a movie we when to the movie room. ''Hey cupcake'' I say to crystal I haven't talked to her all day ''hi'' she smiles brightly at me she is adorable we reach the movie room and I'm surprised that everyone is here talking laughing like a family did I just say that yeah I guess I did we are a family ''what movie should we watch?'' Leanna asks everyone I make sure to sit next to her I never feel as comfortable with her like I feel with everyone I really like her but I want to tell her yet. ''How about superman'' Kol add everyone scoffs at him he pouts like a little kid ''How about stranger thing'' Crystal suggested ''yeah'' everyone look satisfied. She finds the movie while we make Xavier and Kol get a snack when they came back we make ourselves comfortable.

   Leanna rest her head on my shoulder and Crystal was next to Leanna hugging Azul while sharing a bowl of popcorn on the armchair is Sebastian and on the other armchair next to me is Elijah in the back was Xavier on the left Kol on the right and Leo in the middle he looks bothered but still sits there. After a while, The girl fell asleep and the boys just trying to stay awake. Crystal and Azul as much as I hate to admit it they look like a couple when me and on the other hand, is fully awake.


End of chapter

 please tell me if you enjoy it? (cuz I'm desperate to know)😅

and just wait cuz this story is about to get interesting 🤭

ok bye cya👋 


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