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Writing this make my heart beat so fast
But I'm doing it for you guy
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Ok, Enjoy 😊

~Crystal Harrison POV~

I didn't care about anything just scribble my way onto the paper and typing on my computer.

Thinking about my way of getting to everyone and know very well that most of us won't like some part of the plan but I did it anyway Cuz this is the only way so like it or not they will have to complete there part.

A knock plant it self on my door "come in" I yell, my brother walk in with Seb, Mr Carter and Christina walk in and they sit on the couch "what are you doing?" Seb ask walking and standing behind me, I stop and look at him "do you trust me?" I ask "what kind of questions is that?" He ask "answer me" I say "of course I do" he say, confused of what I'm going tot do next, I nod and goes back.

"Need help?" Holan ask "no" I say keep typing "I feel useless" Azul say crossing his arm in front of my desk "hmm" I say not caring about anyone.

They stay a while and one by one get annoy and left and now there just me and Seb.

He's sitting on the couch on his phone me on my chair spinning around the desk writing thing and typing a ton of thing creating a map of Haze mansion and my master plan, I make sure to have Plan A, B and C just in case.

A knock on the door and Seb get it "go" he say making me look up seeing him carries a bag of food he set on my table "eat" he say "not hungry" lying to him "not a question" he say and pull a hair tie from his wrist and hand it to me cuz I decided to put my hair down today "thank, but where do you get this?" I ask tying my hair back "your room" he say and goes to sit on the couch.


Hours past as I was just working and Seb help he was actually great at this stuff and he look as hot as a man can be I think I was drooling when I see him looking at me and smirk.

We eat and now he has a Chair next to mine with a computer in front of him and me on my chair eating candy watching him work.

the best view you can get, sharp jaw line that can cut a knife it self handsome face and let not talk about though veiny arm that was bigger than mine and I love it, Sebastian was built perfectly

before him I have never thought A man can be this good looking and hot at the same time, mostly when I see someone I like I would say they are cute but not this one he's hot like hell.

I know I can't turn back cuz I was trap in a hole where I didn't know I had fall in but the worse part is I like him or maybe I'm in love 'finally you admit it' she sigh and I chuckle at her.

"Your drooling" Seb say, I scoff "I know just don't admit it" I say and he look at me with a smirk "what?" I ask and he tongue poke his inner cheek, oh no that not a good sign "what?" I ask still chewing my candy and hold the bag to my body looking at his smirking face "hmm" he hum putting his hand on each side of my chair and pull me toward him my eyes widen as our lip were inch, I swallow and blink a couple of time, he take his hand and caress my cheek "you drive me crazy" he say moving closer "say something" he said looking from my eyes to lip "fuck this" he said and smash his lip in to mine making me melt in his arm instantly

   The kiss was passionate but ruff and intense I candy keep up with his movement and his hand slide it self around my waist on each side I put my hand in his hair to deepen the kiss soon everything started to disappear and there only us.

    After a couple of minutes we break apart and stare in each other eyes breathing heavily I examine every inch of his face and his scar that was on his left eyebrow and how smooth his skin was my hand move from his hair to his face touch it softly like if I hurt it it will end the world.

    After a while Seb break the silent "let go home" he say still staring at me "hmm" I hum in response and get up, fix my skirt and start preparing my desk as he watch me.

    I make sure to save everything and change the password I clean everything and put it in my drawer.

    "Come on" Seb open the door and motion me to go out I smile, grab my purse and phone.

     We walk to the car in silent a comfortable silent and like usual guard everywhere even though it's late.

     He open the door and I got in, he start driving home, we arrive shortly and I go in like expected everyone was a sleep.

   I quietly walking up the stairs until we reach the hall was I turn to my room but a hand grab mine and turn me around "not that way" He say and pull me with him to his room.

    I was confused but go anyway he open the door and walk in he close the door and pin me to it with one click he lock the door not breaking eyes contact with me "wanna have fun?" He ask, I knew exactly what he was talking about "say something" he demand, I open my mouth but no word came out so I close it "Is that a yes?" He ask, I want it but I know nothing about it and I'm pretty sure he has way more experience than me.

    He start kissing my neck and the more he does it the lower it get and this feeling making me close my eyes and bit my lip slamming my head on the door.

    He throw me on the bed and hop over me he smash his lip on mine and I over the moon, one thing lead to another and other thing happen.


I wake up feeling sore as hell my body hurt and I can feel like someone broke me thousands of time.

"Good morning, gorgeous" his deep voice hit my ear as I open my eyes and look at him and the memories hit me about last night I pull the blanket over me and pull away he smirk at me "you idiot" I say as he laugh "I'm sorry, darling, come here" he say putting his hand out and I slap it away.

    I glare at him as he laugh his butt off, I try to sit up but it hurt so bad that I just sigh and lay there helpless.

    "my baby hurt, aren't you?" He ask, pulling me in his arm "hmm" I hum and he give me pain killers and some water "drink" he making me drink all of my water "no" I hand him back my cup "you need to" he say and I pout he sigh and chuck all the water.

    He stay there with me in his arm, until he say the one thing I've never thought He would say this soon "your my girlfriend now" he say kissing my cheek "did I give you permission" I say turning to look at him "than will you be my girlfriend?" He ask smirking "I'll think about it" I say turning around he pull me back as I see his anger face I giggle and put both my hand on each side of his cheek, I peck his lip and whisper in his ear "yes".

He smirk at me and pull me closer by the waist and attack me with kisses, I giggle until I make him stop as he frown.

"I need a shower" I say and cover myself with the blanket and walk to the bathroom, I take a warm shower and it's make me realize how sore I am but I guess the pain killers help, I can walk but not in the same position but I guess I can mask it up.

I get out the shower and dry myself with a towel and goes to the closet as Seb take his shower, I open and see there none of my clothes just his which I pout but take one of his hoodie and a short pants It was way to big one me but I guess I can change just need a replacement for a bit.

"You look cute" Seb say walking in to find his clothes "it's to big" I say putting my hand out to see it's big but not as bad I guess 'you need to grow up your to short that why it's too big' maybe your right but it's was worth it I got a boyfriend.

I walk out to my bedroom and change into my Jean instead but keep the hoodie on as it's getting cold outside which make me look at my calendar to see it's almost Christmas, it's remind me of Elijah who is helplessly in a coma for a month leaving me here with everyone.

I goes to the kitchen and everyone were getting breakfast talking as usual "hey" Leanna said "hi" I smile at her "want some" she ask handing me a plate "yes please" I take the plate from her and sit down at my usual spot and my day start.

End of chapter
How your day going?

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now