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so this is a little family time
Ok Enjoy

~Crystal Harrison POV~

Today is Leo birthday and he is turning 24. We all have been planning finishing touch on the party room and wrapping some nonresident gift.

"Dude, your doing it wrong" Kol say to Xavier "how do you know?" They are marking bows to put on the present I walk from the kitchen to the dining table "let me handle this you two are clearly never getting anywhere" I say grabbing the pieces of ribbon from Xavier hand they groan and sit down to watch me.

I have set up a date for Amelia and Leo so they can have there time and salsa it will give us enough time to do everything that we didn't finish last times.

Leanna and me have already bake a cake and Sebastian is at the office since he is never good at any of this so we let him go to work with Holan, Elijah and Azul, Kol and Xavier we make them stay cuz they can help with the rest and since they are the only one who has any idea of how to plan a party we keep them.

"Hey, Crystal can you decorate this cupcake" Leanna call to me "coming" I say placenta the last ribben on the present It look so nice 'aww he going to love it or maybe hate it' hey stop ruining the vibe I walk to where Leanna is, she was coloring the frosting "here give that to me" I say Takeing the frosting out of her hand "how do we even do this" she ask "Idk I watch some YouTube video" I shurg she laugh and we decorate it to look like how we want it. It turn out alright.

"So what time is Leo supposed to be back?" Xavier ask "good point" I say taking out my phone.
*text Amella*
Crystal: hey when are you coming back?
Amelia: around 2 hours
Crystal: ok see you soon

"She say 2 hours" I say putting my phone down on the counter, I pick up one cucumber from the salad Leanna make "hey that not for you" she slap my hand "oh come on one please" I say cuz I was hungry "no" she say and keep cutting her veggies.

I hear the door open and here come my brothers from there work "hey guy, how was work?" I ask smiling Holan walk up and hug Leanna like he was a 2year old who want hug from there mom "how was work?" Leanna ask him playing with his hair "bad" he say she nod, I smirk "so when are you going to tell me?" I ask Holan "that right" Kol say crossing his arm Xavier smirk "oh umm" Holan say nervously 'I thing he forgot that we were there for a second' yeah he look embarrassed "w-we are o-official" he say nervously Leanna blush "Oooo" Me and Kol say they both blush in embarrassment "hey,little sis" Azul came and hug me I hug him back he smile.

"So everything done" Sebastian say looking at his phone "your not helping" I say and he look up at me "what am I suppose to do" he say putting his hand up I groan and goes back to what I was doing.

After we were done, we all when you our Hindi got spot and wait.

*text Amella*
Crystal: hey we are ready where are you?
Amella: on our way
Crystal: when are you getting here?
Amella: 10mins
Crystal: ok hurry up

"This is so long" Kol whine Xavier hit him on the back of his head "ow, what did I do?" Xavier shhhhh him and everything became Quite again.

I also convinced Elijah and Sebastian to join us I don't know how but they are here.

I hear the door open and Leo voice coming from it "what are we doing here it's dark" I put my hand up just Just enough that they can see, I use my mouth to mimic 1,2,3 and we all popped out "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEO" we all cheer, Kol and Xavier pop the confetti and there is confetti everywhere.

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now