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So I know a lot have happened and It's confusing but I'm trying to make it work so bare with me
Ok, Enjoy😊

~Crystal Harrison POV~

a couple of days  have pass and I have use that times to directorate my room and moved in to my room now Sebastian has his room back since today is my first day that I will sleep in my room and I'm so excited but exhausted at the same times.

  I'm in my room typing away on my computer cuz again everyone is too busy to do some of the paper work so I have to.

~Sebastian William POV~

Crystal now have her own room that I had it make for her, she have been going in and out of my room just to bring her stuff.

Tbh I don't want her to go but I also can't let her know I love her wait did I just say that anyway I'm in my office away from the house but I can't focus on my work cuz My mind keep sifting to Crystal and wondering what is she doing.

I can't help but smile like an idiot ok ficus Sebastian I say to my self.

   After 5 hours of work I'm finally get to go home from work and head straight to my room I'm alway exhausted but I don't like sleeping I truely thing it a waste of time and when I do sleep I get nightmares of when I was little and I hate it.

   ~Crystal Harrison~

   "Hey, whatcha doing?" Leanna ask "oh this I was craving cookie so I make some" I say rolling the dough "want some?" I ask she nod and sit on the counter, I finish rolling the dough and put it in the oven.

   I take a sit on the counter "so, shopping tomorrow are you still up?" She ask looking at her phone "yep, but what are you going to buy?" I ask she shrug "Idk" she said "than why are we going?" I ask looking confuse "to have a girl day" she say excited "right" I say.

   We talk for hours and sit there play and the cookie was done and I make sure to cook some for the boy since they probably want some we eat and also we make dinner.

   *bad gang bang bang🔫🔫*
Leanna: guy food ready where you?
Kol: working 🙄
Holan: I'll be down in a second, babe
Xavier: keep it in you pant, Holan
Kol: yeah right we don't want it here
Azul: I'm on my way
Leo: have you guy seen my watch?
Holan: dude don't you have like hundreds of them
Leo: maybe
Sebastian: can you guy stop I'm working
Crystal: are you guy eating or not cuz if not I will eat them all
Elijah: of course
Holan: yeah duh
Azul: hmm
Kol: seriously woman
Xavier: I'm here
Sebastian: yes
Leo: where Amella?
Amella: right here

  After texting the boy me and Leanna sit down and wait which took longer than they say and the door open here come the two crackhead "why do you take so long?!" Leanna ask "him" "him" they point at each other "just sit down" I say they take there sit and Azul came in "hey" he say and sit next to me "I'm hungry" Elijah say "here" Leo and Amella walk in and Holan was on his phone, he kiss Leanna and sit down. Now the only person we are waiting for is Sebastian "where is he?" I whine " let start" I hear Sebastian "finally" I say under my breath.

  We say our pray and start eating, "where are you girl going tomorrow?" Holan ask we look at each other " the mall?" I say "I know but what mall" Azul add "Idk, where ever we like" Leanna "probably expensive place" Amella add I look at her with a seriously face she shrug "bring body guard" Sebastian say "what?!" I ask "you know you can't go alone" he say "yeah but that would be weird and beside I have Leanna and Amella" I say "I agree with Sebastian you need body guard" Leo say I glare at him "but-" "I don't care what you thing you are bringing body's guard weather you like it or not" Sebastian cut me off with a warning tone I just continue eating cuz he would get mad.

   I finish and when to my bedroom I sit on the bed not knowing if I should take a shower or go on my phone but I secretly want to do both it would have been relaxing. I lay on my bed just starring at the felling.

   I've noticed that I have fit in the mafia groups really well, I alway use to thing I was crazy cuz when I was in school I don't have any friend and the only person I consider as a friends is my father is is alway there for me and when he a pass away I feel lonely like I would never have fun but thinking of it I did have fun and now I have a family that I have never know about and I wish I know about this early cuz I love what I do now even though it not a great job in the look of the public eyes I still feel happy about it.

  I'm doing one of my favorite thing is hacking and I have a family and friends I thought I would never have.

   Being around danger all the times is was weird at first but somehow I adopt to it and learn how to stay alert at all times, I never have this before but when thing didn't goes right I have this pit in my stomach telling me to get out of it and stop.

   I was so lost in my thought that I didn't know I was just laying there for an hours now. I check my phone and see I have a text from a mystery number it say see you soon HH what does that mean, I shook the thought off and when to take a shower.

   Now I'm laying on my bed tossing around cuz I can't sleep.

I have been smokeing for hours cuz I can't sleep Crystal is not here and I want her to be here but I just don't have the courage to tell her and if I did I wouldn't be here right now.

  I just can't do it anymore I can't sleep And every time I close my eyes the image came back of my abusive father.

I can't so I walk out of my room....

I was about to fall asleep but I hear the door crack open I look up with my lazy eyes and see Sebastian there looking stress he climbs on the bed and pull me closer to him "what are you doing here?" Ai say in my sleepy voice and turning around to see him "sleep" he say closing his eyes, what is he doing here why is he hugging me and before I know it I was asleep in his arm.

End of chapter
So he is truly are in-love but don't want to admit there is something to this😏

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now