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~Crystal harrion~

        ''What your name?'' I ask without thinking 

''Sebastian William'' he answer in a clod tone. I realise that he owns the biggest mafia in the world, I was shocked but scared at the same time I didn't say anything I can tell he wants nothing to do with me.

       ''I've heard you can hack?'' he begins to question me as I set the book on the nightstand 

''yes'' I answer 

''what kind of hacking do you do?'' he asks 

''I hack into security camera I can go through the random private thing-'' 

''show me'' he hands me a laptop I take it 

''what do you want me to do?'' I ask feeling nervous

 ''hack into Haze Hamilton, security camera'' he orders I do as he asks. 

After 5 mins I got in and he looks surprised to see what I can do. I don't mind, the expression he has on was I got every time I do this and it uses to be my job.

      ''How do you learn?'' I give him a confused look '' how to hack?'' he says annoyingly 

''oh that I teach myself and I use to work for the FBI but now, not any more'' he just stares at me 

''you got a skill that will be in great use for us'' he says to me

 ''do you know how to use a gun?'' he says taking the laptop out of my hand 

''no'' I answer.

       He opens his mouth to say something but the women walk in with a tray of food I guess it is for dinner as she saw him and I can see she fear him than she set the tray on the nightstand I give her a small smile and she walk out as quickly as possible. I turn to see Sebastian was looking at me we lock eyes.

 ''eat up and go to bed, we have a big day tomorrow'' he say and walk out of the room lock the door behind him. I sigh and eat my food then go to bed.

      I open my eye to see Leo sitting in the chair staring at me, I jump a bit as he chuckles at me this is the first time he ever chuckle and I think he should do it more. ''Hurry up get dressed you have an important day today'' he says and looks away.

      I quickly get up and walk to the bathroom I take a quick shower and brush my teeth put my hair in a ponytail and walk to the closet, I pick out this cute but sporty outfit.

 I walk out of the closet to see Leo standing in front of the door waiting ''follow me'' I follow him, it was awkward cuz we both don't say anything for some reason I still can't believe that the man walking in front of me is my brother I don't even call him a brother or anything nickname just Leo which is weird cuz I think that brother and sister should call each some sort of name, that you are the only one who calls them that, I don't blame him I mean we met like 2 days ago.

     Suddenly we stop at a metal door which is different from the other door he opens the door and I hear a gunshot, it is was so loud that I flinch so hard. ''Are you ok?'' Leo asks, I think he saw me flinch 

''yeah it just loud'' I answer, I can feel my voice and hand are shaking. 

''She just scared'' I heard a man voice then I look up to see Sebastian looking at me and handing Leo the gun and he take it. As soon as I saw the gun I thought that he was going to make me kill someone. Sebastian hand me a gun I got scared 

''take it'' he says raising his voice a little bit I got scared but took it anyway.

End of chapter 

     Hi lady&gentalmen and girl&boy, I want to thank everyone for reading this and yes there is a character that just pops up you might know him as the main character if you have read my character personality. so yeah that all I want to say is have a good day/night everyone see you tomorrow for my next chapter. <3

 update: again dramatic😑                                                                                                                                                                    Neath...

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now