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Hello handsome and beautiful people
This chapter contains violence
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~Crystal Harrison POV~

We spent the night at the cabin, Seb was happy than usual, we had our night and so on, he also make breakfast for me in bed which is delicious, he give me pain killer and also confort me.

Now I'm at the house playing with Emma since her parents went out with Seb, Azul, Kol and Leo to do some business while I have nothing to do so I tell them to go and leave Emma with me.

She play and laugh as I make joke tickle her and buy her thing like toy mostly and now we are going to the kitchen to make cookies.

I set her down on the counter and get out all the ingredients, I put the blow down and we make our cookies "what cookies do you want?" I ask stirring the batter "I want chip" she say in her baby voice "chocolate chip?" I ask and she nod.

The next thing I know she put her hand in the floor bag and grabbing as much as she can with her baby hand and throw it in the air making it goes everywhere all over her and me she giggle and keep doing it, I try stopping her but give up and give her a spoon to play with.

"Bad baby" I say, she pout and start crying, I pull her in and hug her she cry but than stop when she see her stuff animal on the counter she grab it and put it in the flour that was left on the counter, I give up.

I let her do what she want, by the time the cookie was done the place was more messy than you could even imagine.

I take the cookie out and hand on to her after it cool down for a bit, she eat it and smile sweetly like an innocent little angel, I can't help but smile and think what would it be like if I had my own kid like her and we just play like this.

I take on of the cookie and eat it "at least it good" I say and she giggle taking another one, I look up from her to see the shock faces of her parents, my brother and Seb looking like they had never seen anything like this.

I shrug "want one?" I ask and they laugh at me "you clearly know how to handle a kid" her mom said and come to pick Emma up, I try to stop but she seem to don't care if Emma was dirty "hey, baby" Emily say to her child, Kol couldn't stop laughing at me, I don't blame him but I did throw him a glare.

I have flour all over my hair and body there vanilla extract all over the place egg and many more ingredients.

"Hey, Seb" I say putting my hand out for a hug and he back away "what you don't want to hug me?" I ask pouting, my brother try their hardest not to laugh or smile "or kiss me" I say and walk closer to him "no, you should clean up" he say and taking a step back "one hug only" I say taking a step closer.

And at the least he expected I run and hug him, he hug me back but with a face I can't explain, I pull back to see he's not clean anymore "one hug done" he say "your not scared of blood but a little flour won't hurt" I say going in for another hug and he give in.

My brothers laugh there ass of and Seb glare at them, I pull away and goes after my brothers "come on give your sister one hug" I say, they stop laughing and start making random excuse but I managed to get everyone dirty.

"Having fun aren't we?" I ask and they glare at me, before walking to there room, I walk to mine but than Seb pull me back to face him, now just us in the hall way alone.

He lean in my ear and said "Put on something you like to kill with" he kiss my neck and travel down to my collarbone, a moan escape my lip and he pull away making me want him more "see you in the car, baby" he say and walk off making me pout watching his big body walking away, I turn around and walk to my room.

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