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Hello, my cupcakes
I'm so thankful to have you
And I got you a gift 🎁
Surprise!! <❤️> you got a heart keep it safe
Love you and Enjoy 😊

~Crystal Harrison POV~

"There is only 40 guarded, currently they are staying at the mansion and I want them all dead by the end of the day, no one alive, they will all be shot dead as soon as you spot them"

"Kol, you and your team take the front gate and front door, Leo, you and your team take the back gate and door, I want you to replace every guarded with one of our own after killing them"

"Azul and Holan, you and your team surround place with your guard make sure no one can get in and out, Holan hack into there system when you get there"

     "Elijah your staying here protecting the place any happen call me immediately"

    "Amella and Xavier you guys get in after me and gather information, everything you can find take them all"

    "Sebastian, I trust you to watch my back and after we're going to kill the bitch"

    "Isadora and Alex you know your part and good luck"

    "Each of us get ear pieces so we can communicate we will have gun with us"

     "And the rest I will cover it, we can't have any twisted part"

     "I don't care what happen make sure you stay alive, we're taking her and the baby back" I say and everyone look at me confused "what baby?" Holan ask.

     "It's not my story to tell but I hope you can except it" I smile "sound like a party to me" Kol smirk "blood bath" Azul fist bump Kol and smirk.

     "Did I make myself clear?" I ask and everyone answer "yes" I sigh and we start getting ready and the guys goes to get the guarded and weapon.

     I'm in my room, I walk to the dresser and saw a box that I haven't open since Christmas, I take it and sit on couch, I unwrap it and a beautiful necklace inside, it's has a 'A&C' on it, I smile and take it out and a note fall out, I pick it up and set the necklace on my lap.

    I open it to see a hand written note
Dear Crystal...
   Since forever I've been by myself all the time, I never find anyone who understands me like you do, you have been the best person that have enter my life and fulfill the spot that has been missing for a long time, I love you and Merry Christmas, Love: Azul...

    I was in tear after reading it, since I came Azul has been the first to show me what life is all about and the first one, to show me what it's feel like to have a someone you can trusted, love, care for and treat you like a queen.

    He's been there through most than my other brothers I can't say they all bad but Azul is different.

    "Hey, I-" Azul walk in with guns in his hand and stop mid sentence, I quickly wipe the tear away and put the box behind the couch pillow, I smile and stand up "hey, what do you need?" I ask smiling at him.

    "What wrong?" He ask worry "nothing" I smile and he came closer "tell me" he say "nothing" I say and he get angry "did Sebastian do this?" He ask and his grip on the gun harder "was opening your gift" I say and he look at me "I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" He ask concern "it's was the best thing I've receive in a long and it make me feel love and I cry" I say and tear start to form in my eyes, he sigh and pull me into a hug.

    "Glad you like it" he whisper, he pull away and hand me two gun "take them" he said, I take them and smile "Sebastian is going to give you the rest" he say and kiss my head walking out.

I smile and goes to take the box I open and put the necklace around my neck, I smile at the mirror and the door open, Seb walk in "hey, baby" he say with a smile, he walk up to me and notice the necklace "where do you get this?" He ask, and grab the necklace "it's a gift from Azul" I say and he nod.

He take something from his pocket, it's was my safety bracelet, he take my hand and put it around "keep that with you" he say and make sure it work, he kiss my head and we walk out.

I give Elijah a good bye kiss and we all got into the car, we drove to the airport, while on the way Seb got a phone call, he pick it up.

"What?" He say in the phone, they say something "what?!" He shout "will be there" he end it and slam his hand on the wheel.

"What happen?" I ask, looking at him, he turn to me and back to the road "we have to walk trough the airport to get to our plane" he say frustrated, I put my hand on his and smile "that okay" I say and he grab my hand.

We drove to the airport and park the cars, the other car follow and we all grab our things and take a deep breath "stay close to me" Seb whisper to me, I nod and turn to everyone they give me a smile and we all walk inside.

As soon as we step in, eyes follow us and some people whisper and give me glare, girl head over heel when they see my brothers, but we all Hell our head high and keep walking without giving anyone a glance.

   We walk to security and check in, we got to our private plane and we got in, I take a sit and put on my belt and Seb walk in last so he come and sit in front of me, he put his seat belt on and I just sit and look out the window.

    I take a deep breath and stare out, by the corner of my eyes I see Seb on his phone, I snatch the phone out of his hand "what?" He ask, Azul and Kol turn to us "Your not supposed to use your phone on the plane" I say and he scoff, I roll my eyes and put the phone on airplane mode and hand it back to him.

   He sigh and take it, I turn to Azul and Kol, they quickly turn back avoiding me.

   "Hello, lady and gentlemen, my name is Robert, I will be your pilot for the day, please put your seat belt on because the plane is about to take off, if you need anything please inform our crew and thank you for your time"

And just like that we take off, the flight wasn't to bad the flight attendant was nice and I got a good meal too.

    After we landed we goes to Seb mansion, yes this man has a mansion in Russia, as soon as we got there I have to make sure Holan was okay since he want to go and get his girlfriend back, he was mad frustrated and angry all the way here.

    He's in his room getting ready because we are about to go and I just have to go check on him, I grab my things and head to his room.

    I knock on the door and no answer "Holan, it's me please let me in" I say softly and I hear foot step walking toward the door, the lock click and I slowly open the door, he was sitting on the bed in his suit ready to go.

    He didn't look at me, I take a seat next to him and see he has something in his hand, I take a peek and it's was a velvet box "you say something about a baby" he started and I knew where he was going with this.

    "Yes" I answer looking at him but he didn't look at me "tell me" he say and turn to me "it not my story to tell" I answer calmly under his intense glare.

    "Is Leanna pregnant?" He ask, and straight to the point "what if I say yes" I say and he shoot back with widen eyes "S-She is?" He ask, he's voice was pure shook and angry "yeah" I say and he stand up.

     "There no more time to wait" he say and grab his gun with all his bullet and put them on including his bulletproof vest and grab my hand.

     We walk out the room, he run to his car "Holan" I say and he won't say anything "HOLAN!" I shout and he stop, he turn to me "your not going alone!" I raise my voice "I'm not letting my child die!!" He aggressively said "and I won't let anyone hurt them" I say, in the verge of tears.

     Everyone hear our shouting and came running out, I turn to them "The plan start now" I say and we all get in action and got in our car we drove to our war zone.

End of chapter
I almost cry writing this but I like it
Cya 👋🏻

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