Chapter 59 * TRAGIC DAY*

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~Crystal Harrison POV~

     My phone drop from my hand and I just froze, the call is still on and I can hear the other person calling my name.

    I stand there stun, I want to cry and break down but there no tear just me stun and my heart slowly breaking into pieces.

   I blink and take a breath before picking up my phone and end the call, I calm down and walk to where everyone was chattering about the good thing that just happen.

    "Pack your things, we are leaving right now" I say and everyone look at me confuse, I throw my phone at the wall and it's broke into many pieces "NOW!" I yell and walk out to my suitcase and throw my things together.

     I zip it up and walk out the door, Seb catch up to me and grab my hand and I slap his hand away "I don't want to hurt you" I say and he look at me weird "what happened?" He ask "Elijah! That what happen!!" I shout at his face and it's turn stone cold.

    He turn around and goes back into the room, I drag my luggage out to the car and take my phone out.

    "Prepare the plane, we are leaving now" I say "yes ma'am" they say and I hang up, after 10 minutes of waiting everyone start arriving at the car and put there stuff in, I didn't say a word because  I would burst out screaming shouting so I stay quiet.

     After everyone here we drive silently to the airport, we board our plane and head home, I watch as we fly in the dark and there city light underneath us.

    Me and Seb sit in front of each other in silent, than my eyes goes blurry and I know it's cover with tear, Seb notice and put his hand on mine, I hold onto his hand, didn't let the tear fall.

   After many hours we reach home, I rush as quick as I can and when I arrive at the hospital, I run to the emergency room, I was angry and sad, I saw Isadora and Alex hugging each other "What happen did he survive?!" I ask and saw doctor doing things.

    I was about to faint but someone caught me before I can fall to my knee, tear flow down my face and I turn to his chest and cry, as he hug me tightly and not letting me go.

    "It's okay" Azul say softly and rub my back, he sit me down and hug me tightly, I cry in his arm "h-he...h-he—" "don't talk relax" He whisper, I was having a panic attack, Seb came running to my side and take me from Azul, I'm in his lap and my breathing still hasn't settle "hey, hey...focus on my breathing" he cub my face and I try to do as he did "your okay" he whisper "take a deep breath through your nose and exhale out your mouth" he say calmly as I listen to him.

    I calm down after a while and is listening to his heart beat that was settle and calm, Leanna and Amella is crying as Leo and Holan calming them down, Kol, Xavier, Azul and Alice is standing against the wall and in there mind.

    Dean and Novell is standing strong like they usually do, after 3 hours the doctor came out and I jump up "is he okay?" I ask and she shake her head "will he survive?" I ask and she sadly shake her head and walk away, I fall on my knee and tear falling down my face as I cry and clinch my heart and breaking down.

    Seb come to my level and hug me as I punch the floor as hard as I can, until I see my knockle bleed but I didn't stop I keep punching and punching until "babe, stop" Seb try to take my hand in his and I push him away "Crystal!" I hear Azul yell "stop!" Seb hug me and I struggle to get out of his grip.

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