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I have a feeling that your going to have a good day today or a good night.
Ok, Enjoy 😊

~Crystal Harrison POV~

I remember I haven't visit Elijah so I decided to go today.

I say good bye to everyone and when to my car that Azul bought me so I can get around I don't know how to drive but he teach me so I'm good.

I drive to the hospital and walk in not caring about anyone just goes to the elevator and goes to the floor that was private just for The Gambino only no one else and special doctor.

I get out and walk to Elijah room I got there and like usual there guarded standing straight with gun as I give them a smile and nod they nod back and let me in.

I walk in as I see he was still there with tube coming out of his mouth and cord attached to his hand and body, I sigh sitting next to him.

I place my bag on the table and hold his hand like usual "hey" I said "I thing I might be on to something" I pause "when will you even wake up you have been laying here for days and it's almost Christmas and we have a mission to fulfill you also have to look after us and you promise me that on my first Christmas with you guy you will make me my father favorite pie and you lie" I say in frustration, and a tear slip from my eye "how am I supposed to do this if your not here" I say, tear now rolling uncontrollably "FUCKING WAKE UP ELIJAH" I scream "YOU PROMISE NOW WAKE YOUR ASS UP" I shout and place my forehead on the bed and sob.

After a while I was done and don't want to be here anymore "fuck this" I say and aggressively grab my bag and walk to the door before I can open, a familiar voice make me stop and froze I take a step back and slowly turn around and just stand there froze with tear rolling down my eye one by one.

"How?..." I whisper "come here, sweetheart" he say trying to smile, he's awake the 5% chance of his waking but he did it he's awake and was smiling at me "am I dreaming?" I ask A "no" escape his mouth I slowly walk toward him and hug him he try to move his arm but I pull away and put his arm down sitting back in my chair "how are you alive?" I ask "for you" he say making me tear up "oh I should call the other" I say reaching for my phone "no" he say and I quickly nod.

"How are you feeling?" I ask "my mind work way slower and I don't have control on my body" he sigh as doctor come in "ma'am I will you to wait outside" a nurse say "why?" I ask "we have to do our job and your in the way" she say as Elijah give me a smile to tell me he will be ok and I walk out to the hall and sit at the bench waiting.

I open my phone and text the group
'Bad gang bang bang🔫🔫'
Crystal: come to the hospital
Holan: what happen?
Kol: Is he a wake !!!?
Xavier: there no way
Leanna: everyone right?
Crystal: yeah
Sebastian: on my way

Private text from Sebastian
Seb: what happen?
Crystal: he's awake
Seb: be there in a bit, hold on for me, baby
Crystal: okay cya

    I put my phone down and wait as I look at the window of Elijah room which has been blur but I just stare at the shadow of doctor moving around the room.

    I hear foot step coming down the hall as I look up and see Seb walk in with Mr Carter and Kayden, I sigh as I run into his hand and he hug me and rub my back "is everything okay?" He ask "hmm" I say try not to cry, I pull away and smile at the two they nod "where everyone?" Seb ask "idk" I say "he will okay" Mr Carter say sitting down next to me I smile at him.

    We sit in silent until everyone arrive "hey" Azul say walking up to me and pull me in a hug "is he okay?" He cub my face as I nod "for god sake" I hear Angela annoying voice hit my ear as I just look at her "when will he be out?" Leo ask "I'm not sure" I say.

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now