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Good morning or afternoon or evening I don't know where ever you are 

I've been gone for a while but I hope you like the Chapter so far

Ok, Enjoy😉

~Sebastian Wiliam POV~

   ''Is she ok?" Holan asks he look worried but relieved at the same time "I don't know" I say and signal the guards to clean up and I walk out.

   Everyone was worry, we split up to find her cuz she can be anywhere we set a timer for 10mins if we don't find her we will meet back at the same spot.

   I went alone and I went to our bedroom(my room)I open the door and look around and saw nothing I check her room and see no one I walk around and the timer is up.

   I sigh and walk to the hallway we say we meet the other was already there "did anyone find her?" I ask everyone shack their head that means no "come on letting go to the living room, leave her alone cuz it's obvious that she doesn't want to be found" Kol sigh in disappointment "yeah..." Leanna says and we all walk to the living room I was in front of everyone.

   Then I hear the noise of the TV playing, I stop and look at everyone they all look confuse "walk" Elijah said in a whisper we walk quietly and we enter.

   We all take a Peak and we gasp and some chuckle at who was watching a movie.

   Xavier and Kol hop on the couch beside her ''that my sister'' he gives her a high five ''you did good'' Xavier complement and 'took some popcorn from her bold ''come on guys the girl ok'' Kol say and everyone sits down ''How are you not crying?'' Holan asks looking a little frightened ''don't know'' she answers.

   She look not bother so Leanna brought some food and she also told the maid to make dinner we eat and watch a movie. We chat but I didn't say anything cuz I still shock.

   I thought she would cry and become miserable cuz that what happen to me until Xavier came around, I supersize by her reaction but proud, and now I realise that she was not normal like most of us she is made to become a part of a mafia she was created to be the daughter of a powerful mafia, that no one knows cuz no one has told her that my mafia was created by her father he was a powerful man who becomes a father figure to me but not by blood by heart.

   Her father helps me through alots and that is why I take her brother to be my mate in this business and a boss of the mafia and that is also the reason I know her and she is the opposite of me she is an angel and I'm the devil.

    At this time I know for sure that I have been lovestruck cuz she put me in it and she pull me out of it and I have realised that I have really fallen for the girl who is sitting right in front of me.

~Crystal Harrison POV~

   The whole night I feel fine and not emotional and I feel free but there is one thing. Sebastian keeps looking at me the whole time and I have lock eye contact with him a few times and when I look into his eye it looks like It has been unlocked by something there is something that I didn't know about and I can't tell what.

   Right now I'm in Sebastian room for quite a while cuz mother nature has struck me hard today so I decide to stay in bed Sebastian has asked me why and I just tell him I don't feel good I have also text my brother in a new group chat that Holan has made for everyone and it calls 'bad gang bang bang🔫🔫' which by now it seems obvious everyone hates the name cuz Xavier was in charge of the name and I know for sure that everyone has learned there a lesson of never to trust that motherfucker again.

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now