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I have been waiting for this chapter for so long too so please read!!!
Ok, Enjoy😊

~Leon Harrison POV~

They have send me out all day and tell me not to get home untill 5 in the evening I miss Amella me and her have been sleeping in my room for the past weeks and I truely love her she is amazing all though she is very bossy I like it about her.

It 4 in the evening I text her amd she say everyone is a bit crazy today so that the reson they send me out and also no one want to do meeting all day so I was the only choice they have.

I have text my sisters and she say to come back at 5 even though I finish at 4 I'm at my appartment that I have bought long ago when I want one cuz I just want some space no one really know about it so it just me amd some body gaurd I have been wanting to go home but they don't aloud me even Sebastian say if you come home I will put a bulit in my head.

It my birthday tomorrow and there is nothing going on I have been so lazy and sad about it but of course me being me I don't show it, I have been laying in bed for feel lik hour but it been only 20mins.

My phone rang and I pick it up "hey, Leon" Dominico say "what?" I ask "so they don't let me in the house can you get the door" he say I was stund what happening "you think I'm at home they don't let me in too" I say I hear him gasp "than, where are you?" He ask "I'm at my appartment" I say "can you drop me the pin I'm going there" he say woulding it we nice to have company "ok see you" I say he hung up.

What are they doing this must be sometjing but my mind can't focus on it rn.

After 10mins I hear a knock, I walk to the door and see Dominico and a friends "can we come in" he say I step out of the way and they walk in. They sit on the couch "so do you know what they are doing?" Dominico ask "of course not, I have been in a meeting all day and I text Amella she say to come in 5" I say grabing a water "interesting" He reply "who are you?" I ask his friends "I'm jackson" he say putting his hand out I shake it "Leon" I say he nod "so you been here all day" Dominico ask "no I been out since the morning" I say he nod. We went on our phone and didn't say anything.

"I think we should go it's go" they nod and we walk out I lock the door and I hop on my car they go on there.

We arrive after 10 mins of driveing. We park and get off. I open the door and no was there so I asume they are in the kitchen we walk there i saw the girl cooking and they make the guy set the table they were giggleing "hey" they look up "hello" I hear Crystal voice "hey" Amella come and hug me "hi" Leanna say "hey man" Azul say "dude how the meeting?" Xavier ask with Kol hand on his shoulder "good" I say "hey guys" Dominico voice come in the room with the guy name jackson.

"he-" Azul look at the guy and he froze "Crystal, would you like to see this" He ask "yeah what is i—" she pause "is this real?" She ask Dominico "what?" Dom reply "I told you I will birng a friends" he say careless "so I got a gun point at my head for nothing" She say "who point a gun at you" I ask her "it Sebastian he thought i was someone else it nothing" She explain I get he react quietly.

"why is he doing here?" Sebastian voice boom the room he walk in with Elijah and Lorenzo "what are you guy freaking about?" Dominico ask "about your little friends" Crystal say angry "I'm done" she say walking to the door but Sebastian grab her "It ok" he say to her "why are you here? To distroy her life again?" Azul ask "no I don't know we were coming here" jackson say "don't you think you done enough" Azul ask him Furious "ok, stop what is going on here?" Elijah ask

~Crystal Harrison POV~

We are sitting down at the table, "If anyone won't talk I'm going to eat all the food" Kol say everyone glare at him "so, what the situation?" Elijah ask for the 50th times "He use to be my bestfriends" I finally say Holan nod and I keep going "than one day he left and never return but yesterday he walk up to me at the ball and we have a little fight, and I don't want to see him agian that the reason" I say and sigh I feel a hand grab mine under the table I look up and see Sebastian faceing the table.

"So, why do Azul were defending you?" Elijah ask "cuz I told him before" I say "so you tell him not me not fair" Kol pout like a little kid "KOL this not the time" Azul hit his head "I mean Kol not lieing" Xavier say "and you shut up" Sebastian say glareing at the crazy head.

    "can we talk?" Jackson ask "I don't to hear any apologie" I raise my voice "you just have to listen" he said "Listen, Do you how many time have I listen to you and trust you and you choice to break it, not me" I say a tear slip down my face and I quiekly wipe it.

    "It not just you who is hurt I have to exprien the way to disconect with everyone who I love includeing you!!" He say standing up "love? You love me? I need you the most and you left I was so stupid to even trust you!!" I say standing up "you do not deserve to be in my life because you left me I believe you everything you say but you broke it you broke the trust that we have and now no here we are fighting you want to be back in my life go on get back in because the door is closed for you especially!!!" I say "just please listen to me" he beg "ok, I'm listening say it" I cross my arm over my chest "Not here, private" he say "if you really want me to listen say it here I'm not going in to a room with you" I stand my ground "ok" he take a breath "before I left your house your father said something, he say I have stay away from you cuz I'm not good for you, I of coures say I will and the reason I said that it becuase I don't want you to be in a mafia I can't see you getting hurt and I was stupid and dumb to think that If I avoid you, you would have been safe" he say I saw tear coming from his eyes and by now I become cold "you do not get to pick what my life is about and who I get invold in" I say coldly "I know and I have made a mistake" " a mistake that can not be fix" I correct him "ok, I'm done and I wish you the best I love you and you will alway be my number one bestfriend, goodbye, bimbo" he say looking with hope in his eyes "don't ever call me that again you don't deserve to say that name" I say "and goodbye to you too" I say with no emotion can touch me or feel in me "yep I will" and like that he is out of my life for good "I'm not hungry you guy can eat" I say and walk to the door, I excit the room and rush to Sebastian room I open the door and sit down on the bed.

I don't know what to do or say to him he just not right maybe what ever my father say to him is true he is gone for good I will never see him agian at least I get to say goodbye to my one true friend, the door open and Sebastian walk in.

"Come you need to eat?" He say standing infront of me "I'm not hungry" I say standing up I walk to the bathroom and he grab my arm "it was not a question it was an order" he say straght to my face "I'm going to" I say he pull me in and before I know it his lip were on mine I was shock.

My mind couldn't prosess but my body kiss him back his lip were soft and sweet I feel like I'm on the cloud and I want more, after a while I let go and lust into his eyes they were staring right back at me "you don't know how long I have been waiting for that" he say I can see the lust in his eyes.

End of chapter
They kiss,they kiss!!
*doing happy dance*
finally I have been waiting for this

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now