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Hello lady and gentlemen
I'm just feeling a little to excited to write this since I've been waiting for to long
Ok, Enjoy 😊

~Crystal Harrison POV~

I get up brush my teeth and goes to Seb room, I got in to see him in his suit ready to go to work "hey" he say as I walk toward him "hi" I say wrapping my arm around his neck "I have something for you" I said "what is it?" He ask wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me closer.

I open the drawer next to us and take out a box, I hand the box to him as he take it "what is this?" He ask "open it" I say, he removed his hand from my waist and I watch as he open it.

His face change from smirk to a smile, I can see the joy in his eyes the type of joy you never get to see from him.

He look up to met my eyes and I smile "why?" He ask "I thought it's would be great to give you one" I say and he chuckle "to match me" I say raising my bracelet "I love it" he say.

He pull the watch out of its box and hand it to me, I place it around his wrist, he smile at his new watch, it's has my initials and his on it with a bottom that was make for him to press when he's need me, also very Technology like.

"I have it custom made just for you" I say and he pull me close and kiss me "gorgeous" he say and we walk to the kitchen for breakfast.

    I go in to the smell of omelette my favorite food, "good morning" I smile and everyone greet me "got you your favorite" Leanna walk to me with a plate in her hand "thank you" I say and eat, I almost moan at how good it is.

   We finish and Seb pull me aside "what wrong?" I ask "remember yesterday" he say "yeah, I say you can have what ever you want" I say and he nod

    "I've decided" he say "what is it?" I ask "your moving back to my room" he say, I roll my eyes

"why?" I ask "you still have your room but your going to sleep in mine and your clothes will be in mine" he say, I groan but before i can speak he cut me off

"I want you to be mine" he say pulling me closer by my waist "I'm yours" I say putting my hand on his face "but it's doesn't seem like that" he say and I sigh "tell me what do I have to do" I say, "fuck me" he say making my eyes widen

"what?" I'm shock at what just came out of his mouth, it's wasn't a Surprise but it's still is to me

"You heard me" he say now I'm just froze there have no word but the fact that he's so calm and not even a slight of emotion showing on his face shock me even more

"We already did that" that just randomly came out of my mouth, he smirk and kiss me, I enjoy the kiss and he pull away "evening" evening? That all he said before pulling me to his car.

He make me get in and he drove off, I was just shock and silent there just so many questions that I can't say at once even though I want to I stop myself cuz I ask and ask before he can answer any of them.

We sit silently in the car until we reach a place where I've had no clue where we are "where are we?" I ask "the one thing I know is this" he point at a expensive looking jewelry shop.

"If I own something I have to put a label on it" he say and we got out the car, we walk in and immediately people head turn our direction.

"good morning, Mr William" a man came out to shake Seb hand "how may I help you?" The man smile, than he turn to me "I'm drake, the owner" the old man say to me, I give him a smile "you must me Miss Harrison" he say and I nod "yeah" I say, he lead us to a more private room.

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