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Hello welcome to my new chapter
I want to say
thank you for 100 readers!!!🥳
I'm so so happy 😊
You have made my dream come true
Ok, Enjoy😉

~Leon Harrison POV~

*A week ago*

   Fuck, fuck, fuck why do I have to go ughh I fucking hate this job but killing is a different thing.

   Sebastian assign me to go get the gun he was supposed to, since I'm free he's not he make me go instead I have been in a meeting all morning and It fucking boring everyone was scared I would blow some stem but I'm not going to cuz if I did it would have been a bad idea, Sebastian and my sister has been closer than usual like if there Crystal there will be Sebastian somewhere near though I haven't thought much but Azul, we have a talk not a while ago about this and everyone say the same anyway.

   Right now I'm going to get lunch cuz I want to eat alone cuz it's been a ruff week Idk if anyone notices my birthday coming up and they all seem normal and no one really thinks about it not like I like my birthday anyway but usually, we would disgust about it and we have like a dinner(which is normal).

   I park my car in front of a restaurant. I grab my wallet, phone and my gun. I walk in I look around and I spot the pretty girl sitting alone crying my heart just melt when I saw her and the next thing I know I was standing in front of her table.

   She look up and I was met with the biggest beautiful brown eyes that I can get lost in she wipe her tear and look at me like I'm weird but I know why cuz I was standing there like a freak, WTF Leo okay now say something before she gets scared, I open my mouth but no word came out I was speechless since I now can't speak I decide to sit in the chair in front of her.

   "Hey beautiful, why are crying?" I ask her "nothing" she says and look away trying to avoid eyes I place my hand on her face turning it to look at me a tear slip out of her eye "you can tell me anything" I say she so fucking beautiful gosh how can someone be so cute "my father kick me out" she says softly trying not to cry even more "don't cry but can you tell me who is he?" I ask nicely, fuck Leo why are you being nice because of a girl.

    " Hutchins that his name" she says I remove my hand from her face, she to gorgeous to be crying "tell me why?" I ask nicely she look up at my face scaning it and sigh "I meet this boy at a party and last night I bring him to meet my father my father have never met any guy I've dated but I like him and I think he like me, this boy has tattoo all over his body he looks like a boy that my father would hate but I thought that if my father knows it would mean I repect him but he didn't like it so last night we talk about it and he kicks me out" she says looking down at the table the whole times I feel say for him "it ok" I say she looked up at me and said "why are you so supporting toward me you don't even know me" she says curioe "Gosh why am I talking to a strager" she whispers thinking I didn't hear I chukle of cute she is, she smiles "you know I have never met such an amzing girl" I say smileing at her "thanks" she says blush slightly "are you hugry, my treat?" I say smirking she nods and I call the waiter.

   She comes to our table she gives me a wink and tries to flirt with me but I ignore it. We order and talk while waiting for our food "what's your favourite colour?" I ask "blue cuz can be anything, you?" she says smiling our food came. "Black" I say simply and start eating the food was good we make small talk, And I went crazy with her cute giggle and smile how she act she's an angel. We finish our food and my phone buzz I saw Sebastian text me "one second" I say.

Sebastian: where the fuck are you?
Leon: eating?
Sebastian: get your ass home now the gun just arrive
Leon: okay😉

   He can be a dick sometimes "I have to go but before I go may I have your name?" I ask she giggles "I'm Amella Fallon, you?" She asks poliely "Leon Harrison, I'm glad to meet you" I say smirking she blush "and your number?" I ask she blushes harder I hand her my phone she put it in, "glad I met you today hopefully we will meet soon and thank you" she says sweetly "you too, and anytime" I give her a wink and walk out to the car I hop in and look to see she was looking at my car and I literally forgot that I was a mafia boss and I have money that why she was shocked when she saw me in my car shit.

   I drove to the house and got dragged by Sebastian who was waiting for me looking irritated and angry.

End of chapter
I hope you like Amella
And yes it was love at first sight
I feel like I'm on clout 9 wirteing this
And cya👋

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