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before you come for me

I'm sorry for not posting

but I will try to update everyone sooner

ok I will shut my trap now


~Crystal Harrison~

I'm shaking and I'm scared but the question I have for my mother come back and they are running through my head why did she leave? Is she dead? What would I do? Why? I want to hate her but I can't she's right in front of me I watch as she laughs at a guy who is the enemy of the mafia I'm in what if it wasn't her? I sit there Holan holds me while the tear keeps coming down I pull away from Holan.

''are you ok?'' he asks my face drain and have no emotion I Shut everything off so that I cannot feel anything I do this when I am hurt ''I'm fine'' I say they all look a bit surprised ''Are you sure?'' Sebastian says ''I'm fine'' I turn to the computer and keep hacking until I came across a folder with my mom name on it 'Amara Harison' i open it to see the info about my mother they have her secret and everything about her when I was flipping throughout the page I came across a page with my dad name on it 'Benjamin Harison'.

it says my mom has been cheating on my dad with 'Hutton Parker' and it has been happening for the past 4 years there is a picture of my mom and him on the bed and cuddling, hugging, kissing and everything.

I sit there watching every picture of it suddenly I stop and just zone out I can hear everyone call me and worrying but for me I can't hear anything anymore and I just can't feel anything except anger and sadness.

~Holan Harrison~

I sit there watch crystal making sure she was fine cuz she had been through a lot suddenly she stops and zone out with no emotion. I got scared I shack her ''Crystal Crystal Crystal hey hey...'' I say scared everyone starts to panic Sebastian look the most worried ''WAKE HER UP!!!'' Leo shout ''I'm TRYING'' I yell back ''Crystal look at me please what are you doing you are scaring everyone'' Sebastian said loudly.

*Kol and Azul went outside to get the nurse.

*Xavier just walked around the room like crazy.

*Elijah is panicking and shouting at everyone.

Sebastian keep trying to wake her up I don't know what to do anymore my heart beats so fast in my chest that is about to pop out scared for my own sister she might die what is she doing why is she trying to do this ''CRYSTAL get back into reality'' Sebastian keeps shouting and shouting and shouting at her but she just sits there in her head.

Suddenly she snapped out back and she looked at everyone Kol and Azul came back with a doctor she has this murderer in her eye. something has turned on in her like the Psycho part of her come out I got scared but still, I've experienced a lot of people like this but she was different the look in her eye was full of anger sadness, she stands up and looked over to Sebastian ''Can you take me to your room please?'' she asked Sebastian in a very calm voice  ''yeah'' Sebastian said he looks confused but do as she asks she doesn't say a word and walk out leaving everyone in shock.

''What the hell happen?'' I say raising an eyebrow ''that wasn't a good look on her face'' Leo said worrying ''she has this side that I think no one knows it looks dangerous'' Kol say ''I have never met this girl but that was not what I expected'' Elijah said.

~Sebastian Wiliam~

    I lead her to my room and before I can open the door she opens it and walk in she has no emotion after what happen and just doesn't say a word I got kinda scared she sits down and I stand there she looks down at her hand and plays with it there was no sound the only thing I can hear is silent I sit down next to her ''can you give me a piece of paper'' she said I nod and stand up I grab a piece of paper and a pen and hand it to her she takes it and starts writing thing down without hesitation I look over and I can't fully read it cuz she was writing so fast I sit there and wait 5mins has passed she hands me the paper. 

I want to kill my mother she doesn't love me and she left 2 years ago she makes me sad for the last 2 years and she makes me think she's dead she doesn't desire to have a daughter or happiness can you help me kill her? I know this is much to ask but I just want to get rid of her I will explain the plan if you agree.

I was shocked by what she has written but I didn't show it ''yeah if that what you want then we will do it'' I say as she looks up at me with her big grey eye she hugs me ''thank you Sebastian'' she whispered to me we stay like this for a while. It feels nice to just hold her in my arm.

She pulls away and stands up to go to the bathroom I was confused and feel like she needs help but Idk how to help her I know I feel something for her and I want more of that feeling but I just can't stop she came out of the bathroom and go under the cover and fall asleep I know she mentally and physically tired so I stand up and walk out carrying the note in my hand.

End of chapter

hello, lady and gentlemen & boy and girl hope you like the POV switch I try to give you guys a bit of everyone since they all need a bit of their own part and thank you for all the support I really am surprised by how many of you have read this story it means the world thank you so much and see you for my next chapter have a great day/night everyone.<3

Update: I didn't know that this chapter was that scary like I think it came from a horror movie🤯

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