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It the third of Jan/2022
I feel so lazy but I'm thankful for this book it's help give me motivation and you guy are incredible thank you, I love you 💙
Ok, Enjoy 😊

~Sebastian William POV~

Crystal and I spent the night together since it her birthday and I can never give her anything better than sex.

She asleep right now and it's Christmas morning, 3am in the morning after sex she was tired so she fall asleep with only underwear on and I'm on the balcony with rum in my hand and a cigarette on the other.

I can't sleep because of all the thought I have right now about the piece of information I found on Haze sister, she had send me a letter but I haven't open it.

I know she's alive and I kill the wrong sister but now she's back for revenge and I can't risk my new found happiness and family.

She has send me 3 letters already but I didn't say anything to anyone the only person who know is Alice she delivered this to my office.

I don't if I should open it or not, I feel anger that I have one job but now that one job was ruin by some stupid sister switch.

I sigh and drink the rest of my rum before taking a breath of my cigarette, I watch the outside view from the mansion.

"Can't sleep" A voice hit my ear, I turn to see Crystal leaving against the down way and her hand cross, in my t-shirt, "aren't you supposed to be asleep?" I ask "I was but than I reach to your side of the bed and can't find you" she said, looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Come here" I pay my lap and she walk and sit in my lap facing me "what wrong tell me" she ask, she only has my shirt on with underwear underneath "it's just work" I say putting my glass down.

She pull my face and kiss my lip, I wrap my arm around her waist and she put her hand around my neck, she pull away and look at me "did I bother you?" She ask "no" I answer "than why are you still awake" she said "I do this all the time" I said, she sigh and wrap her arm around my chest and place her head gently on my shoulder.

She get back up and take the cigarette out my hand put it in her mouth and inhale it, she cough as it came out, I rub her back "you okay?" I ask "yeah" smoke still come out her mouth "why did you do that?" I ask "you alway do it so why not try" she said and hand the cigarette back to me.

"Want some hot coco" she ask "if you are the chief than yes" I said and she peck my lip before getting up to the kitchen half naked, I chuckle as she walk away.

She come back with two mug in her hand she give one to me and sit on my lap, taking her first sip,she smile "Merry Christmas, handsome" she said "Merry Christmas princess" I said, and drink mine.

We stay outside and talk and sometimes just stay silent watching the sunrise together.

She is the best thing that had happened to me and I will never let her go.

At 7 in the morning she still want to stay outside but until the door open and Elijah wheel him self inside.

"Merry Christmas kiddo" he said and Crystal walk up to him and give him a hug "hi" she said and I smile "Merry Christmas to you" I say and he smirk "official now?" He ask still on the teasing state "yeah" I said and Crystal blush slightly.

"I'm just here to tell you there Christmas pj in your closet better wear them" Elijah said and Crystal wheel him to the door before she walk back in.

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now