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I haven't updated in long time maybe to me but I haven't been active and not in the mood to write but I'm back now so you can have double cuz you guy deserve it.
Ok, Enjoy😊

*Next morning*

~Crystal Harrison POV~

I wake up feeling light headed and hurt all over my body, and The memory hit me I just got back from being kidnapped and shot and rape in 2-3 days and I feel worse than I have ever before, I try sitting up but can't I saw the balcony door open and I saw a figure and I already knew who it was.

I pick up the book on my bad side table and start reading, I love reading it's make me feel safe and out of this world though it's not for everyone but it's definitely for me, I have been reading since I was 14 years old it's help me with my depression and anxiety, I can just pull out a book and start reading it and it's safe to do so.

"Morning" A voice hit my ear and make me look up from my book "how are you feeling?" Sebastian ask sitting down on my side of the bed with his phone on his hand "good" I say fully a lie, "no your not" he say setting down the phone on the bed side table "you don't look good" he say, 'of course I don't I have been beaten up yesterday and you expect me to recover' yeah that true but be a little nicer.

"maybe not, but I'm trying" I say now my eyes connecting with his "are you hungry?" He ask "hmm" I hum in response "can you stand?" He ask, looking like he is trying his best to be nice, I giggle mentally "maybe I don't know" I smile and pull off my blanket and put my feet down, Sebastian watch every move I take.

I took a breath and try standing up, pushing myself off the bed was about to lose my balance but Sebastian stood up and grab my arm to keep me balance, I wasn't aware of what he was doing but that was very fast, his move make me feel heart warming and I haven't feel that way for quite a long times.

"Look like you can stand" he say now I saw a small smirk on his face "maybe if your not holding me I won't be able to" I say and his smirk got wider "keep going" he say, I walk to the dresser and hold on to it.

Azul came in with a food tray, we both look up "you can't stay still can you?" He say and tilt his head while giving me a small smile , I smile, and walk back to the bed I sit down with Sebastian help "I have work" Sebastian say and left, Azul sit next to me, he set the tray down and look at me "how are you feeling?" He ask and I start eating "first of all thank you and good, I'm feeling good" I say with food in my mouth with a smile on my face.

A knock on the door and it's open, Kol walk in with a book not just any book my favorite one and pack of my favorite candy, "hey, I want to come and apologize" he say, with a smile that tell me he mean it "come here" Azul say and Kol walk closer.

Azul make a quick move flip Kol on the ground and he growl, my eyes widen "off" I say without realizing "reminds me not to piss you off" I say to Azul "that for making me worry and for joining the Russia mafia" Azul say with an anger face.

Kol get out of the floor and sit beside me, rubbing his back "I thought Sebastian told you and I fake joking never real" Kol growl one more time "I don't care" Azul hiss "chill, he say he don't know and I'm trying to how breakfast" I say earning an apologetic smile from both of them.

We talk until I finish my breakfast even though I didn't eat much Kol eat most of it, I let him because there is to much for me, "do you know how whip Sebastian is?" Kol suddenly ask, I give him a confuse look, Azul shrug "what do you mean?" I ask they both turn to me with a face of disbelief.

"what?" I ask "you seriously don't know" Kol ask "no?" I say even more confused "they say love is blind" Azul say, scratching his neck "do you-" I pause cuz my brain just click "you two are insane!" I say they shrug "how can you thing that!" I ask "I mean look when he's around you he not normal like he's heart warming and the way he look at you is totally a different look he give everyone" Kol explain earning a back of the head slap from Azul.

"you seriously can't see it?" Azul ask "no" I answer feeling so innocent "ok, next time check" Azul say "and I don't like when you two date-" before he can finish Azul slap him on the back of the head again, I can't heal but burst out laughing at my idiot that call my brother.

Kol join me and Azul give us glare, and the door open Holan walk in with Leanna and Amella with the most confusing face ever which make me and Kol laugh even more, "umm..." Leanna say "doesn't it's hurt?" Amella add "what is this?" Holan say in a weird face, we calm down a little.

"We were talking–" Kol say and I hit him with a pillow "what up?" I say, with a innocent smile on my face "I have to go" Azul say and give me a kiss on the cheek before leaving "I will be here so if you need anything text me" Kol say and wink walking after Azul with the typical Kol walk make me giggle.

"Does it's hurt?" Leanna ask, I give a smirk "no, silly" I say "how can not hurt?" Amella ask "I mean it's not bad" Holan shrug "for god sack your never a good help" Leanna glare at him, raises his hand in surrender, "you two are definitely dating" Amella say making her way next to me as we both smirk at the new couple "when does this happen?" Leanna say knowing exactly what we mean as I see Holan with small smile knowing how cute she look when she get jealous or mad.

We talk for hours except Holan have to go for something with the boys and us girl has nothing to do but talk,play game, eat, watch movie and sleep.

The boys were out for so long and we get do board with everything I mean we did all sort of thing this house can offer.

"When are we going back?" I ask, right now we are reading book "not sure but soon" Leanna reply

"Hey girl! Come to the living room!" I hear Xavier voice hit my ear make me look up so does Leanna and Amella, "where have they been?" Amella scoff "Come here let me help" Leanna say taking my hand and we all walk to the living room to see they were there all of them.

Sebastian came and help me, and my brother glare dagger at him make me smile, I see Leanna siting in Holan lap and Amella sitting with Leo arm around her "talking about couple" I say rolling my eyes jokingly and smirk they blush at my comment "yeah never will have one" Kol came and sit next to me handing me a glass of orange juice "thank" I say he sit down next to me.

The only thing I hear is silent no one have said anything or do anything we are just in our own world and enjoying each other company.

But long gone the silent, I broke it "are we just sitting here?" I ask, all head turn to me "we are going home" Elijah said, Home? I have only heard them call it's estate or compound or mansion but never home, "did you just say home?" I question "yep, home" he say with a smile that I learn to love as he is the oldest and a father figure to all of us, "I have never thought that one day I will have a place call home again" Kol say looking up at the ceiling "yes, brother we have a home now" Xavier agree patting Kol shoulder "home sound nice" Leo say "I mean who doesn't love home" Holan shrug and we laugh and some giggle.

the smile that we all hold was a precious moment that I will never forget that plus the laugher, chatting, smiling, with joke throw throughout the room, sweet kisses, lecture from Elijah, Joke from Kol and Xavier, fighting from Azul, smiling couple from Leanna and Holan, the way Leo and Amella hold each other and lastly the famous smirk/smile from the one handsome man, Sebastian William.

End of chapters
It's not done yet!!!
There is more coming
Take the love❤️ you deserve it

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now