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~Crystal harrison~

''You're coming with me'' Holan say as he stands up I follow him taking a glace as I can see that Kol and Azul leaving behind us but Sebastian and Leo are still sitting there.

 ''What did Sebastian and you talk about last night?'' Holan asks, Kol and Azul want the other way. 

''He told me to hack into, umm oh yeah hack Haze hamilton security camera and we talk a little bit'' I say and look at him. 

He freezes for a moment ''do you know who that is?'' he asks he look kinda serious 

''no'' I reply as he keeps walking 

''hmm'' he hum at me.

After a long walk and I think we walk across the mansion, as we stop at a door he opens it looks like a security room.

''This is cool'' I say to myself but I think he heard me he turns to me and takes a sit on one of the two chairs 

''sit, this is where you will spend most of your day'' he told me and I sit down on the chair and he hands me a bag of candy I give him a confused look 

''take it or I will'' he say I take the bag and he takes out another one I giggle 

''do you do this a lot?'' I say as he chuckles 

''yeah, have you heard of hacking and snacking'' he says 

''sound like something I would do'' I say and smile at him

 ''then get used to it cuz this place is snack free, help yourself'' he said pointing at the draw next to me, I open to see all kind of snack and hacking gear.

 ''Is this all for me?'' I ask in surprise

 ''hmm'' he nod and we spend around 3 hours just showing me around and teach me so of the way we do hack here.

I kinda like his company he fun to be around he just doesn't show it but I like it.

 After Holan and I have enough of the snacking and hacking we when to the kitchen while on the way

 ''do you know where to find the room?'' he asks and we stop 

''nope'' I say He smiles at me

 ''then here'' he hands me a phone, my eye lit up 

''what? I thought I'm not allowed to have a phone here'' he chuckles nonsense, why would we do that and besides you need one, I already put everyone number on it if you need anything just call us'' he says

'' thank you so much'' I say smile and hug him and he hugs me back as we break the hug we keep going until we reach the kitchen door he opens the door.

Azul saw me and he step forward and give me a hug we break the hug ''do you have fun?'' he says putting a cookie in his mouth

 I giggle ''of course I have fun'' I say 

''Good'' he says and turns around

 ''what are you making?'' 

''oh this, it's pasta'' he says

''can I help?'' I ask he gives me a nod I look and see he was kinda doing it wrong so I do some changes like making the sauce a bit better as he watches me when I finish we have 6 bowls of perfectly plated pasta.

He gives me a surprising look ''wow you just prove me wrong again'' he says in surprise

 ''thank you'' we set the plate on the dining table and as we are about to sit down.

the door flew open revelling Sebastian screaming at one of his guards with a gun in his hand it was scary so I back off. 

I can see Leo and Kol rush in the room ''what happens?'' Holan ask him

 '' our system is being hacked'' he said in frustration 

''what do we do?'' Azul said

''I can help'' I say as they all look at me 

''like what?'' Sebastian walked up to me very seriously

 ''just give me your laptop I can put a firewall and find who is hacking us with that I can create a new improved system with a double firewall with that system I can put also put an alarm if someone trying to take the firewall down we will be notified immediately'' I say calmly trying to hide my fear as he looked at me for a second

 ''I'll get the laptop'' Holan say and walk out of the room Sebastian sit down and look at his food 

''who made this?'' he asks

 ''I did'' I say then I see Holan is back with two laptops he hands me one I open it as he sits next to me and we start to do our job.

   After 30 mins of Sebastian walking around in frustration, Leo and Azul going to check around making sure that the guard is ready for anything and Kol trying to calm Sebastian down. 

   ''Done'' I say as Holan was finishing, Sebastian stop and walk over to me and Holan and

 ''it says that Haze Hamiton hack us, and he wants to check who the new hacker is and get some info'' I say in confusion then I realise that I'm the new hacker of the empire and get the info he wants to know about me ? ''is this about me?'' I ask Sebastian he looks worried and angry about it

''I think so'' he says and looks at the computer trying to see what I did then I saw Leo and Azul is back.

''Everything is ready'' Leo say 

 Azul walking up to me ''what happens?'' he asked me 

''they are trying to figure out who I am'' I say trying to hold my tear back he hugs me and I hug him back and that he hands me a pack of gummy 

''here this might help'' he says softly

 ''thank'' I say and take the gummy from him

 ''there, it secure and I don't think we will be hacked again'' Holan say and look over to see that it complete

 ''should we have dinner?'' Kol asks

 ''yeah'' Sebastian say as we all sit down. 

After the food, we chat a little bit and I went to my room using the map on my phone that Holan at for me.

End of chapter 

   Hi lady & Gentlemen and boy&girl I really appreciate all of you and I know that this chapter is a bit longer than other chapters but I hope you enjoy it and tell me how I did?, thank you for your time here I love you and have a great day/night everyone.<3


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