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~Sebastian William ~

     She was just sitting there not knowing what to do so I take out a paper and pen, standing up and walking over to her desk and place the paper in front of her she look up and give me confuse.

this woman drives me crazy sometimes I took a breath ''write what you want on here I'll collect the paper at the end of the day'' I say earning a nod from her and then I walk out of the room.

    I walk into the hallway some guards walk past me and I give them a nod I walk to the living room which aloud only the bosses, I saw only Leo and Holan there ''hey Sebastian, where is Crystal?'' Leo ask

 ''where?'' I say mockingly and sit down I saw him glaring at me

 ''no man seriously where is she?'' Holan says a bit frustrated

 ''in my office'' I finally say 

''what is she doing there?'' Leo ask

 ''if you have so many questions why don't you go talk to her yourself'' I say kinda mad at him but I keep my cool 

''hey guess who com...wait why are you here Sebastian aren't you suppose to be in your office'' Kol say I can't tell why is he asking cuz this is my house and he has no right to question me like that.

    ''I ask him to come cuz you say you have news'' Holan say as I turn to see Azul standing behind me crossing his arm and looking at Kol 

''finish your sentence man, why does it matter if Sebastian here'' Azul say he says in confusion 

''oh than where is Crystal?'' he asks me

 ''in my office and why does everyone asking about her does she even matter?'' I say raising an eyebrow

 ''yes!'' they all say at the said time 

''wait if she there then Xavier might kill her cuz he heading to your office to surprise you, man this is bad'' he said scratching his head 

''WHAT??'' Leo scream

 ''I didn't know'' Kol say before anything could happen I ran out of there I say Holan and everyone follow after we ran and ran until I saw the door open I rush in and Xavier a gun in his hand and Crystal on the floor.

     Azul rush in and get down on his knee and hold Crystal patting her face ''wake up your not dead plz, WAKE UP CRYSTAL'' he screams I walk up to Xavier

 ''what did you do?'' I say giving him a death stare right in his face

 ''I saw her sitting on the chair and I thought she was an intruder and I use my gun to knock her down, why are you guys so stunned and fond over this girl?'' he says I can see he told the true 

''she, not some girl you asshole''Leo say Kol and Holan just stand there looking like they have seen a ghost.

     I turn to see Azul still trying to wake her up I kneel down and pick her up carrying her out of the room everyone was looking at me I don't care I walk to my bedroom and place her on my bed.

 I call the nurse and when she arrives, I give her a small kiss on the forehead and walk out back to my office and saw everyone was there Holan stand up and walk to me 

''is she ok?'' he asks to worry

 ''the nurse is checking'' I say and I sit on my desk

 ''who is she?'' Xavier ask

Xavier is one of my best mates he uses to work for me and my mafia he creates his own mafia and now we are partners he knows me the best he's like a brother to me

''She's our sister'' Kol say and give him a glare

 ''How? Last time I check you were just 4 brothers that all and if you have a sister she would be younger'' he says Leo explain everything

I look at Azul to see him worrying so much about her so much ''Azul you ok?'' I ask he look up 

''yeah man I'll be fine'' he says. I heard a knock I tell them to come in the same nurse walk in Azul jump ''is she alright?'' he asks 

''she alright I think she just got knocked out she will be fine just when she wakes up her head will hurt a little bit hurt but she fine'' she says kinda scared to see all of us together and she walks out.

End of chapter

    hi, ladies and gentlemen & boys and girls I hope your day has been going great I have so much fun creating this chapter for all of you so I hope you like it. I want to say thank you so much for supporting me I will continue to write the story btw there's a new character in this chapter If you have read this chapter you should know his name, Xavier so yeah I just want to say thank you for your time and I'll see you tomorrow for my next chapter have a nice day/night, everyone.<3


LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now