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So you know when they say happiness can never last forever yep that what you are about to experience
So, Enjoy😊
~Crystal Harrison POV~

  I snap out of my fantacy world and see the man who is standing infront of me than I relise he stool my frist kiss 'bitch you need to slap him' no I can't do that "you stool my first kiss" I hit his arm and sit on the bed crossing my arm

  He raise an eyebrow and smirk at me, he sit beside me and I trun away, "come on, love you can't ignore me" he say and put his hand on my chin turning my face to his "you need to say something" he say.

  I feel angry but happy at the same time "are you hungry?" He ask I nod "use your word, love" he caress my cheek "Yes, I'm hugry" he stand up and put his hand out I take it and we walk to the kitchen, eaveryone is there talking as soon as I saw them I put my head down.

  "Don't do that"I hear Sebastian say I look up. We take a sit and the food was place in front of us we started eating. Everyone do there own thing we does our own thing "cupcake, are you okay?"
Holan say from behind me he look worry "yeah, yeah I'm fine" I say faceing him he put his hand on my shoulder "hope your ok" he say handing me a pack of gummy worm "thank" I take it "you better be ok" Kol say Xavier wink "how could you guys be so happy all the times?" I ask the look at each other and back at me with a Idk look "maybe we are just care free" Xavier said "yeah, I think I should try that" I say putting food in my mouth.

   "honey, is everything ok?" Christina ask "yes, I'm fine" I say smileing at her "I'm glad" she say simle back "so, how my sister?" Leo say "your sister is so not ok" I say sarcastically and smirk at him he nod "than I should give her a hug" he say walking to he and hug me and yes I hug him back "bitch I have never seen you that angry in my life" Leanna say and hug me "you need to clam down" she say pulling away "yes I will" I answer "you have anger issuse" Amella say and cross her arm "everyone in here does" I shrug and I hug her I know she are not the kind that is sweet or you can just get a hug easliy.

  I finish my food and stand up. "Where you going?" Sebastian ask "to sleep?" I said "I'm coming" I nod and I say good night to everyone and we walk to Sebastian room.

   Angelica didn't seem to bother me today so that is peace full. I open the door and sigh Sebastian enter after me I jumb on the bed and lay like a starfish and sigh just trying to relax cuz it has been a crazy yet heart wraming day.

  "You really mean it when you say sleep?" Sebastian ask I sit on my elbow and look at him "yep" I say looking out the window "sorry for stilling you first kiss but tbh not sorry at all" he say siting down I glare at him he chukle at me "you know I truely think you are not a mafia king sometime" I say just wondering in my thought "it true but you can't escape reality" he answer I nod "how do you my father?" I ask not realizing who I'm talking to "you really don't know your father" he say I turn to look at him he look serious "I just want to know" I say now we make eyes contact "he was my boss my father not by blood but by heart" I give him a confuse look.

"how is he you boss aren't you the boss" I say he shack his head "you father use to be my father best friends they were insuperable there he use to work with me but he never mention anything about you" he say now looking at the ground "that mean you know him" I say he nod "more than know him" he say marking me feel like I have done something wrong "you should to bed" he say now looking at me I sit up "and your room will be done tomorrow" he say I smile "thank you for everything" and that I give him a hug I don't know what I was doing but he hug me back.

*the next day*

I wake up with a smile cuz I finally have my own room today.

"Hey how you sleep?" Kayden ask me I just walk into the kitchen "good, you?" I say grabbing my cup of coffee "amazing" he say "where everyone?" I ask talking a sip "they are finishing up" he say I nod.

The Carter are going back today and there flight will take off at 10 in the morning so they have 2hours till than it have been great haven't them around but they can't stay long.

"Morning" Dominico come and give me a side hug "morning" I say he walk to the coffee table and make himself a coffee, than Angelica walk in she look at me like I'm a monster trying to still her brother she push through, "hey, sweetheart" Christina voice comping from the other side of the room "good morning to you too" I reply she throw me a warm smile and go to make breakfast "hello, hello, guess who here your boy Kol and Xavier" the two crackhead walk in with the most confident I have ever seen "you guy seriously need therapy" Holan say "true" I say he laugh "hey bitch" Leanna come in with the biggest smile and a laptop in her hand "hey, what you up to?" I ask she look at me and place the laptop on the table "so, I'm out of clothes and I want you to come shopping with me" she say excited I nod and she squeal "but we are going in person" she say and I look at her like she is crazy "what?" She ask "are you insane?" I ask "I already ask your brothers and you can just have confirm with Sebastian" she say more like begging "fine" I say and she hug me and walk out.

   After having my breakfast I go to check my closet and see what I need and don't. After that I went to training with Azul and Holan and The Carter already left they don't like good bye but I still say it anyway. now I'm about to knock on Sebastian office door to ask him about the shopping but I'm nervous but why amI nervous Idk.

  I bring the courage to knock on the door "come in" is all I hear I open and see Sebastian was so Focus on his work I walk up to the desk and he look up "what are you doing here?" He ask putting his pen down "are you free for like 5 mins" I say he nod and put the folder and his thing away I take a sit in front of the desk "I want to ask you if I can go shopping with Leanna?" I ask "no you are not going" he say I sigh "but please I-" "no that the answer" he cut me off

   I put the puppy dog eyes and he stare at me for a second and sigh "fine but you need to bring body guard" he say I smile "thank you" He nod and goes back to his work and I walk out excited

'See the baddest bitch get what she' yep you right I queal, time to break the new to Leanna and I know where to find her.

  After feel like hours of walking I finally make it to the other end of the mansion I open the door and she was sitting with laptop she saw me and stand up "so what did he say?" She ask "yes that what he say" I reply she grab my hand and jump "yayyyy" she stop jumping "so what you doing?" I ask "I can't fine the rest of the money" she say "alright let me help" I say and we sit down on the chair.

  Leanna is in charge of all the money in bank and she receive money every single day so she is a very busy person but she still make time for everyone.

Hi there
This chapter is just an opening to something way better and worse so stay tun to find out
Love you all and thank you for your times

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now