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Hello gorgeous

do you guys watch tvd if you do tell me your favourite character?

Ok, Enjoy😊

~Crystal Harrison POV~

   We all take our seats and the food was put in front of us, we did a quick pray. We start eating and a girl who look my age who is sitting across from me keep glaring at me for some reason she doesn't look impressed more than disgusted, I just ignore it.

"So, Sebastian are you going to introduce" a woman speak looking at Sebastian he looks up from his plate and nod "guy, this is Crystal Harrison" he states they look confused "so which one of you marry her?" the Men who sit next to the women who just speak.

"She-" Azul says I cut him off "I'm Crystal Andrea Amara Rose Harrison, short for Crystal Harrison, I'm the youngest of The Harrison, nice to meet you" I say with full confidence and a smile on my face they all stop and look at me "I remember they don't have a sister?" The girl who sits in front of me say more like a question "and besides there are only four of The Harrison" the women say with a smile that told me she is a competitive person, I return a smile "yes, that because you know only four but there is five" I started to make a point "how old are you?" She asks "I'm 21y/o, a couple of months younger than Kol" I answer the man beside look impressed "who are your, parents?" He asks with a smirk "my mom is Amethyst Harrison my dad is Benjamin Harrison"
"Ohh, so Amethyst has a Daughter, never would have thought," the women say I can tell she knows she lost to prove me wrong but impress at the same time.

"I'm Lorenzo and my wife Christina, my daughter Angelica and my three sons Kayden, Dominico and Enzo. We are the Carter we have our own mafia which also works The Gambino Empire" he introduced and also he looks proud to be saying that the boy looks around 15 to 20's years old. I smile and nod they are a beautiful family I got to admit.

I was talking to Mis Carter but she insist I call her Christina we were talking about how she met my dad and how my mom used to be her best friend but it didn't work out. "You are a good kid he would be proud" she says with a small smile "thank you, Christina It means a lot," I say proudly.

I feel a tap on my shoulder I turn around and see Sebastian with 2 champaign glasses in his hand he hand me one and I feel my eyebrow lif up in confusion "can I still her for a second?" He asks looking at Christina "of course, goes ahead" and walk away "can we talk?" He asks I nod "yeah" I say and we walk to the corner "I bring you here cuz I know it is necessary, there a ball is being hosted and every year, We would attend and I want to ask you something" I stay silent so he can continue "Would you be my date to the ball?" He asks I feel my heart flatter at the question "when will it be?" I ask "in two week" he says I nod "yes" I say smiling up at him "yes?" He ask to conform "yes, I would go with you" I stated.

There is an emotion flash in his eye but I don't know what it is "can I go now?" I ask pulling him out of his thought "go ahead" He nod and I give him a small smile.

I walk to where Holan was standing he was talking to the boys I think his name is Domanico and Enzo, "hey, can I still him for a bit?" I ask nicely he noded I pull my brother away.

"Do you know there is a ball being held?" I ask more like whispering but whatever "yeah why?" He asks looking confused "Sebastian ask me to go with him and you didn't tell me about it?" I say kinda Furious but also relief they tell me before 2 weeks "yeah he ask for my permission" he says with a chuckle at my expression I frown, "Hey guy, how is your evening going?" Mr Carter ask walking toward us "good" I say and Holan nod in agreement "So have you talk to Angelica yet?" He ask me "No I haven't" I turned my gaze around the room cuz he was not talking business with my brother.

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now