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You probably hate me after you read but trust me
I hate it too make my blood boil
Ok, Enjoy😊

~Crystal Harrison POV~

  *The day after kidnapping *

    I wake up to find my self so dizzy and in chain that was stuck to the wall with a big sweater on my self which have no clue where it's from and to make it's worse I'm lock in a cell with a small window on the top side next to the roof which I can't reach.

   I have been trying for around one and half hour and I'm tried with no water or foods, until I here the cell door open and a figure walk in I couldn't see his or her face but they come closer until there face hit the light turn on.

    He was tall, is so muscular that I don't thing he's a human, he look familiar but I can't picture where, He has brown eyes and a sharp jawline with smirk on his lip, he was wearing a white button up shirt and skinny Jean that was tusk in well.

      "Who are you? and what do you want?" I ask anger and scared but I hide it quickly "you probably know me, darling" he say smirk like a creep "I don't know you" I hiss at him "chill, that mouth of your might you kill" he say, that went I spot a gun in his hand.

     "I have two option" he say, I farrow my eyebrows "and all you have to do is choose one" he say squatting down and caressing my cheek "and what is that?" I ask

     "one, you just have to do what I ask" he say pull my chin up making me look straight in his eyes "or we will do it in the hard way, you can keep refusing and disobey, you'll get punishment" he say dropping my chin "pick" he say now holding a blade "what would If I pick that hard way?"

    My stupid head say and make him turn to me "do you want it, I can show you" raising an eyebrow at me I nod slowly "you are to gorgeous for that, princess" he say "why not pick the good one?" He ask "I will never work with someone who kidnapped me" I snap at him the blade is now touching my face "sad, no one care for you" he say smirking at me "they will come for me" I say in disgust.

    "We'll see" he say the blade start cutting slowly in to my arm "who are you?" I ask he use his finger and wipe my blood bring it to his mouth "sweet" he comment earning a glare from me "the name is Haze, sweetheart" my heart stop as soon at I hear that name.

   That mean I'm in Russia because the Haze I know and learn when I join The Gambino is the learner of the Russia mafia that has been fighting with the Italian mafia for so long and I'm supposed to escape this.

   "We are in Russia aren't we?" I ask earning an inpress look for Haze "smart, like they say" he smirk get dipper "now choose, I get very impatient"  he say more serious "no" I snap at him.

That make him walk towards me with a small blade and stab in my thigh, I bite my lip to not give him the satisfaction and a tear slip from my eyes "still no?" He ask right in my face, with his face full of rage "no" I hiss trying to control myself and ignore the pain, he goes to the table and grab another blade and start making cut on my other thigh and it's make me want to scream in pain but I bite my lip until I taste blood "still no?" He ask while doing it I was in so much pain that I just shook my head and he watch as another tear slip down my face, he grab his gun and shot the side of my stomach with hurt like a bitch but I ignore it and close my eyes keep bitting my lip until it's numb, I open my eyes after a couple of minutes, he come and pull the blade that he wrap in my thigh and he smirk when he see my face "enjoy" he say and left me to my pain.

I was in so much pain but keep silence cuz I know my family will come and get me but I have to survive first.

Than I close my eyes trying my best not to move and get hurt without knowing that I slowly passing out and I let the darkness consume me in.

~Sebastian William POV~

   It's has been 2 days since Crystal has been gone and We are planning to get her back, all her brother has been going crazy and we are all miserable.

   "Ready?" Holan ask, As I walk to the kitchen counter "yeah" I say taking a cup of water "we shouldn't have" he muttered "we are getting her back" I say and he look at me "see you in the morning" he say and walk out.

    "man, this bitch wasn't good" Xavier walk in "oh, hey, you okay?" He ask "where have you been?" I ask anger he hasn't been her on the one day that we need him "I was p-preparing" he shrug "really?" I ask, he's a bad liar "okay man I'm trying my best" he sign sitting on the stool "everything done?" I ask "yeah" he say rubbing his temple "night" I say and walk out of the room.

   I walk pass Leanna and Amella, and they look sad but put a smile when I walk pass, they has been not in there best shape but we are all trying, but failing miserably.

   I goes to my office and do my work, It's 11 at night and I'm still working, being a boss is not the best but when you see the suffering in my prey eyes make it's a little lest miserable.

    I work myself for hour until 3am in the morning I change into fresh clothes and head to the living room and like I expected everyone was there waiting for there day to start and fight for what our.

We all got into the cars and drown off to the airport to goes to Russia, last night I got an email from the bastard himself saying he has her and if we want her come to get her, so we are going to get her even it's cost us our life we are going.

We arrived after 6 hour and our bag goes straight to my house and we all take 2 hours to plan everything and make sure everything in place.

~Crystal Harrison POV~

I wake up at the same place and my body still hurt until the cell door open again revealing Haze with his smirk "look who still alive" he say siting in the chair in the room that was place there for him of course and I'm on the floor.

I look away "they here" he say and I look at him "what?" I say hearing clearly on what he say but still want prove "they are here to collect you" he say with his infamous smirk "than why are you here?" I ask "to have a chat" he say, and I know exactly where this is going "talk" I say and he raise his eyebrow "Have anyone tell you how fuckable you are?" He question with a smirk that I come to hate, I scoff "really?" I say, his smirk drop make me smile "yeah" he say walking towards me and with no warning he ripe of the sweater and that when I realize I had nothing under need "beautiful, let me have a taste" he start kissing my neck and down my chest.

But I wasn't impressed and it's make me feel uncomfortable and I hate it, his touch burn in a way that was not nice and the fact I was shot and he still try to rape me, make me feel disgusting and gross I just want to take shower and rub it all of.

I beg for him to stop but he didn't and keep going he stop and start unbuckle his belt but the door open and a man came in her look so familiar but I can't see his face "he here" he say and walk out, Haze turn to me "your lucky" he say and put the sweater I had on back in place, and walk out.

I feel disgusted by his actions and I want to take something to rub it's all of and never want to feel his touch again.

End of chapter
Sorry for not updating But I'm back so stay turn for more
Thank you for the waiting and for reading

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now