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~Sebastian William POV~

It been a week since Crystal has been back and we also are back at the compound or should I say home anyway I haven't had the courage to leave the house cuz I know Crystal will do thing she shouldn't be while I'm gone and I can't afford to lose her again.

I sound like a creep talking about my mate sister plus I found my self care for her when I never care for a girl beside my mother.

I haven't goes to see Haze, I probably should but I want to wait until Crystal a bit better before I go.

I'm in my office doing some work and it's almost lunch time, a knock planted on my door and a head peek in and that cute little smile make me a little less stress.

"I haven't said you could come in" I say and she sit on the chair right in front of mine

"but I have a question" she say, this girl make my stomach turn without doing anything

"what do you want, sweetheart?" I ask, when did I know to call a girl sweetheart!? "When will you go to your office?" She ask with that small smile

"I don't know yet, why?" I ask, looking at her eyes there so memorizing "I want to go with you" she said which surprises me "why do you want to go?" I say and she stand up.

"cuz I have been having nightmare and I want to stop but it's won't and I think if you let me make Haze suffer maybe my body can relax" she say now looking sad and I hate it.

Little did she know I haven't been able to sleep cuz I know that this was going to happen and every night I would goes to her room to make sure she is fine.

"Do you really want this?" I question, she nod and look away from me "I'll think about it but for now let get lunch" I say and she nod I stand up and grab her wrist "use your word, love" I say and she nod again, I want to hear her voice "I mean, yes" she say smiling at me.

We walk to the kitchen, I sit on the stool "what do you want?" She ask "what can you offer?" I ask her back "your supposed to answer" she said open the fridge and check, if I say she don't look hot I would be lying.

"hmm...we can have ravioli" she say taking all the different ingredients that I don't even know "yeah" I reply confuse, I had when in the kitchen but I don't know how to cook much I can make a good breakfast but definitely not what she was saying.

"We are making from scratch" she say taking a blow, all kind of them "are you sure? This isn't to much?" I say pointing out all the ingredients laying on the counter "yeah" she say.

She Separate the egg whites from the egg yolk "wanna help?" She say, now pouring all of the flour that what she say it way "sure?" I say now totally confuse, this is more than mafia work "come here" Motion me to go stand next to her.

I stand up and walk to where she standing "pour this in the hole I make" she say handing me the egg yolk "now go in with the fork" she say handing me a fork I start doing what ever I thing is right, she giggle "no that not how they do it" she say pushing me to the side.

She start wiping the egg and replacing the mess that I make, she was so Focus and it's truly something I love about her, when she focus she look like a goddess without even trying.

I'm truly lovesturck and I think I can't get away from this girl. I'm in deep shit, I stare at her beautiful face and it's adorable, I want her but I can't have her.

"Are you day dreaming?" Crystal ask laughing at me, I snap out my trance "no" I say now she has a dough, which I don't know how but it's look amazing.

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now