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Hello Cara (dear)so I kinda forgot to post

sorry about that

ok, Enjoy:)


~Crystal Harrison POV~

It has been a month since we have a movie night. I'm in training rn with Sebastian since that night I've been sleeping in his room cuz he say my room need to be move cuz when I first come they put my room on the other side of the house but now we are placing my room next to everyone room. I have also earned a place that was called The Inner Circle. Leanna has been a great friend she is amazing and I can't wait for this afternoon cuz we have a plan to go online shopping sine the boys don't trust us enough for us to go out alone and besides we have mission to complete.

I have regularly check Haze camera cuz I need to keep an update on my mother cuz If we are planning to kill her we need to keep an eye on her and I was the one to do that, things have been a lot harder than before since now I'm in The Inner Circle we have a lot of mission most of them involve hacking which make me light-headed a lots but me being me I ignore it.

''Alright we are done'' Sebastian said I nod and sit down which he sat next to me I grab my water bottle taking a drink ''How are you doing?'' He asks me ''huh?'' I raise my eyebrow in confusion ''I mean what is it like seeing your dead mom every day'' He asks looking straight at me ''oh that, I'm getting used to it'' I reply turning away from him.

It hard seeing my mother who I haven't seen in more than 2 years even though it's not face to face but It still feels hard. Mom used to tell me <never to keep any secret from the people you trust but if it's for good do it cuz you're a good person> I still remember that phrase like it yesterday.

I sigh and stand up ''I need a shower, I will see you later'' I say to Sebastian with a smile on my face He nod I give him one last glance and walk out the door I passed a few guards. I walk to Sebastian room and goes to the bathroom strip my clothe and hop in the shower, the water hit my body and It feels nice I do all the necessary thing like saving, wash my hair and some skincare after the shower I brush my teeth, put on a robe and goes to the closet to pick an outfit for the day I finally found an outfit that I was satisfied with.

her outfit (I think It the cutest outfit) what do you think?

   when out to the Hall bumping into a hard chest that I was too familiar with I look up and meet my brother ''Leo'' I put on a nervous smile and he looks at me and smirks as he caught me and yes he did he fold his arm ''Why are you ignoring me?''...

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when out to the Hall bumping into a hard chest that I was too familiar with I look up and meet my brother ''Leo'' I put on a nervous smile and he looks at me and smirks as he caught me and yes he did he fold his arm ''Why are you ignoring me?'' Leo birthday is coming up on the 6th of June which is around a month from now and I was trying to escape him so I can plan His birthday and mostly we would be together cuz everyone else was mostly busy and I have been making excuses to get away from him cuz I know he is noisy.

''No, no why would you say that I would never'' I smile at him He can see through the fake smile and he glare at me ''than why are you not where you say u are yesterday'' he asks and I try to avoid eye contact ''umm... Leanna needs my help so I help her then... Sebastian call me so yeah sorry and I'll see you later I have a lot of things to do'' I smile turning around trying to walk away but Before I can take any step he pull me over his shoulder ''PUT ME DOWN!'' I shout at him but he doesn't seem to care and keep walking into a room he set me down and lock the door.

He walk toward me and I was sitting on the bed and pout looking away from him and he smirks at that he was standing in front of me like he always uses to do when we fight he sit down next to me ''tell me what happen?'' He says hearing a bit sad in his voice ''nothing'' is all I say and turn to his face I can see the sadness in his eyes which I can't help but feel sorry for him.

'ughh you are so soft' that voice needs to be stopped

''Then why are you avoid me, did I do something wrong'' He asks ''No I was just sad cuz I was bringing you guy a lot of trouble and I hate doing that'' I say in a sad voice but It was Kinda true but IT still a lie and I don't want to lie ''Awww, come here'' He open his arm and pull me in a heart warning hug He's so sweet and you rarely see that side of him we stay for a while and he let go ''come on we can get some sweet if that makes you feel better'' he said holding his hand out with the sweetest smile plaster on his face and I nod taking his hand in mine I smile and we walk out Holding hand like the brother and sister.

We went to the kitchen and we walk in and I saw everyone there, Leanna was holding a cup, Holan is lost in thought, Sebastian is angry looking, Kol and Xavier Look worried they always joke around, Elijah has a small smirk on his face that you can barely see, Azul is on the phone I can't understand what is he saying 'he is speaking in Italian' at least your helpful for once I look at Leo and he has the same confused look as me.

''what going on?'' I ask worried everyone looks up at me Leo let go of my hand and I can see the shocked look on his face I think he understands what Azul was saying he walks toward Azul and Azul end the phone call ''è vero?''(is it true?) Leo asks ''sì lei è nel seminterrato''(yeah she is in the basement) Azul says and looks at me everyone is silent but I know they understand what Azul is saying ''is everything ok?'' I ask feeling confused I look at Sebastian and he has his head down ''Sebastian?'' I ask ''yeah?'' he looked up and says quickly ''look I don't know how to say this but Leanna can'' He say looking at Leanna.

Silent took over again no one says anything and there is no sound nothing 20 mins had passed ''guy?'' I say still standing at the same spot not knowing what to do ''It might be hard to say can tell me'' they all look up with a blank look Leanna walk up to me ''I think you should sit down for this'' She says guiding me to the couch everyone follows ''it's here'' it was all she said.


End of chapter

Hello love

Hope you like it Let me know?

if there is any problem please tell me

ok bye, see you next time :)


LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now