Chapter 62 * THE HAPPIEST MAN*

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Welcome back, we are closer to the end of our story and I feel sad but happy to let my character live there amazing life
Ok, Enjoy 😊

~Sebastian William POV~

      I wake up and see a beautifully Display body of my girlfriend sleeping under the duvet with only a tiny underwear on.

     The urge to disturb her and eat that body up like last night, she's so good and I love every bit of her.

     "Morning beautiful" I say and kiss her cheek "she open her eyes a little "what time is it?" She ask through those sexy voice that has scream my name last night "6am" I said "I'm not waking up" she said and flip on her chest revealing her red cheeks that I have slap so hard last night in her green underwear which barely cover anything.

    I slap it hard and she growl "stop it and let me sleep" she scream than pull my pillow and hug it, i chuckle at her cuteness, I wrap my arm around her and she let me, I pull her in to my bare chest.

   "I love you" I whisper in her ear which make her cheek glow pink, I chuckle and she try to cover it with the pillow "let me see it" I said and take the pillow away.

    She make her self comfortable in my arm and fall back asleep, her peaceful breathing and her soft skin with those gorgeous body, I love it all everything about this girl I love every inch of it.

   She sleep peacefully in my arm as much as I hate to admit it, I'm in love with this girl and I want her all to myself, last night make me angry for the fact she just sit on that motherfucker lap without my concern and he has the audacity to flirt with her so killing him was a great choice and her, yeah, last night she struggle cuz she deserves my punishment.

    "What are you thinking about?" Her sweet voice hit my ear, I turn for the window to her grey eyes "about you" I said and she blush "I love it when you blush" I said and her cheek get redder "I love you too" she said and smile, I grab her throat and kiss her.

    She moan into the kiss "gorgeous" I pull back "I've make an appointment today" I said and she look at me "you've been on too many deadly missions without my concern and is putting our princess in danger" I said and she look at the not yet to grow stomach "she's size of my pinky finger" she lift her hand, I chuckle.

    "We are going if you like it or not" I said and she sigh than put her forehead on mine "anything for you and our princess" she said with a smile "your so gorgeous" I said and cub her face.

    We relax a bit until someone knock on the door "can I come in?" Hola yell on the other side of the door "you motherfucker get the fuck out" i growl and he laugh "will be there in a minute" Crystal yell and there foot step disappear down the hall.

    "That was close" she said and peck my lip before grabbing her robe and put it on and walk to the bathroom, after 30 minutes she's finally found an outfit and 30 more minutes for her to get ready.

     "What do you think?" She give me a twirl for me "gorgeous" I smile and she giggle than take my hand as we walk out.

     "I'm so nervous" she said as we walk down the hallway "why?" I ask "cuz I don't know what she's gonna say" she whine "if not I will kill her" I smile and she turn to me with an angry face, she hit my arm "your not killing her" she say and take her hand away from mine "okay, okay, fine" I say and take her hand than kiss it "sorry" I said and we continue walking.

     We reach the meeting room and I sit down with Crystal in my lap, than I notice Azul and Alice is chatting with there hand in lock "what is he doing?" I whisper to Crystal whose just swinging her leg "don't ruin the moment" she whisper back "but that my sister" I said angry but she just shake her head "no,no,no, if you even dare to say a word I will kill you" she said and I sigh.

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