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~ Crystal Harrison POV~

    A knock on my door, I don't care and the door open, I had my head in my hand "Crystal..." a voice call out, the door open "hey" Azul said and walk toward me "don't touch me" I said as he try to put his arm around me.

"I know your mad but we need to talk it out" he said "talk?" I ask "talk" he said, he managed to get me out ignoring all the mess in my room.

I walk in the living room and Seb was there, he saw me and was about to hug me but I put my hand up "don't" I warn and walk pass him to the single couch.

"You were pregnant?" Leanna ask "hmm" I hum "and you didn't tell us?" She continued asking "yeah" Seb said and I look at him "you can't be mad at me forever" he said toward me "really?" I ask "after what you did?!" I ask in frustration.

"You know I didn't mean it" he say "no one shout at me not even you" I said and he sigh "I'll do anything" he said more like begging "sure?" I ask and he quickly nod.

"Take me to the club you own" I said and he nod "yes anything else" he said "don't touch me unless, I said so" I said and he nod "yes" he said "yes?" I ask "yes, madam" he said and Kol gasp.

"Your wipe my boy" Holan pat his back "I'm sorry for your miscarriages" Amella said and sit down next to me "you could have told me" Leanna said and take my hand in her "never keep a secret like that from us" she said, I nod.

"It's new year in 3 hours what do we want to do?" Xavier ask "let have some fun" I suggest "not after we get that whole mess up" Isadora shake her head and grab my hand dragging me to my room.

"Don't" I said and she sigh knowing what I've done in there "okay" she said and we went to Leanna room "okay, let get you fix up" she said and we start working.

     After 30 minutes, I'm done and I goes to the mirror and see a different person, not the Crystal whose weak and sensitive whose needs daddy help, I see a strong women whose has been make to be a boss, she's been through hell but now she's goin...

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After 30 minutes, I'm done and I goes to the mirror and see a different person, not the Crystal whose weak and sensitive whose needs daddy help, I see a strong women whose has been make to be a boss, she's been through hell but now she's going to make the best of it.

I tune around and see Isadora change too "you look amazing" she said and I smile, pulling her into a hug with no word "thank you" that the only thing I can say, I pull back "Don't you cry or it's ruin my masterpiece" she hiss at me, I quickly contain myself.

"Ready?" She smirk "ready, let burst tonight open" I said and we both walk out with the most confident in the world, I walk in the living room and all the yes are on us, than Isadora walk to Xavier and he kiss her, I was surprised.

Now all eyes are on me, Seb walk up but keep his distance "you look...gorgeous" he said and but his lip, I see his struggle and giggle "thank you" I said and he growl "your lucky I can't touch you"
He said "kiss me stupid" I said and he attacks me with kisses.

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now