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I love you
Now smile for me
Cheeses 'take a picture'
Good you look fabulous today 😉

~Crystal Harrison POV~

I walk up half naked in Seb bed, gosh my body are so sore but it's so worth it, I look to my left and Seb was sleeping soundlessly and peaceful near me, he's so handsome.

How did I manage to have such a handsome boyfriend, I giggle and kiss his nose, he growl and pull me closer to his chest filling the gap between us.

"Come on get up" I roll my eyes playfully and cubbing his face "five more minutes darling" he growl with his morning sexy voice "you alway say that" I say and he burry his face in my neck.

"Maybe I don't want to leave" he deep voice unleash the butterflies in my stomach going crazy and true me it work every time, suddenly I feel a sharp pain and I was about puke so I get up and run to the bathroom, I throw myself on the toilet and puke my gut out.

    Seb sit up as soon as I run to the bathroom he look confused and worried, he get up and run to my side "baby, are you okay?" He ask, worry, I stop and wash my mouth with warm water as he rub my back.

    "I'm fine" I say and he nod "are you sure?" He ask, worried in his eyes "yeah, just morning sickness" I smile and he pull me into a hug "good" he whisper and walk back into the room.

    After we get ready I head down stair hand in hand with Seb, I sit down on the couch and Seb goes to sit next to Elijah talking business "hey, can you come here" Leanna said sweetly and hand me a cup of coffee, I nod and stand up walking with her to Hers and Holan room.

    I sit down on the bed and she walk to get something in the bathroom, she came out with a pregnancy test "what wrong? Are you okay?" I ask, worried and she start crying "it's okay" I say and pull her into a hug.

    "What does it say?" I ask and she hand it to me, I flip it over and you guess it, positive with a 3 week plus, I smile and look at her crying face "we have a mini Harrison living in there" I smile and point at her belly "I promise if Holan or any of my brothers reject this baby, I will take it as my own" I smile and hold her hand as she cry even more.

I pull her into a hug and she cry on my shoulder, after a long quiet sob and silent hit, I sigh and she just lay on my shoulder as I hug her.

"How am I supposed to tell him?" She suddenly ask "when your ready" I said "if he say no, I will kick his ass" I say and she chuckle.

"Now, you need rest" I say and she pull away "get your self some rest and I will take care of the rest" I say and tug her into bed and hold her hand for a little while until she fall asleep.

I went outside and call Seb
"Hey, darling what up?"
"Hi, handsome where are you?"
"I'm at the office"
"I'll be there soon"
"Okay, love you, bye"
Wait what did his just said!!!

I look at the phone in surprise and shock but feel happy when I heard it, the word just came out of his mouth.

I can't leave him hanging, so I open message and type 'I love you too" with heart emoji and send, he check and send me a kissy face, I smile and close my phone.

"Hey, little sis" Kol said make me jump and sigh as he look at me suspicious "h-hi" I shutter, I slip my phone into my pocket "what was that?" He ask, crossing his arm "nothing" I smile and he give me a I'm-not-so-sure-about-that look "okay" he say and pull my hand.

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now