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Hi love

what are you doing?

me: disaster cuz I forget to write my lesson no my teacher mad

Oh and I'm going to leave some note so no one feel lonely

tbh I'm just lonely 😥

ok enjoy the chapter😘


~Crystal POV~

I'm sitting in front of the most dangerous man in the world how am I not scared he's so calm the silence is killing me fuck what am I supposed to say there is a lot of tension in the room we just sit there locking our eyes with each other I don't know what this man wants from me but one side of me want to back out but the other side wants to stay my head is fighting.

I can't let my brother down or can back down because I make my choice I want her dead I don't want her anymore why? That is all I can say she has been a great mother but why did she leave I don't exactly know how to kill but there is someone who knows the girl that lives inside my head she can take over my body but I don't want my mother to suffer.

''I'm getting inpatient'' Sebastian's voice break me from my thought ''sorry'' I explain damn this man give me butterfly ''are you sure you want to kill her'' he asks raising an eyebrow ''yeah, can you give a laptop I can create a plan on there'' I ask he hands me a laptop and I start working after 15min of working I finish.

I hand him the computer he takes a look and I can see a little emotion across his eye but I still can't figure it out he looks at me and the computer ''explain I don't speak code'' he look at me and raise an eyebrow I sigh and take the computer from his handset it down I start replacing the code with the word I thing he would understand and hand it back to him ''use your word crystal'' he says more like a demand ''it for the best'' I answer, he nod as a realize he take a look and hand the computer to me '' I can send it to you if you want'' he didn't answer but I just want to get out of here so I did and he looks at me ''why?'' he looks angry '' because you can make the plan'' I look at him with hope in my eye ''I only ask to be the one who kill her that all'' He look at me and sigh ''okay'' that all he say and goes back to working on his computer.

I can't feel anything but anger and sad I just want to lay in bed all day but I can't do that I need to be strong If I want to kill my mother.

'yeah kill that bitch' the voice says I mean she's right

I just can't tell anyone yet, for now, I need to train I want to this life is so new to me but I'm trying to adapt to. But he is so handsome though why is he so cold he has a black soul is it a bad thing?

'bitch he hot that all that matter' that voice ughhh I just want to rip it out my head but I can't your lucky Bitch I need to man up I guess it's my time to shine.

I was just sitting there in front of him and board aren't he board of always working I want to ask but didn't ''can I go now?'' I whine He looks up and smirks at me is he crazy I farrow my eyebrow ''what?'' I ask ''you look board'' He says and keep doing his job Is this man serious is he going to keep me here forever that my phone buzz I check and see it a text.

My big brother: Are you done? I'm bored of waiting. HURRY UP

Crystal: Yeah me too but he won't let me leave

My big brother: ughhhh just make an excuse or something

Crystal: fine I'm coming

I look up from my phone and see Sebastian staring at me ''Who are you texting?'' he asks curiously ''No one'' I lie but I can see he knows I lie to him ''can I go now?'' I whine again but this time I make sure to put on a puppy face He was about to answer but my phone buzz


I take a look and before I can do anything Sebastian snatch the phone out of my hand I frown and he takes a look ''you make plans and didn't tell me'' He so dramatic ''no I didn't make the plan Holan did'' I deny ''Fine since you are so eager to go you have to sleep in my room tonight and you can go now'' He says and the smirk appear again this times even bigger ''what?'' I ask and he hands me my phone I scoff and walkout ''enjoy'' He yells behind me ugh I hate this man so much.

'don't lie bitch you just call him hot like 10 mins ago' the voice spoke again ughhh now I'm angrier than I already am.

I walk to the Hacking room I enter and saw Kol and Holan fighting over a pack of candy I can't control my laugh and It escapes my mouth I bust out laughing they look like children both of them stop and look at me ''what are you laughing at?'' Holan ask and Kol took that time to snatch the candy from Holan and run out of the room yelling ''thank you Crystal'' I'm still laughing until Holan look so angry and rip another package open. I stop laughing ''sorry'' I say smiling at him and look a bit lest angry.

'haha the bitch almost die' that voice I will kill you if I have to

I sit down and pull out a pack of gummy we start doing hacking and it was fun we laugh and smile I think we play around a little too much. ''you know that was funny'' Holan say laughing I join him I check the times and see it was 6 in the evening ''are you hungry?'' I ask him ''yeah let go, cupcake'' he says standing up and yes cupcake is the new nickname he gives me I don't mind.

we walk down the hall and bump into Leo and Kol we walk together and have a little chat with we laugh and we get to the dining room I saw a girls who I don't know and a couple of men my brothers seen to know them and they hug and shack hand I saw Sebastian sitting on the end of the table as always I walk up to Azul and he hug me I smile at him and sit down Azul was on my right and a girl who looks about my age.

''hi, I'm Leanna'' she smiles and I return the smile ''I'm Crystal'' ''My sister'' Azul add she hug me that was unexpected but I hug her back ''so nice to finally meet you'' she squeal ''How about we eat?'' Leo says and everyone starts digging in.

The food was good I talk with a couple of people who work with my brother and Sebastian they were cold yeah mafia man they never show their emotion I also get to know Leanna more she will be here for a long time so I guess it nice having another girl around.

I'm taking a shower right now in Sebastian room cuz he force me to ughhh I hate him I walk out and saw him on the bed shirtless reading a book as soon as I open the door he look up and saw me in a rope ''what?'' I ask he just returns to his book I want to the closet and put on pajamas walking back in the room and hop into bed as soon as my head hit the pillow I fall asleep I was tired before the darkness can consume me I feel a warm arm around my waist pull me back into a hard chest I know who it is and I don't mind.


End of Chapter

Hello your girl is happy for once yeah tbh I'm quite happy my mood swing is bad I know

Just a daily reminder

That you are the best out of the best so Love your self

ok cya 👋

Update: ok I need to stop with the hug from behind thing that happen like three night in a row😅

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now