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Good day mate
I have been crazy out of my mind reasonably and that's also the reason why I write this book is because I want to help you guys, maybe take your mind off of things for a bit.
Ok, Enjoy😊

~Crystal Harrison POV~

   "God this is so hard" I say trying to run after Azul and Kol they are so fast I can't keep up "you better get used to it" Kol scream at me and smirk, I scoff and stop at the bench I sit down trying to catch my breath.

  Currently, we are outside in the garden doing laps around the bushes me, Azul and Kol. I was behind because I was tired this is my first day of doing laps with them and I'm already tired but they've done this every day so I pretty much won't catch up any time soon.

    I hear a scream I look up and see Kol jump onto Azul arm and scream. I laugh and run over there "what" I say trying to control my laugh everyone came outside so fast, he points at a bush and saw a baby water snake aww he so cute I bent down and pick it up it didn't bite me it just scared I stop laughing.

    "aww, what are you doing here, buddy" I say carrying him I hear Angelica scream when she saw the snake in my hand. "Dude she speaks to a snake" Kol say getting off Azul "Put it down" Holan demand I know he doesn't like snakes so I walk to him and back away "come on it not going to bit it just a water snake" he back away one more time I giggle at him he so scared "put it down" Sebastian say behind me "can we to the lake cuz If you don't than it will die" I say turn to him with puppy eyes.

   "don't do that face" he said seriously "please" I say now everyone is looking at us, he sigh and give in "fine but I will go with you" He said trying to stay strong "okay I start walking earning a glare from Angelica and a proud face from Leanna and impress look from everyone else.

   He follows me to the back of the garden and I look at him seeing he was already looking at me "put it down now" he says I sigh not wanting to let go I sit down and place the snake in the water and swim away happy I give it a little wave and smile. "Ok we can go now" we walk back and I saw everyone was in the kitchen eating I wash my hand and start eating.

   Sebastian sits in his chair and when he's about to put the food in his mouth "I thought you are not going to eat" Angelica voice come from behind "yeah, but not with you" Sebastian say my eye widen damn I don't think he like her. She scoffs and starts eating, after eating Leo walk into the room.

    "Remember yesterday" he says with a big grin "yes I remember" I say sarcastically "here" he brings a laptop and set it in front of me on the table everyone looks confused "fine" I open the laptop and start typing "name" I ask him "Amella Fallon" he says my eye widens once again "wow, now I know the, reasons" I say he smirk and wiggle his eyebrow "here, that is where it at" I point at the map in the computer his smirk get bigger.

    "what are you guy up to?" Sebastian ask "nothing" I say, "you say I will know today so tell me, going on?" He is right but not yet "I didn't say a Pacific time" I say giving him a smile I put the map into my phone. "See you outside" Leo grin, he grabs the computer and walk out "I need a shower" I stand up "you better text me when you know" Kol yell at me "I know" I yell back. They are so eager in everything I do.

   I take a shower change into something comfy but look good, I grab my purse and run downstairs.

*Crystal Outfit*(the blazer she stole from Sebastian)

*Crystal Outfit*(the blazer she stole from Sebastian)

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LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now