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Hallow Hallow 

do you, guy, watch tvd?🧛‍♀️🧛‍♂️

me: yes but I'm considering watching it again cuz I'm bored

anyway, this chapter is a bit psycho 

ok, I'm out, Enjoy;)


~Crystal Harrison POV~

    I'm in shock I don't know what to say I'm speechless overwhelm, scared and most of all I don't want to feel the pain but it is back to the pain of when my mother died. When I was broken when everything was so hard to fight when all I can think of is the plan when I want to kill my mother and not just that it will be my first kill. This woman who raised me with care and love.

 how can I betray her like that? 

Maybe I'm not her daughter? 

Does she even deserve the title of a mother?

 'How about you stop stressing and let me handle this' the voice say yeah maybe you do a better job at this.

   Sebastian and Azul when to get the guard and weapon, Holan and Elijah when to set the ballroom cuz they think it would be easy so everyone can be there and I won't be an attack, Leo, Kol and Xavier when to see my mom and take her to the ballroom while me and Leanna just sit in silence in the living room not that I don't want to talk It cuz I can't seem to get any word out.

   ''We are done'' I hear Sebastian voice booming coming in the room he walk in with all his grocery and a gun in his hands which he hands me one ''are you ready?'' he asks me ''yeah'' I say in a lazy tone, I, Leanna, Azul and Sebastian.

   They open the door and there are about 20 guards and everyone was there I walk in last in the center of the room on the chair is my so-called mother sitting. I walk up to her and she look up her mouth gasp open as she saw me ''oh dear, what are you doing here?'' She says shock by her sweet voice that I have been wanting to hear for so long

'long time no see mother' my subconscious say she right it been long.

   My brothers look disgusted and the rest look calm ''am I suppose to ask you that?'' I finally can get a word out ''what you are my daughter can I care about you?'' She asks like she doesn't know anything ''you die leaving me, and you promise you will be there forever'' I say ''dear I'm sorry but I have to'' she said trying to make me change my mind ''you always say your sorry when done something wrong and I always fail for it I always forgive you but this time it different'' I say anger raise in the side of me she sops teardrop from her eye ''you lie to me the biggest mistake you can make and you did you left ma with a dad who was so sad and broken because of you do you know what you did to him he never forgive himself and me I have to watch everything come crashing down is that what you had to do BREAK US!'' I shout in her face with tears falling down my face.

   ''I have to your father will kill me if I don't'' she say with hope in her eye ''why? Why would you fake your own death? YOU COULD HAVE JUST TAKE ME WITH YOU'' I take a step back and Azul catch me in his arm ''it's okay'' he whispers in my ear. He let go ''you were with dad worse enemy why?'' I ask ''cuz I love his father'' she says looking away I bit my lip ''you could have told me'' I say softly so she would listen ''It don't work that way'' she mumbles ''mom, looks at me do you see this person that you use to take care of and always think of you first and would take a 100 bullet for you and you would pick a guy who has been trying to kill every piece of you just to destroy dad is that what you want'' I ask nicely because she is still my mother and she raises me with respect ''yeah cuz love makes you crazy'' she says in disgust.

   ''I've been watching you every day with your so call son Haze, you treat him way better than you treat me but If that what you want then I also want something from you as well'' I say wiping the tear off my face and pull the gun out of my pocket she gasps ''what are you doing?'' she asks I can feel fear from her voice ''ha, doing you a favor'' I say smirking ''you would do that right I'm your mother'' she says referring to herself ''aww is someone scared'' I say and than ask the guard to bring a chair I put the chair in front of my mother chair a few feet from her I cross my leg ''I have always wanted to talk face to face with my mother now since you are not going anywhere I will take my sweet times'' I say smiling.

   ''what do you want to talk about?'' she says sifting in her seat to get comfortable ''let start with how did you not love dad and stay with him for 25 years?'' I ask ''it was an arrange marriage your father love me and I have pretended to love him but I never did'' she say simple as that ''so what is different between Haze and me?'' I ask feeling a pit in my stomach ''Haze understand and he knows everything he has always been loved by me you, you are your father and whatever your father own I never like nor love I never like your grandmother and I don't want to be in the Italian mafia anyway'' she says feeling guilty ''first of all, my father never own me Second of all I never know my Grandmother and why did you fake your own dead?'' I ask trying to hold my tear but I can't let her see my weakness ''because If I don't your father will find me and I don't want to be found'' she said looking down ''ok I'm done'' I say standing up and walk to Sebastian ''are you sure you can do this?'' He asks pulling me into a hug I nod ''thank'' I whisper He give me a small smile.

   Kol hand me a gun and I when to stand right in front of my mother she looks frightened ''what are you doing?'' she says and her eye widen I point the gun to her head and lean back in the chair trying to escape ''finishing what you had started'' I say with no emotion in my eye nor face ''Crystal you don't want this'' she said trying to bribe me to listen to her but I'm not that dump ''do me a favor say hi to dad for me and see you in hell'' with a smirk on my face I shoot the gun right into her heart and the next one in her head I watch as her body become lifeless and it just a human body I drop the gun and step back.

   ''Crystal, are you ok?'' Leanna ask I turn to her she looks very worried ''yeah'' I say and walk out of the room everyone watch as I walk out just like that I have killed my mother for good have I done the right thing 'yeah you have you did it'' that voice has been so nice to me 'ok maybe no one can be mean 24/7 dur' I can feel my subconscious rolling their eye at me and the voice.

   I smile (I'm broken inside) and goes to the kitchen I grab a snack and walk to the living room turn on a movie and watch I can hear footsteps coming in the room and I earn so gasp and chuckle. I turn around and I saw everyone standing there like they have seen a ghost Xavier and Kol come and sit beside me ''that my sister'' he give me a high five ''you did good'' Xavier complement and still my popcorn I roll my eye ''come on guys the girl ok'' Kol say and everyone sits down ''How are you not crying?'' Holan ask I shrug ''don't know'' I say and go back to my movie. 


End of chapter 

Hello again 

now that the Crystal I'm talking about and don't worry she won't turn into a psychopath 

Cuz my girl is in control this time 

thank you for your times

love you😘


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