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Hello friend
How your mental health? Has you get to rest yet? Did you sleep? Did you eat?
I want to check up on you cuz you deserve it
Now you do what you have to do!!!
But not before reading this 😅
Ok, Enjoy 😊

~Crystal Harrison POV~

I wake up to find my bed empty, I get up and head to the bathroom taking my shower and goes to the kitchen.

As usual everyone there and Seb we sitting on the top of the table, I walk to him as everyone eyes were on me "I won't be home or the office for the day so can I have the car key" I ask, putting my hand out "your not going alone" he say refuse to give me the car key "and your not coming" I say "you promise" he reply "just give me the car key please" I ask "no" he say "fine" I say and grab his gun that was on his waist band and walk out.

I went to the shooting range in the house and start shooting the target like a mad man.

~Sebastian William POV~

She grab my gun and walk out, I watch as she walk out anger at me, I make her mad, I destroy it Fuck me "what happen?" Holan ask "she want to get out of here" I say as Azul look at me like I'm insane "like where? Back to New York?" He ask "what do you think?" I ask him "I mean our father grave is there she can go visit or find her friends that she left there, many possibility that she can do" he say "hmm".

I hum drinking my coffee "go after her" Leo said "how am I supposed to go after her if I can't even keep my promise!" I say and throw my glass on the floor "your scared, you never follow rule" Kol say and chuckle, I glare daring him as he stop.

"Fuck this" I say and walk out to find her and I don't know where she would go this is a big house how am I supposed to find her.

I take out my phone and track her and it's say in her room I run as fast as I can to get there and find it empty but her phone on the dresser.

"Fuck Crystal where are you?" I curse, I walk around the house like a mad man trying to find my girl no where to be found where is she?

I pick up my phone "search the whole house and find Crystal" I shout in the phone and guarded start walking around the place.

20min later I goes to the shooting range to hear sound of gun shot I pull my back up gun and walk slowly in to see she shooting with tear down her eyes and the fact she don't even flinch.

"Baby..." I calmly say as she jump and point the gun at me "calm down" I raise my hand, to be honest I have never been a fear of gun or a gun to my head but here I am in front of a gun fearing that If I do something stupid I will lost her forever.

"What do you want?" She angry said and put the gun down "just checking up on you" I say walking toward her "just get out" she say pushing my chest away, I pull her in my arm and she push me away.

"I don't need you" she say, my heart stop at the word fly out of her mouth like it's not going to hurt a fly, but it did and it hurt me "darling listen to me" I pull her face to face me "I need you, to be here with me please" I say as she sigh, closing her eyes and I kiss her forehead "don't say that again promise me" I say at her as she nod "I want to hear you say it" I said to her "I won't say that again" her sweet voice make me smile and hug her tiny body.

"Gorgeous" I say and she wrap her small arm around my waist, placing her head on my chest "can I go?" She ask "no" I say and she pull away "than why you here" she ask "to give you this" I hold out the car key, she smile and was about to grab it but I put it higher and higher watching her jump trying to get it but fail miserably, I chuckle.

"Give it to me that please" she whine, her beg make me go crazy I want to hear it all day "come on" I put the car key back in my poker receiving a glare from her but she walk out the door as I follow with a smirk.

"To where?" She ask "to the kitchen" I answer taking her hand in mine, with lock perfectly "for what?" She ask "you haven't eaten" I say "fine" she say and we walk together down the hall.

I already inform the guarded she's found and they goes back to there usual way of work.

I walk in first and Crystal follow after, Stefano, his wife and daughter was sitting there.

"Don't you have anything to do?" I ask sitting down and Crystal smile at her food "we need to talk" Stefano said "about what?" Crystal ask "about yesterday" Christina say while holding her daughter hand "oh, if your scared that I might come after you, don't be cuz I don't a fly....just yet" she say crossing her leg and staring at them like the boss she is.

I smirk at her sentence "we want to-" "no need, I have enough of though" Crystal cut Stefano off saying and looking at Angela "right?" She ask "you do know she younger but you still hurt her" Christina say glaring at Crystal "she is but I don't define age, if I want I will do it, watch me" she say now her face is cold as ice.

"We to step on egg Shell around you" Stefano reply, Crystal stand up with an anger face "you come here and make me think that you were a good person but instead yesterday I see the real you the one who manipulate people plus you come and destroy my family, so if you are actually sorry your daughter should be saying that!!" She point and raise her voice .

"But I guess she to precious to apologize to anyone" She add I grab her hand before she loss control over her self, and she sit back down "or maybe you just want my boyfriend" Crystal said staring at Angela, she froze at Crystal word "B-boyfriend" Angela said "you heard me" Crystal say with a slide smirk.

"So you two are dating" Christina say, and giggle "yeah" Crystal reply "honey, he don't date" Christina say as Angela giggle, Crystal turn to me "I do date who told you that" I say as they look at me "but-" "no no, i don't want you here so get out" I grit my teeth "what?..." Angela say "but you like me not her" she protest "who say I do?" I ask, she scoff and run out her mother give a disgusted face and run out after her.

Stefano stay "I'm sorry about them but I know we can't fix anything, tomorrow we going back, and Crystal I know how it is, I'm sorry for not listening to you first and I hope you can't some day" he say give both of us a nod and walk out.

"That was sarcastic" Crystal mutter but I pull her face toward me and I smirk "what?" She ask "you call your what again" I ask, wanting to here it one more time "My boyfriend" she tease "your going to regret that later" I smirk as she just roll her eyes playfully and eating her food.


I was working and the door open, Crystal walk in with a lazy mood.

She climb on my lap and hug me "can I have a hug?" She ask, this girl don't know what she's doing to me "your already hugging me darling" I say as I wrap my arm around her and she snuggle closer "better" she sigh, I laugh.

I have never thought that one day I would be having a girlfriend and be love by anyone beside my mother, Crystal remind me of my sweet caring mother whose alway there for me even when I had my first kill.

Crystal warm make me feel like home and the way she treat everyone around is just as caring as my mom, Crystal is smart, caring, loving, have a personality that no one can match, she can snap her finger and just like that she turn from sweet to cold as ice.

Her emotions switch is amazing and even better than I can do.

And don't get me started with that gorgeous body and the cute and innocent face, the moment she was naked in front of me for the first time I was shook to the core, she was gorgeous and all her flaw were not fake to me but perfection through my eyes.

I use to have one night stand or call one of the slut from my club and make them do all the job but after that one night I had with her, I knew I can't go back and no one can match her even if she never have done any of it before, I still have the best night of my life.

I'm going to keep her no matter what it take, I will do anything to see her happy and her gorgeous smile.

'My girl, Mine and only mine'

End of chapter
I feel like I'm on the moon writing this in silent
Tbh he has my whole heart 😅

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now