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~Crystal Harrison~

I wake up and turn around to see no one was beside me where is Sebastian I sit up and look around to see no one I look around and my eye catch a piece of a note on the bedside table it was small I take it and open I will see you soon SB that was all it says who SB I think for a moment than it clicks Sebastian he writes it for me I was still sitting on the bed and the door open I saw a lady walk in she has a nice smile on her face ''Good morning Miss Harrison'' she says with the sweetest smile she was carrying a tray full of food.

''Good morning'' I say nicely she set the tray on the nightstand and look at me ''Master told me to tell you not to go out and he will be back soon'' she says and left before I can say anything I frown and look at the food there was a pack of gummy on the tray and I know exactly who that from I smile and get off the bed I walk into the bathroom I brush my teeth wash my face and sit on the bed I put the tray on my lap and start eating I feel betray even tho he didn't do anything and just left me is this love? I finish my food and when to the bathroom and take a shower after that I went back to the bed and I saw a laptop on the bed I sit down and open it.

It looks like the same computer that I use to hack I find some games and play for a bit but I get bored quickly so I just sit there staring at the screen then I realize that Sebastian says their book in the drawer I open it and the book is still there for some reason I feel excited and pick a book and start reading.


We are in the meeting room and I can only hear silent ''what is this for?'' I get very impatient so I'm kinda angry rn ''Haze is going around trying to hack everyone'' Elijah say ''How did we not know about this?'' Holan said ''well, it Haze he trying to get to you but I heard he can't do anything cuz your system is secured quite well'' he said raising his eyebrow I give him a smirk feeling satisfied she did a good job Kol look shocked and impress I can see Elijah curious face cuz everyone look very happy ''How?'' Elijah ask ''well that a secret and secret were never mean to reveal'' Azul say smirking ''try hacking into Haze system'' Xavier say and Holan bring a computer and he was doing something on it ''WHAT?'' he shouts ''what happens?'' Leo say standing up we all walk to HoIan ''there's no way'' Holan say the computer says error and it wouldn't work ''How? did you do this?'' I say to Elijah he shacks his head I can see he's not lying

''Get Crystal'' Kol says to me ''NO!!'' I say ''Dude we need her'' Holan say in frustration ''Fine'' I say and rush out of the room as soon as I was standing in front of the bedroom and I never feel more nervous.

I slowly open the door and head in I say she was Reading and smiling at the book what is she reading? she so cute. She looks up and as soon as she saw me she put the book down ''what are you doing here?'' she says tilling her head ''we need you'' she stands up and she is just adorable I walk up to her and take her hand and pulling her close to me I can do this all day Ughhh Sebastian get a grip I snap out my thought and we walk out holding hand we walk in silent I release her hand and she walks beside me we reach the meeting room I open the door hearing screaming from Leo and Xavier as soon as they saw her they calm down Elijah look impressed and looking her up and down I walk in and sit down ''what a pressure to meet you my lady'' he says walking up to her she back up and he stops ''you look a bit afraid'' He says I can see he trying to keep his cool

~Crystal Harrison~

This man is creepy Holan walk up and grip my hand pulling me next to him ''what are you think you're doing'' he says the man back away ''come on I need your help'' he says and we walk to his computer ''sit, and take a look'' I sit and examine the computer ''this is a fake screen'' I say looking up and he sits next to me ''How?'' he says moving the mouth I do my thing and he looks confused ''this screen is useful to protect the document from getting hack so you need to do double the work'' I say that creepy guy look impress ''interesting'' he says ''Crystal this is Elijah and Elijah this is the Harrison Sister'' Sebastian say ''well look like a smart one to me'' I keep hacking and I screen at what I saw the screen Holan hugs he tight and they all rush to us ''there no way'' I say shacky voice.

End of chapter

Hello, ladies and gentlemen & boys and girls I want to say thank you to 40 people who have read these imaginary stories that I've been in my head for so long. I hope you enjoy it tell me how I did? and thank you for your time I will see you tomorrow for my next chapter have a great day and night everyone.<3

Update: this chapter make my heart beat faster for no reason😁

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now