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Hey guys
This is the chapter I have been waiting to wirte so please read it!!!

~Crystal Harrison POV~

"Guy, I won't be home today" Dominico say we nod and he left, he say he want to meet a friends.

We sit are sitting in the kitchen haveing breakfast, after I have a long run but it was acully just 30mins, I take a shower and come to breakfast.

Last night we talk laugh and I get to meet new people but Sebastian don't really like it, Azul have been comforting me cuz of what happen last night, I remember telling Azul about my bestfriends and I show him a couple of picture so he know why and what happen last night, no one notise anything so that great.

"Hey, I was thinking if we can go shopping?" Leanna ask me the 50th time she have been for 15mins now and I don't want to do it so I say no, before I can answer miss pretty here say something I wasn't expected "yeah she will, but can I join" Amella ask I stop eating and look at her she shruge "yayyy, and yes you can" excited Leanna walk away "why would you say that" I ask her "just to get her away" she shruge again "for what?" I ask "it was getting annoying" she put her plate in the sink "fine that fair" I say finishing my pancake "see you later" she say wave at me I smile.

*a couple hour later*

"Come on you can do it" Kol exclaim "ughh, stop" annoying Kayden say, we are in the gameing room, they drag me with them, Kol, Xavier, Kayden and Enzo, I'm watching them play while Enzo eat all my food "stop eating my food" I say he turn to me "it good" Enzo shrug I scoff at them, "dude you keep dieing give me that remote" Kol say and snatch the remote from Kayden he pout

Kol and Kayden is on the floor me and Enzo sit on the couch on top of them, they don't mind. "So, when are you going back?" I ask Enzo "umm, after Leon birthday since mom want tostay for it" he reply "hey, past me the candy" kayden look up at me I hand him the tray he stuff his face in it.

The door open and Holan and Azul walk in with an are you serious? Face "what?" I ask "we have been looking for you guy for ages?" Holan raise his hand in surrendered "for what?" I raise my eyebrow "fo the birthday party" he 'opp' I laugh nevously and Kol close the game and we all scratch our head because we all forgot "yeah, we will go soon" Enzo trying to feel the awkard ib the room I nod "than hurry up" Azul say and they walk out without saying another word.

"Opp, I totally forgot" I say we all stand up and rush out the room, I went to Amella room and open the door as soon as I did they all mad at me I simle awkardly at them "you bitch where have you been?" Leanna say loudly more lik screaming "I was..umm...doing stuff" I say with a smile she groan and keep wrapping the present "now hurry up" Amella say picking so stuff up "yep" I say walking to an empty place and sit down I grap my present and start wrapping 'man they are mad at you' yeah they are not happy. We wrap in silent.

Me and the girl already shop for the decoration and we already write a list for them so they can decorated because the boys is more stronger than us and they can climb up to decorate the ceilings and we can so we decided to take over the present and wrap them and also get some cake and some other decoration that we need.

"Here wrap this one so can you do it" Leanna past me a big present I nod and wrap it, after 1 and a half we finally finish I was so exhausted so I lay on the bed like a starfish looking up at the ceiling while the girls put the present into the closet to Leo can't find them we all were exhausted so we can so they lay on the bean bag while I'm on the bed on our phone.

Than I got a text from Dominico
Dominico: hey, so I know you are cloes to Sebastian and I want you to help me ask him if I can bring a friends over for dinner
Crystal: so you want me to ask him for you?
Dominico: yes
Crystal: do you want a yes or no
Dominico: yes obviously🙄
Crystal: ok see you at dinner😉
Dominico: bye

Ok now I have a mission to go on "guy I will be right back" I say getting of the bed "hmm" Leanna hum not even looking at me.

I walk down the hall way to Sebastian office I don't know if he is going to be in there or not but hopefully he is there cuz I don't want to find him and this house is huge so not a good idea.

I knock on the door and hear nothing than I heard a bang on the wall I panick and just barge in I see Sebastian pung the wall and he has a gun in his hand, when he hear the door open he point the gum at me I gasp he step closer and figuer it me and lower the gun.

He walk yp to me and pull he in a hug I was stund but hug him back becuase I know somethime thing can be hard and you just need a hug, like when I need one and he was there, we stand there for a long while just smell each other fragrant.

for once he don't feel tence when he touch me, I feel safe next to him and when he hug me sometime I don't want to let go, though I know he like to play around with girl heart yet I still have feeling for him.

He release me from the hug and walked back to his desk and sit down on the chair he held his head in his hand, I walk up to him, he look up and I meet those beautiful hazel eyes that I love "let me see that" I say pointing at his nuckle he move his hand away "you have to let me clean it at least" I say looking straght at him "it's fine" he say looking away "you aren't suppose to see that" he say "I'm use to outbursts now so it's fine and you need to get that clean" I say he look back and me and I put my hand out he put his on my hand and examine his knuckle.

"Do you have a first aid kid any where?" I ask looking back at him and see his was already looking at my face, he point at the draw nex to my leg I open it and see a frist aid kid I pull it out set it on his desk and start cleaning his blood.

"Why were you here?" He ask "becuase I want to ask you someting" I say not takeing my eyes of his knukle "what do you want to ask?" He say examine my face "Dominico say he want to birng a friend over for dinner amd since he not here he want me to ask you?" I say takeing a glance at him "what do you think?" He ask me "I think you should let him" I say throwing the cloth that I used to clean his blood with a way into the trash can and looked straight at him "than he should come" he say suprise me a little "really?" I ask "yeah" he say "than I should get going" I say I turn aroumd and he grab my wristand turn me back around to face him "what do you have to go?" He ask smirking "I have a party to plan" I say "can I come?" He ask I farrow my eyesbrow "I thought you not a fan of party" I say notieceing our face were so close "who say" he say I smile "Idk" and he let me go "thank, Dr. Crystal" he say "your welcome, Mr. William" he simle I notice and stop "wait, did you just smile" i say he look at me "I just make you simle" I say he smile again.

"I have never feel more accomplished than this" I say more to myself "so your comeing" I ask before closeing the door he nod and stand up I walk ou he close the door behind him and goes to the party room. I open the door and see a messy room with the boy trying to fix it "what going on here?" I ask they all turn to me and start laughing "don't be mad but we mess up" Holan say "what do you mean mess up?" I ask walking in Sebastian follow "you guy are lucky it me and not Leanna" I say looking at the mess they create "what are suppose to do" Xavier wince "never plan a party in my life" kayden add.

Hello love
So the party is a mess and I feel bad for Leo, and beside it mafia men not a party planing crew so that make sence.
Ok, Cya👋

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now