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Warning!!! This chapter consist of having violent hard core!!!
So if you know you can't handle please skip it
You have been warn!!
Ok, Enjoy 😊

~Crystal Harrison POV~

      Everyone is silent and the tension in the air is way worse than before, I sit next to Azul and Seb, we reach the place after 20 minutes, the guard went into position and before I was about to walk out to my spot, Azul grab my arm and drag me farther into the wood.

      "What are you doing!?" I ask and yank my hand out of his grip, he turn around "promise me you will come back alive" he say, his voice is broken and about to break "I will" I say and he pull me into a hug he hold me tight and let me go but put his hand on each side of my shoulder.

      "We can't lose you" he say and glance behind me, he sigh and stand straight, I turn and see Seb standing there, Azul kiss my head and walk back.

     "I know you don't want me to do this" I say and he nod with a angry face "if you know than why you do it" he say cold "because that what I have to do" I say and he looks at me with a cold face "you better come back to me" he say and cross his arm "a bitch like me won't die" I say and walk brush him but he grab my arm and yank me back.

     "Don't walk away from me" he say and pin me to a tree near by "I will if I have to" I say "your mine" he say aggressively, he grab my throat making me look at him straight in his eyes.

    "I can't lose you, I lose everything but not you" he say and kiss me aggressively and hungrily like he has never eaten in weeks, he go down to my throat and I throw my head back, a soft moan escape my lip.

    "See what that pretty mouth did" he say, smirking "only for you" I say and he lean in to my ear "stay alive and I'm not letting you go" he whisper and pull back.

    He let go and I walk brush him wiping my lip, I walk to pass our guard at the gate that tell me everything in position, I walk up to the front down and as soon as her guard saw me they point there gun at me.

    "Who are you?" One of them question "I want to meet Isa" I say and there eyes widen "who are you?" The other guys ask, I sigh and roll my eyes, I reach for my back pocket and take my gun out before anything happen I shoot both of them dead through the heart.

    I chuckle and turn around I see Seb smirking from the bush, I wink and walk to the door, I put my hand to my ear piece "password" I say and Holan reply "Harrison 2.0" he has to put our name, I quickly punch in the code and open the big door, all gun point to me and I raise my hand.

    "Chill" I say and a man walk out, the last man I expected, Jack Havier, "long time no see" he say smirking at me, my smile when upside down, I stare at him up and down "you like what you see sweetheart" he question and taking step toward me.

     I didn't back away, he was close he look down and brush a hair out of my face tucking it behind my ear "your as pretty as I remember" he whisper "come with me...I will take care of you...I can you the best life you will ever want" he say slowly cubbing my face and lift my chin up to meet his eyes "I know you love me...all you got to do is ask" he say, his eyes is soft, the same pair of eyes I use to fall for but not this time.

    I decide the best way is to play along "what if I say no?" I ask and he lick his lip "than I will have you either way cuz your mine" he say, wrong answer buddy, I smirk and slowly sneaking my arm down my thigh, I feel the gun and smile at him as he was distracted, I slowly pull the gun out it lock and quickly lift it to his chin with my other hand taking a blade and pin it to his heart.

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now