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Crystal Harison

My life was perfect until I found out I lost the most caring person in my life, I feel empty and numb. I never feel this way.

''I going to make a call I'll be back ok?'' My uncle asks me I just give him a nod to let him know I don't want to talk.

My father passed away yesterday he was the only one who loves me and takes care of me when I'm hurt or alone and when my mom was gone they say she got shot in the head but we never know what had happened until today we never know who had shot her but now I'm actually alone no one is there for me anymore.

I was so lost in my thought that I don't even know that my uncle was calling me so I look up at him but then a tall man in a black suit dark brown hair and brown eyes walk in I don't know who it was but that 3 more men walk in, they look like brothers they have a similar feature.

One of them hugged me ''our father is gone'' in a sad tone, that was all he said but it confused me why does he call my father our father? I was the only child.

''what?'' I ask, more confused, than a guy with brown hair and walking up to me '' sit down crystal '' he says how did he know my name? But I do as he asks then we all sit down.

''Do you know us?'' The guy who hugs me ask me ''I don't know you or what is happening RN'' I say in confusion'' we are your stepbrother'' a guy with a deep voice say he has black hair with the grey eye I thought I was an only child.

''How? I'm an only child last time I check I never have a brother or sister'' I say, trying to prove them wrong ''stepbrother, we don't have the same mom but we do have the same dad so that makes us step-siblings'' the same guy say calmly to me'' so why are you here?'' I ask them

''We are here to complete and finish what father has started'' the guy in the white shirt say

   '' what has he started?'' I ask with a curious tone

   ''First of all, I'm Azul Harrison''the guy who hugs me say I give him a nod

    ''I'm Kol Harison'' the guy in the white shirt says I also give him a nod

     ''I'm Leon Harison but call me Leo'' the deep voice, black hair guy say I give him a nod too

    ''I'm Holan Harison''said the guy who has been looking at me since he walks in I give him a nod too.

    ''over family has a family business have you ever heard of the mafia?'' Kol ask me raising his voice I kinda got a shiver down my spine but I chose to ignore it

     ''yes, I heard about it in the movie'' I answer ''but this is serious not movies, it in real-life our father has this thing when you turn 21 y/o, he will tell you about all this since our father past away we will take you in and teach you how to be one of us'' Holan finally says something after staring at me for a while I was shocked.

End of chapter one

Author note

I hope you guys like the first chapter it has been great creating it I will see you tomorrow for the next chapter. Love you <3

This chapter so perfectly plan


LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now