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~Crystal Harrison~

I went into the bathroom and take a shower, around 20 mins I finish and put on a blue dress.

then I just sit on the bed and wait for Sebastian, I feel wired being around him I mean he's handsome and a mafia leader but he just makes me feel full like I can't be around him and the way he does everything is just so attractive. 

I heard the door open and I saw Sebastian wearing a new blue suit that looks like what he usually wear but it looks so good on him.

he signals me to go out the door, I stand up and walk to the door Sebastian close the door behind him and walk in front of me. 

Silent follows us that we take a couple of turns and we were standing in front of 2 large doors Sebastian twists the handle and we enter it was a very large dining room with a big kitchen. I saw Azul talking to Leo and Kol opening the fridge while Holan is nowhere to be found

 ''there no food'' Kol complain 

''I'll get the chef'' Leo say with an annoying voice and stand up and walk into the kitchen to look like the corner that leads to somewhere he walks in and I take a seat next to Azul I take a glance and she Sebastian sitting on the end of the table

''what are you doing with Sebastian?'' Azul whisper to me 

''I can't find the way to my bedroom and back here how do you think I got here'' I whisper back, he looks a bit offended

 ''oh'' he says, Kol sit down and look at Sebastian.

 ''what next?'' he asks Sebastian, before he can answer Leo walk in with a chef and 2 waiters holding 5 plates of food they set it in front of all of us it looks good I can't wait to eat it 

''what do you like doing, Crystal?'' Sebastian ask me as I look up to see everyone looking at me 

''working'' I answer

 ''ánything in particular?'' Azul said trying to get a more detailed answer

 ''well hacking does that count?'' I say to see Kol stuffing food into his mouth 

''yeah but anything else?'' Leo says I think for a little bit 

''I like reading books learn new things'' I say before taking a bite and it was so good.

''that to normal'' Kol add 

''hi guys, sorry I'm late'' I heard Holan voice as he sits down next to Kol 

''did you get anything?'' Sebastian asks, drinking his wine

 ''He did say he was the one who is undercover and they're planing to take something that is valuable to you'' Holan say and eat his food 

''like what?'' Sebastian ask 

''your empire?'' Holan say mocking Sebastian  

''that not happening'' Sebastian answer with full confidence 

''well thing for your self'' Holan say

 ''so Crystal what is dad really like?'' leo asked

 ''well he was nice and caring he sometimes get really mad and only mom can stop him'' I say

 ''your lucky''Kol say, with a smie

 ''not really after what happens'' I said, i looked down

 ''when did your mom die?'' Azul ask in a tone that I don't know what it was but I kinda sound serious 

''2 years ago'' answer shortly.

''do you know what happen'' Sebastian ask, looking concern for me 

''they say she was shot but we never find out who'' I answer kinda feel sad

 ''she was shot...'' Leo says drifting off

 ''isn't that what happens?'' I ask how did he know? I have so many questions rn

 ''her neck was snap and when she dies they shot her to make it look like someone shot her'' I gape and look at Kol as he shrugs like what he just said was nothing, tear forming in my eyes but I won't let it fall. 

'' how about your mother?'' I ask as Azul look at me

 ''she's dead'' Holan said angrily I kinda get scared

 ''I'm sorry'' I say lowering my voice

 ''it's not your fail'' Sebastian say as we all finish our food in silence.

End of Chapter

Hi lady&gentalmen and girl&boy, I hope you like it so far I really try to make it short but I just can't I'm sorry but I got the good news I have a name for you guys now so let me make this a bit presentable. Can I call you guy my Gummy bear? If you like it, answer in the comment and if you don't, you can suggest some nickname that I can call you or you prefer for me to call you anyway how did I do? And thank you for spending your time here with me see you tomorrow for my next chapter have a great day/night everyone. <3

Update: If you have brother I'm jealous of you

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now