Chapter 63 *REVEAL*

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I'm going to cry myself to sleep but you, Enjoy 😊

~Crystal Harrison POV~

Me and Seb have sex last night and i'm not happy so I distracted myself with him and work many hour.

Seb is still asleep next to me hugging me from behind as I'm awake for 2 hours now doing nothing just staring at the wall, I'm almost ready to announce to my family that I'm pregnant but it's all went into a dump.

I've make a copy of the paper that said I was injected with some chemical to make me Lost my baby, I don't know how but it's responsible because I've been on many dangerous missions since I found out I have the baby, this week is the last week of the year.

Today is new year eve and everyone have been happy about it but not me, I feel alone and vulnerable to even excited for anything, I want to keep its a secret only me and Seb knows that we lost our baby.

I keep blaming myself for the lost, I hate myself for letting all this things happen to the one I love I'm supposed to protect everyone around me I was raise to be a fighter not a failure.

I feel ashamed and I wonder what my dad would think of me, he's would be so disappointed of me right now.

"Morning baby" Seb sleepy voice grab me out of my thought "morning" I smile and turn to face him "why are you awake before me?" He ask and look at me with the handsome face of his "can't sleep" I shrug "why didn't you tell me?" He ask furrow his eyebrow.

"I don't want to wake you" i said, it's true "your thinking of it, didn't you?" He ask, I fight the urge of denying it "I want her back" I say and tear start to form, he chuckle "you don't even know the gender yet you still call it a girl" he say and wipe the tear from my eyes.

I chuckle through the tear "I lost so many people but don't want to lose her and I did, I'm so stupid" I say and he wipe my eyes and bring my eyes toward him "we did but I already kill him" He said and my eyes widen "how do you know?" I ask "do you think I'm going to let my pregnant wife to go on a dangerous mission without my concern, I hate when you sit on that disgust bastard lap" he say and his eyes if full of rage.

"I know I hate him too but we have too" I say and he pull me closer "but your mine, your body is mine to touch, those lip are mine to kiss, those eyes are mine to look at and I'm your all of it, my heart and soul" he said and I smile a little "I love you" I said and he kiss me "I love you too gorgeous" he said agent my lip setting my butterflies goes all around my body.

We get up and get ready for the day "good morning" Leanna said excitedly "morning sis" I wink at her and Holan smirk "I like it" he said and eat his egg "when am I going to join the club" Amella pout and Leo look at me with widen eyes, I laugh "brother, I think it's time" Azul pat Leo back and he smile cheekily.

"Hey, I need water" Kol walk in with his arm around Xavier, they have way to much for last night and Isadora and Alex walk in as well, they all have way to much "morning family" Xavier said and embrace me "eww, you smell like alcohol" I said and he walk away pouting.

"Here my special, drunk recovery heartbreak" Leanna said and hand them each a glass with something inside "what the hell?" Holan said "don't worry honey, it's just my special ingredient for when I'm drunk" she smile and walk to the table.

I sit in Seb lap as he hug me "gorgeous" he said "handsome" I said and he smirk "oh, I just realize it's News year eve" Xavier said and sit down with his plate.

     "Wow" Leanna said "I didn't realize it's been that long" she say in surprise and Holan chuckle "it's been a great year" Azul said and sit down with a huge smile on his face.

    "Guys" Isadora said getting our attention "we are leaving tomorrow" Alex said with a sad smile "damnit, why so soon?" I ask and drink my water "mom and dad are waiting" Isadora said, Alex and Isadora is not related but they live together as a family cuz Alex lost his family since birth.

    "Tell them I miss them" I said and they laugh "you don't know how much they remember you" Isadora chuckle "well maybe one day I'll visit" I said "that a promise" Alex said "fair" I said and we have our lunch.

     I got out the house to the bride wedding dress shop with Leanna, Amella, Isadora and myself, I drive the car while we all have our concert in the car.

Leanna and Holan want to have there wedding at February but we all know everyone here is stubborn and can't wait so I managed to make them have there wedding on the 20th of January.

    Now here we are going to get a dress, this is going to be a long day.


     After 5hours everyone exhausted and want to eat than sleep, so I drive home, Leanna fall asleep on the seat and Isadora and Amella is asleep on each other in the back seat.

   I drive in peace and quiet, I miss Seb, I wish he was with us, I want to hug him and stay in his arm forever, I know I sound clingy but who care he's mine and that all that matter.

   After 10mins of my fast driving, we reach home, I turn to engine off and turn to the three sleepy head "WE ARE HOME" I shout and they all jump up awake "what happen!!!??" Leanna question and I burst out laughing "bro, you scared me" Isadora said and roll her eyes "it's not funny" Amella pout and look at Leanna "I will kill you" Leanna said and I chuckle.

    "You can't kill your own sister" I tease "fine but I can't promise I won't cut Holan dick off" she said and get out, I turn to Amella whose eyes were widen as big as a basket ball.

    We burst out laughing and got off the car still laughing like crazy and Leanna smiling "it's was fun" Isadora said as we walk in the living room.

    The boys were chatting, Seb saw me and run pick me up "I miss you" he say and I kiss him "bro, not in front of me" Leo said but kiss Amella "eww, not in front of Me" I mock Leo glare at me.

    "Miss you too, handsome" I say and peck his lip, he smile and put me down "Crystal..." Azul walk in with a paper, I immediately recognize the paper that he was carrying "what is this?" He ask, look at me, Seb and I just froze in our spot looking at him.

    "Is this true?" He ask, I'm lose of word and I open my mouth to speak but nothing came out so I close it, Seb snatch the paper from his hand and look at me "you make a copy?" He ask me, I slowly nod "what we're you thinking" he shout and tear fall from my eyes, he rip the paper into shred and walk off.

    "What was that?" Azul ask, I shake my head and fall on the couch, all the pain rush back to my chest and it's ache badly than before, I cry for the first time I feel empty everything drain from my body.

     "Aren't you going to talk about it?" Azul ask and I look up and see every is staring at me, I shake my head and wipe my tear off "it my life you don't get to control it" I turn it off again, I stand up with a straight face and walk to my room.

    Every pain I've ever feel rush out and I scream, cry throw everything in my room, I shoot gun, I throw my dagger and thrash the whole place, I cry and fall on the rip couch in pain.

    It's been hours since everything happens, I don't want to face him or anyone, I want to be alone, it's New Year's Eve and I'm spending it alone.

End of chapter
Hi, beautiful
I'm here to congratulate you on being close to ending this book, I know it's sad, I shed some tears too so it's not only you.
Cya 👋🏻

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