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Hello so this is where y'all will hate me so I'm not going to say anything
Ok, Enjoy😊
~mystery person POV~

   "Did you get her location?" I said "yes, sir" he said "good, she will be mine and the whole company will fall in my hand" I said with a smirk.

   It's has been too long that I have Destroy thing and show people what I'm capable of, and I can already feel the power in my hand.

   They will drop and I will be the one who win this game will be over and people will know my name.

  "You look happy for once" one of my mate said "you know the game has been going on for too long but sadly I will have to end it so it's a good start" I say they laugh and we enjoy our times with champagne.

~Crystal Harrison POV~

  "Hey is this outfit, ok?" I ask Amella "yeah, you look good" She say I smile "which one?" Leanna ask raiseing two outfit "left" I said "right" Amella said and we look at each other and start laughing "come on" Leanna whine "why you pick it yourself?" Amella  said "can you see we can pick" I said "fine" she say walking back to the bathroom.

   In the morning I wake up and I didn't see Sebastian and I just Ignore it cuz I know he don't like sleeping even when he's tired, we have been picking outfit for a good 30mins now and Leanna can't choose one which is now kinda normal.

  "Do you like it?" Leanna said I look up "girl didn't you just show us two different outfits and came out with a very different one?" I ask she put her hand on her head "I thought this look better" she said "yeah you look fine" Amella said and we grab our bag and head out the door.

   On our way we were stop by Holan and Leo, I left the two love birds to deal with each other I walk to the front door and saw Sebastian standing and folding his arm looking at me "hi?" I said "there will be body guard follow you everywhere you three go" he say I frown "why can't I just go alone" I whine "it's dangerous" he say, I sigh and walk to the car and was grab by two large hand pulling me back "thank for last night" he whisper in my ear and walk off I was stund but it make me blush I alway admired his dark voice and it affects me all the time he use it.

   I walk to the car and see two jeep fill with body guard behind Leanna car which is annoying.

*three hours later*

   "You done?" I ask Amella who just finishing up in the dressing room "wait" she said "I'll be back I need to grab something" I say "okay" she say.

   I walk to the drugstore and goes inside and of course there were two guard following me and they wait outside cuz I have to buy tampons, I was in the woman section when a guy come out of no where and stand behind me with his back turn to me I was confuse and suspicious but shook it off.

   I grab the thing I need and when I was about to walk out a hand grab mine and I turn around seeing the same guy "what are you doing?" I ask He nod and a needle was strap in my throat, I can feel why ever they inject me with and I was standing like normal "it didn't work?" The guy say still holding my hand "you will..." I said and than I pass out.

   ~Leanna Scott POV~

   "Hey, where Crystal?" I ask Amella "oh She said she have grab some stuff" she reply "oh did she went alone?" I ask "no" I nod cuz I know she would have bring bodyguards.

   Me and Amella when out to some more different store to try on clothes but now I'm really worry about Crystal It has been 30mins and she haven't come back.

LOVESTRUCK /BY Neath/;)Where stories live. Discover now