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A couple of hours ago (she arrive)

~Sebastion William pov~

    I was so mad so I kill finishing him off, he doesn't deserve my time as his blood goes all over my suit I signal my man to clean it up and I walk upstairs I don't have time to change so I just rush to the front door. just in time to see my man are back.

   ''Dove la ragazza'' [translate: where is the girl? ], I ask Holan, he one of my most trusted men as I can say a friend. I can see there Azul, Leo and Kol walk up behind him with a girl I can't really see her but she is quite short or because we are tall so it makes her look short. Azul put her told me she looks scared but try to hide it.

 ''What your name?'' I ask

 ''it's crystal'' she says shyly, I look at Leo

 ''I need a shower, bring her to her room I'll dear with this later'' I say and just walk away.

    I hurry up to my room and take my clothes off and hop in the shower I can see the water turning red as the blood that came off of me when I close my eyes I saw an image of Crystal I don't know why but I feel like she is different than other girls maybe it cuz it my mate sister but she, not just a girl she is beautiful I have never seen any women like her. I shake of my thought and get dresses.

I head out of the room and walk to where Crystal is staying, I open the door to see that she was reading a book and she look like was enjoying the book. I sit at the corner of the bed as she looks up and back away ''enjoy the book?'' I ask coldly 

''yeah'' she doesn't look pleased to see me. Silent took over and we just stare at each other eyes 

''what's your name?'' she asks as I can see she regret it intently 

''Sebastian William'' I answer, her eyes widen at my word I think she knows who I am.

We have a small conversation and I walkout

I went to the living room to see the boy there I sat down Leo look at me ''what's wrong man?'' he asks 

''that girl their something about her but Idk what'' I say curious 

''did you test her skill?'' he asks when I can see Holan looking at me

 ''she looks beautiful and our sister why wouldn't he be curious'' Holan says to Leo, I give him a glare as he chuckles and turns on the TV.

''she just hacks into Haze security camera with 5 mins, we try for months that can not be normal she has something that a normal person doesn't have'' I say, everyone looks at me in a shock expression 

''what? There is no way''  Kol say

 ''you want proof?'' he nods I take out the laptop that she hacks and I show them Holan look like he has seen a ghost

 ''happy?'' I ask

 ''this is a mad skill I've been trying to learn this skill for years and can never do it'' Holan say still shock 

''I told you she something worth it, no one believes me'' Azul said and chuckle at everyone Holan give him a glare. 

''Now what?'' I ask 

''the only thing left is to teach her how to defend her self'' he says 

''ok, I'm heading to bed'' they nod and I walk off to my room as soon as I got there I head to bed.

End of chapter

Hi lady&gentalmen and boy&gril, I'm so happy for all the views that I got and I'm so grateful for all of you I will continue to write this story for you and also this is my first attempt to write Sebastian pov. Let me know how I did and thank you for your time see you tomorrow for my next chapter have a great day/night everyone. <3

Update: I was so nervous so I ask you guy hope that you like it😅


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