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I'm sorry for doing this but here you go anyway but I promise that it's will me Worth it
Ok, I enjoy😊

~Sebastian William POV~

I'm siting outside the door of Elijah room, the hospital that I own just for this type of thing happen, where there is doctor and surgeons making sure he live because he was shot near his heart we have no clue what are going to happen after this it's been 2hour and no one has come out just more go in.

Holan and Azul when out to find the shooter which Crystal had found not long ago while we wait outside.

There no information from Holan and Azul neither did Elijah and we are worried.

The doctor came out and Crystal rush to him as I follow "Is he okay?" She quickly ask "yes, just he's a mini coma" the doctor say "but he will be okay right?" She ask "we don't know that yet, unless he wake up" the doctor say, I nod and he walk off.

Crystal fall back in her chair, and tear start flowing out of her eyes, it's broke me to see her like that, she cry for the very first time I have actually feel bad to see someone cry.

I sit beside her and pull her to my lap as she cry in my shoulder, I let her and her tear soak my blazer but who care, she sob and I pull her face to look at me now she face me.

"he will be okay, we will kill who ever hurt him" I say, looking at her beautiful face "w-what if he won't survive" she say "he will now stop crying or your going to kill me" I say and wipe her tear.

She called down a little but still hugging me with her head in the cell of my neck until Kol and Xavier come in trough the door "what happen?" He ask, sitting down beside us "he in a coma" I say and he clenched his teeth "that bitch" he cruse under his breath.

Crystal pull away and sit back in her chair, just lost in her mind, Kol and Xavier stay while the other is out for the look out for this girl.

The doctor transferred Elijah to a room, as we follow, after a while they are done and Crystal rush in the room.

Elijah look the most helpless that I have ever seen him he was so stress and he has thing Connect to his arm and a monitor next to him where we can see her breathing.

Crystal sit on the chair beside him and pick up his hand in her "I know you can hear me" she say, looking at his State is the worse thing she has ever see anything "I want you to come back" she say and we stay silent.

    We sit in silent for hour that feel like minutes until I decided to check my phone I check the time and it's already 3am in the morning, I slip my phone back in my poker.

    "Crystal, it's 3am let go home, you need rest" I say and walk to her putting my hand on her shoulder "I don't want to" she said, just looking at Elijah like what she was doing for the pass hour.

     "you need rest" Kol say looking up from his phone "no" she said now taking my hand off her shoulder "Crystal, do you think he want you to do this" Xavier say trying to knock some sense into her "you want this the hard way or the easy way" I say as she sigh "fine, but as soon as he wake up you need to tell me" she say and stand up giving Elijah a forehead kiss and look at me "okay" I lie I hate my self now she nod and walk out I give the two a nod and I follow her.

     She was sad yet still as strong as she is I take my blazer off and put us around her while walking to the car, it's start to get cold outside since it's November, we get into the car and I drove off to the mansion "hungry?" I ask, she shake her head and I nod keep drive, I put my hand over her and hold it there with one hand on the wheel and other on her hand which was place on her thigh.

     We reach home and I when to open the door for her and we head inside, Holan, Azul, Leo, Leanna and Amella were there waiting as soon as Leanna saw Crystal she came and hug her "are you okay?" Leanna ask Crystal, she managed to put a smile on her face "yes, I'm okay" Crystal reply.

    "did you find them?" I ask the boy receiving a head shake in disappointment "well she put the system back on" Crystal say sitting on the couch "why though?" Holan ask "idk that What I'm trying to find out" Crystal reply I sit beside her.

    "how was he shot" Crystal ask "Elijah was coming out of the warehouse and a gun shot was heard I ran outside there he was unconscious and all the guard were trying to find who fire the shot" Leo explain "I need tea" Amella say and walk to the kitchen.

     "no one can get into or next to our inner circle unless they work for someone who as powerful as Haze just to have the gut to fight with us" Crystal said "I know maybe Haze story not over yet" Azul said as Amella come back in with a tray of tea "chill out" she set it on the table and everyone grab a cup except me and Holan we don't like tea.

     Crystal take a sip of her tea "what tea is this it good" Crystal say taking another sip "the one you pick out" Amella say "oh, that one" Crystal reply "want some" Crystal hand me her cup I take it from her hand and drink it it tastes like flower but fresh "what do you thing?" She say taking the cup back "not bad" I say, she nod and turn back to the other.

     who looking at us like we are crazy with there eyes narrow and other raise there eyebrow "what?" Crystal ask as they snap out of there weird tran "you never like tea" Holan say and everyone agree "so what" I snap I knew they can see it the way Crystal can make me do thing I don't normally do "and not when it's not your cup" Leo add Crystal slightly blush, I glare and they all just look away "so about what we were saying" Azul say.

     We talk and discuss about things as a group and we speak freely, we make joke and just talk, laugh like a family.

    A family that I never had and it's weird to feel this amazing having a conversation like this I have never feel more safe and myself in a long time until I met Crystal the girl who bring this family together.

    She get us to talk have party become close as we can say friends and make us feel like home make us feel safe and make this whole mafia life a lot easier.

    she has this thing where she like to celebrate even the little thing we achieve and not to mention before I met her we have no emotion show we don't talk unless it's Business or mafia stuff and this place that we now call home use to be our hiding spot from the world and now it's a home cozy and comfy and everyone can speak freely even the maid and guard smile when they see Crystal walk past or make joke though they still keep the straight face when I'm around but yet I notice everyone getting comfortable with her and she is the flower of our life.

    Before Crystal show up this place use to be a hiding spot from the world outside and we alway have the no emotion show as a rule we don't talk unless it's business or mafia stuff we alway on our best guard ready to fight at anytime and women is just a toy to us maid and guard are just the people with no feelings and there life doesn't matter to us and now.

     "Come on you need rest" I say to Crystal she has been watch murder mystery almost the whole day and now it's 7 in the afternoon "no" she shake her head and keep watch, I have no choice but to grab the remote on her lap and turn the slide off "why?" She ask now turning to me.

    "because sweetheart you need sleep and I'm not allowing you to have sleepless night" I say cupping her face she pout "please" she say with those puppy eyes "no" I try not to break because of her cute face "please" she say and I have enough so I put her over my shoulder and walk out she hit my back and struggle yo get off shouting everywhere.

    Until I get to her room and put her on the bed I lock the door and walk to her sitting with her arm cross and a angry face that was the cutest thing I've ever saw "I'm not tried" she say and I drag her under the cover and I change my clothes and hop in next to her "stop whining and go to sleep" I say pulling the duvet on me and her.

  I try making her goes to bed and it took me one fucking hour to do that, This girl is fucking with my head and driving me nut and I can't do anything about it because of that face she has on and every time I see it, it's melt my heart, work every time.

End of chapter
Somebody grumpy and in love 😏
Thank you for taking your precious time to read my book it's mean the world to me and I can't thank you enough. Love you 💜

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